60 Days CSIR-NET Preparation – Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid
Welcome to the video guys and today we are going to discuss 10 mistakes while planning your 60 Days CSIR-NET Preparation.
Let’s get started
Mistake Number 1 – Strategically Plan & Don’t Panic
Yes, we have close to 60 days left and maybe even less soon, and suddenly it hits you that you are close to the exam and you may start panicking. If you panic you will hurt your chances of success during the exam. Meditate, practice being calm and at peace.
Mistake Number 2 – Do not blindly solve questions
Don’t solve all the questions just for the sake of it. Go methodically – beginning with Part C, Part B and then Part A. The best way to do it is via our CSIR Toughnet Question Bank .
Mistake Number 3 – Starting New Topics
Do not start new topics – will lead to confusion. Instead, focus on what you’ve been studying for the past 18 months and revise those.
Mistake Number 4 – Referring to multiple videos and references
Refer to one book and one methodology. Because if you try to refer to multiple sources you will get confused. So don’t listen to multiple people and get deviated.
Mistake Number 5 – Not prioritising important topics
Pick out units that are important and focus on them. We have a webinar as well on the same CSIR Preparation in 60 Days!
Mistake Number 6 – Starting Revision Without A Plan
Please plan – it takes 30 mins to 1 hour. Make a timetable and plan and only then you will be able to complete the topics.
Mistake Number 7 – Keeping doubts for last minutes
Doubts are like poison. Since concepts are interrelated, you need to clarify them or else one doubt will lead to another and all your concepts will get jumbled.
Mistake Number 8 – Not solving Part C Questions
We all have our comfort zones. Numericals etc may not be our cup of tea but Part C is an important part of the exam. Do not ignore numericals.
Mistake Number 9 – Not keeping in touch with your mentors or teachers
They know the pitfalls so take their guidance and avoid their mistakes.
Mistake Number 10 – Ignoring your health
Keep your mental and physical health in shape. Please spare time to do some exercise and meditation.
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Thank you for watching 60 Days CSIR-NET Preparation – Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid!
And don’t forget to download the app and stay tuned because we have many more endeavours to share with you all.
See you in the next one!