CSIR-NET Exam Question Selection Decision Making Webinar – Question Selection Training
We are finally arriving close to D-Day! Yes after a long gap of close to 2 years we are finally stepping into the battlefield that is CSIR NET Joint CSIR-UGC NET Examination June-2021.
If you want to be the one who stands at the top, as a top-ranker, then you must know –
- which question to choose, and which question to skip
- which are the questions which can actually be dangerous and get you maximum negative marking
- which are the questions that can be solved easily and can fetch you marks easily
- which are the sections of the question paper which you should skip
- which are the sections of the question paper you must double down all your efforts in finding out the right questions,
We have had enough time to prepare, lots of ups and downs to overcome. And it’s still not over yet. You are yet to show what you are made of, what you are capable of, that despite all of the challenges that were thrown at you, now you are ready to show the world how well prepared you are.
We are still in the thick of the 3rd wave and yet all of us are powering through this to do the best we can. And you know how Biotecnika has been with you every step of the way.
And now Biotecnika is back again like the beacon of hope for all of you dear aspirants since many of you seem to be losing steam and are daunted by the fact that the exams are less than 21 days away and that too the mother of all exams – CSIR NET!
At the last minute, we are all bound to make some of the silliest mistakes and make panicked decisions and that is where my friends you all lose the plot.
So Biotecnika is here with our Chief Strategist Mr Shekhar Suman and our Biotecnika Expert Mrs Urmimala Ray to quash all your doubts and give you the tricks that will help you preserve your sanity during the CSIR Exams and will encourage you to ace them!
It’s been a hot minute since we last spoke to you, and IT’S NOW OR NEVER! This is a webinar you DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON!
In our previous webinars, we spoke about how – CSIR NET is a rejection game. But to get selected, you must play the decision-making game correctly.
You can’t make decisions based on fear, and the possibility of what might happen. If you obsess over one particular question too much and delay in taking the right decision in choosing the right question, you are basically assuming that you are going to fail. And definitely, You don’t want to fail! It’s all about the mindset shift and you have just 2 weeks to train your mind.
That is why BioTecNika brings to you, a webinar that every CSIR NET aspirant who is going to write this exam in January 2022, June 2022, and December 2022 must attend.
Don’t miss this webinar and the golden opportunity to find your success plan in just 2 hours. We are ready to play and the ball is in your court. Are you ready to serve?
This prestigious exam is the mother of all exams, and lakhs and lakhs of candidates write this exam.
Because, after all, you are not supposed to answer all 145 questions of that exam paper. You are supposed to answer only a few selective questions. So, it’s all about choosing the right question.
To choose the right question, you have to take 145 right decisions.
There is a Secret Formula for it and in this webinar, we are going to give you that formula!
The agenda of this webinar is to train you on decision-making for question papers for CSIR NET June 2021, June 2022, and December 2022.
Webinar Details:
- Topic: How to select questions in CSIR NET Exam?
- Date: 01st February 2022
- Timing: 7 pm to 9 pm
- Mode: Online
- Duration: Two hours
- Subject: Life Science
- Speakers: Mrs. Urmimala and Mr. Shekhar Suman
Registration is absolutely free of cost for all BioTecNika members. All the attendees will get surprise gifts.
BioTecNika is committed to every student, researcher, scholar and bio-professional in the country, and we are a team of like-minded enthusiasts, working to uplift this field. During this time of crisis, we know that the exam has been long overdue and we’re extremely nervous about the outcome. But one thing we definitely know is the exam has been scheduled to happen and you are at that critical juncture where you need to make wise decisions.
So take the right decision today by enrolling and registering for this webinar!
Mark your calendar and join us on 01st February 2022.
If you’re having any trouble chat with our experts here, and we’ll be very happy to assist you. You can also call 1800 1200 1818 or dial 08050997000 for more details. Our mission is the BioTecNika revolution. Our vision is to reach every bioscience enthusiast in the country and help them build a strong career.