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CSIR-CSMCRI Vacancies For MSc & PhD – Life & Plant Sciences

CSIR-CSMCRI Vacancies For MSc & PhD – Life & Plant Sciences. MSc & PhD Botany / Plant Science / Biotechnology / Marine Sciences / Microbiology / Life Sciences project associate job openings. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below

This job expires in

-1104Days -19Hours -41Minutes -20Seconds

Post I

Name of the Post – Senior Project Associate

No. of Posts – 01

Post Code – PC-01

Age limit – 40 years as of the last date of receiving applications (age relaxation as per CSIR rule).

Post II

Name of the Post – Project Associate Level I

No. of Posts – 05

Post Code – PC-02

Age limit – 35 years as of the last date of receiving applications (age relaxation as per CSIR rule).

How to Apply

Applications received in prescribed format and by e-mail will be scrutinized based on the candidate’s academic background with certain criteria and shortlisted candidates who are eligible as per the criteria will be asked to attend the interview at a later date. The details of the interview will be sent to shortlisted candidates by e-mail only. This assignment is purely temporary specifically for a period of two years only in the project. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidates for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR. Application may be sent by email to 

[email protected] on or before 30th January 2022 (23:59 hrs). Please mention the postcode in the subject line of the e-mail while applying.

Prescribed format for application is available with advertisement. You are requested to apply on the prescribed application form only. You are also requested to send all the scanned documents such as birth certificate, caste certificate, educational qualifications certificates, degree certificates, experience (if any) certificate and any other documents related to the applied posts.

Please send separate applications (in the prescribed format by separate e-mails) for each post-code (if applying for more than a post)

Last Date – January 30, 2022

For Post I

Essential Qualification Ph.D. in Botany / Plant Science / Biotechnology / Marine Sciences / Microbiology / Life Sciences.

Preferred experience Research publication/s in internationally reputed journals and R&D experience in relevant field.

Fellowship Rs. 42,000/- + HRA as per CSIR guidelines.

Job description Selected candidate will work on the CSIR sponsored project, entitled “Capacity building for commercial-scale seedling generation and strains improvement of commercially cultivated seaweed through biotechnological interventions- WP02”. The candidate is expected to co-ordinate with scientist and project staff to achieve the objectives; additionally the candidate is expected to work on genetic variability in cultures of seaweeds in laboratory through morphological, biochemical and molecular methods.     

For Post II

Essential Qualification M. Sc. Botany / Plant Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Marine Sciences / Life Sciences.

Preferred experienceBasic knowledge of Botany / Plant Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Marine Sciences / Life Sciences.

Fellowship Rs. 31,000/-+ HRA for NET LS / GATE candidates OR Rs. 25,000/-+ HRA for others as per CSIR guidelines.

Job description Selected candidate will work on the CSIR sponsored project, entitled “Capacity building for commercial-scale seedling generation and strains improvement of commercially cultivated seaweed through biotechnological interventions- WP02 and Cultivation and efficient utilization of edible seaweeds for value addition, functional food – WP03”. The candidates are expected to design and execute the experiments fulfilling the project needs.

Click here to download the application form

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Editor’s Note: CSIR-CSMCRI Vacancies For MSc & PhD – Life & Plant Sciences. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like TwitterTelegramFacebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!