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7 Most Effective Tips For Writing a Better Scientific Research Paper

There’s no question that sitting down to write a scientific journal is a daunting task. Yet, as a researcher, you are expected to share your work with others even in the most demanding forms. One of these forms is a scientific paper that will be published in scientific journals.

Scientific papers require high-standard writing skills considering that they are spread through different academic units and are archived as a reference for other aspiring scientists.

Scientific journals require intense reporting of research and results. However, not all scientific papers are as good as we expect them to be. Many researchers struggle to communicate their research results. If you noticed, many authors focus on just writing for a specialized community instead of a wider audience. As result, their scientific papers turn out to be complicated and confusing.

Writing a better scientific paper can really take time. But each time is surely going to be worth it. In this article, you will learn about 7 most effective ways of writing a better scientific paper.

Tip # 1: Keep your title direct-to-the-point and avoid being too technical.

Just because you’re writing a scientific

paper doesn’t mean that your title has to be very technical.  For example, do not use scientific names in the title unless it is relevant to your research.

The title is the first thing that editors will see in your paper. Hence, your title must accomplish the four goals of an ideal title for a scientific paper. First, it must be structured in a way that helps the reader predict the content of your paper. Second, it must be catchy rather than boring. Third, it must be coherent with the tone of your paper. Lastly, it should contain keywords for search engine optimization especially if your paper is going to be published online.

Tip #2: Start writing your abstract only after you finish writing your paper.

Many researchers are tempted to write their abstract after the title. The best thing about writing a research paper is that you don’t have to write the different stages in chronological order in order to come up with a good one.

The abstract contains the summary of your paper, which is why it’s easier to write it after you finish your conclusion. For a better abstract, it’s important to keep it short but complete. Since a scientific paper can run from 2, 000 to 10, 0000 words your abstract should contain the heart of your research paper to avoid the frustration of reading lengthy documents. These include a short paragraph about your research problem, research method, and your conclusion.

Tip #3: Put the most important details of your scientific paper in the introduction.

While Writing Scientific Research Paper – Don’t confuse the introduction with the abstract. The introduction provides the context and the rationale of your work before presenting the research problem.

A well-written introduction should include all the necessary details such as the scope, context, and significance of your study. It must present the purpose of your study and explain the research methods used to test your hypothesis.

To keep it simple, think of it like a roadmap that will guide your readers about the things they will expect before even reading the substance of your entire paper. This is also where you can nurture a good impression by letting the readers know why they should read your paper.

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Tip #4: Always connect the discussion of your results to the introduction.

A rule of the thumb in a stellar scientific paper is to make sure everything is coherent. Connect the discussion of your results to the information that you’ve presented in your introduction.

Your discussion must show an interpretation and a description of your findings. You should be able to explain how you came up with a solution to your research problem. What methods have you used to gather the data? What were the challenges you’ve encountered during the experiments?

You may include graphs, figures, and images to illustrate important details and highlight notable implications.  Remember that the discussion section is not just a repetition of the introduction. It’s a separate portion of your scientific paper where you can demonstrate the information that supports your conclusion.

Tip #5: Always update your reference section and make sure to include all the resources you’ve used to write your scientific paper.

Just a tip so you won’t omit any important references – make a habit to take note of your resources as you write your research paper. The reference section only comes at the end of your research so it’s very easy to forget whatever resources you may have used before.

Follow the suggested format when writing the reference section. There are many ways of citing your references in your paper but the requirements can vary depending on the scope of your research or your school department. Some examples of reference formats are the APA (American Psychological Association) which is commonly used in science papers, MLA (Modern Language Association), and Chicago/Turabian Style.

Tip #6:  Utilize quotations in your scientific paper to strengthen your arguments and improve its aesthetic appeal.

Some statements are better said in their original form, specifically when referring to lengthy paragraphs from popular scientific authors. If you think paraphrasing an original work would diminish its meaning, then use quotations in your paper.

You can just copy and paste an entire paragraph to your paper and cite the author. It is very helpful especially if you’re trying to support a personal argument. Also, it creates an interesting appeal to the usual gray blocks of words in a research paper. Other examples of quotable items are questions from empirical papers, measurements, scientific or political quotes, and relevant opinions of other authors.

Tip #7: Avoid “fillers” if you want to write a powerful statement and a meaningful scientific paper.

The number of word count required for scientific papers sometimes tempts researchers to use fillers. Fillers are apparently meaningless words or phrases that are added to a research paper just to make it lengthy.

Verbally, fillers are unnecessary utterances that a person makes while thinking of the next words to say such as “umm”, “uh” or “like”. In a scientific paper, these could take the form of irrelevant opinions and discussions from books, too many adjectives and word modifiers, jargons, and very long paragraphs.

Fillers can diminish the quality of a scientific paper. You can’t expect people to continue reading a paper that misleads them in the middle. Editors and publishers do not want to keep running around the bush. Instead of using fillers, conduct more research and gather brilliant insights which you can correlate with your study.

When writing, stop thinking about the word count. Rather, focus on your research problem and take note of the experiments you’ve done to find the solution because this will be the bread and butter of your scientific paper.

Writing a Scientific Research Paper, like many other forms of professional writing, are about getting information across the world and not just a particular group of people. Consequently, a stellar scientific paper must be useful to the academe and newcomers.

After drafting your paper, always remember to revise it for correctness. Consider validating data and reviewing figures. For best results, have it edited and proofread by professionals to comply with the required standards.

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A final tip, write to inform and not just to impress. I hope that you enjoyed reading our tips for writing a better scientific paper. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly and I would be willing to personally answer your queries. God bless!

Read Also: How to Perfectly Read a Scientific Paper For Your Research

Keyword: Writing Scientific Research Paper

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