NCBS Post Doctoral Fellow
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NCBS Post Doctoral Fellow Job For Structural Biology, Apply Online

NCBS Post Doctoral Fellow Job For Structural Biology, Apply Online. PhD structural biology Post Doctoral Fellow job opening. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below –

This job expires in

-1106Days -18Hours -8Minutes -55Seconds


Advt No.1/2022 – Appointment of a Post Doctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr Shachi Gosavi

Applications are invited for one postdoctoral position in the group of Shachi Gosavi to experimentally study protein design and assembly with the potential for renewal for a further year.

Name of the Post – Post Doctoral Fellow

No. of Posts – 01

Age Limit – 40 years

Job description – 

Applicants should be independent and have demonstrated expertise in molecular biology techniques (primer design, mutagenesis, etc.), protein purification and structural (X-ray crystallography) and biophysical characterization of proteins. Some experience with protein design is preferable.

Qualification & Experience required  

EssentialPh.D. in Protein Biochemistry and Structural Biology

Desirable – A strong interest in protein design and some computational experience will be preferred.

How to Apply

Please send a single pdf that contains (1) a CV along with a list of publications, (2) a list of PDB IDs deposited in the PDB and your contributions to the deposition (3) a list of 3 referees and (4) a brief statement (no more than a 100 words) explaining why you are interested in the project to [email protected].

Note – Kindly fill the online application step by step from your Laptop/Desktop with the latest browser. Please do not use MOBILE phones for submitting online applications.

Submission Deadline – The last date for submission is 31st Jan 2022. However, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and the position will be open until filled.

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Diluxi Arya
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