CSIR Mock Test series
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CSIR NET Mock Tests Series 2022

CSIR NET Exam is around the corner and what you need right now is more & more revision & practice. Biotecnika experts have compiled a set of 5 Mock test question papers to help you practice CSIR NET exam-type questions. Very less time left for the CSIR NET September exam, and we are not sure if the Dec exam will take place. So do not let the guards down and wait for the next CSIR NET exam. Grab the opportunity which is in front of you. If you have not filled out the CSIR NET application form, do it immediately. Use this precious time to revise & Practice more & more so that this year the JRF or LS Top rank is yours.

We at Biotecnika are all charged up and in full JOSH, JUNOON & RAFTAAR, and so are our students. We are not wasting time waiting for the exam notification. Instead, we are preparing for the battle harder.

We know there are loads of Online Mock test series available everywhere. Still, the joy & satisfaction of practicing questions using a simple question paper format, either as a soft copy on your mobile

or a printout, is most reassuring & boosts confidence. So on public demand, Presenting CSIR NET Mock test paper PDFs to help you practice questions on the go.

What is CSIR NET Mobile Mock Test Series 2022 & How To Use It?

  1. Comprises of 5 Mock test question papers
  2. The question paper will be based on the CSIR NET Exam Pattern, Including PART A, B & C.
  3. We suggest you download the paper on your mobile or laptop & Practice questions in your comfort. Keep a pen & paper ready and try to solve the questions rather than just marking the answers. It will help you recall & retain concepts faster.
  4. You can also take a printout & practice the questions, + make notes along with this for quick revision later.
  5. For answer key & discussion, join our classes to benefit the most.

For aspirants looking for Online mock test series, we have good news. We will be coming up with a weekly online mock test series exclusively for CSIR NET aspirants so that you can practice more & more, and that too unlimited no of times. STAY TUNED! 

Fill Up The Form Below To Download CSIR NET Mock Test Papers

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Perfection is her hobby, Reliability is a synonym, Editing is her passion, Excellence is her Goal, Tactfulness is in her genes, Yellow is her Fav color. Preety is the name of the Professional on whom entire BioTecNika relies when it comes to its website. A Gold Medalist in Biotech from SRM University, Chennai with a 9.9 CGPA ( was awarded the Gold Medal by Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi , as seen in the pic ), She decided to join forces with BioTecNika to ensure India's largest BioSciences Portal expands its reach to every city in India. She has redesigned the new avatar of BioTecNika from scratch and heads the most dynamic, vibrant and well informed Online Team at Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt Ltd


  1. I can not fill the registration form, have tried from laptop and mobile as well, please help me out

  2. I am an international student. I am failing to fill in the form. Please help

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