TIFR GS2021 Exam Alert : MSc / Int.PhD / PhD Admissions
The notification for TIFR 2021 Exam Graduate School Admissions GS-2021 has been announced. The online application link has been activated. TIFR GS2021 Exam Alert : MSc / Int.PhD / PhD Admissions. Check out all of the details on the eligibility, course and application procedure given below:
This call expires in :
Table of Contents
Research Opportunities for exceptionally talented and highly inspired students
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research is India’s premier institution for sophisticated research in fundamental sciences. The Institute runs a graduate programme leading to the award of
Ph.D., Integrated M.Sc.-Ph. D. in addition to M.Sc. degree in particular subjects. With its distinguished faculty, world-class facilities and a stimulating research environment, it is an ideal place for aspiring scientists to start their career.The Graduate Programme at TIFR is classified into the following Subjects – Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer & Systems Sciences (including Communications and Applied Probability) and Science Education. It is carried out at the Mumbai campus and different National Centres of TIFR.
Candidates in the final year of qualifying degree can also apply.
Applicants will be shortlisted for interview based upon written test marks, Curriculum Vitae, letters of recommendation and Scientific write-up.
For PhD: Masters in Basic Science (M.Sc. Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics/ any branch of Biology) or any professional Master’s Degree (M.Pharma./ M.Tech.), or a > 4-year degree program (e.g. MBBS, BDS). Students holding an M.Sc. degree in a non-Biology-allied discipline such as Chemistry/ Physics/ Mathematics/ Computer Science, and that want to obtain an M.Sc. in Biology, will be offered the option of registering in the I-Ph. D. programme at the time of joining.
For I-Ph. D./ M.Sc.: Bachelors in any type of Basic Science (Physics/ Chemistry/Mathematics/any branch of Biology) OR any type of 4-year degree programme that awards a “Bachelor’s degree” including B.Tech., B.E., B.V.Sc., B.Pharma. (4-year course).
Admission Procedure
The admissions procedure (in all subjects, except Science Education) consists of an online test at one of the several nationwide centres, followed by interviews/ written test II of shortlisted candidates.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews to be held during April-May 2021. Exact dates would be announced later.
Results of the entrance examination will be announced on end-February, 2021 and students shortlisted for interview will be intimated by email.
The TIFR Nationwide Entrance Examination (GS2021) for Biology is also called the Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS).
See http://www.ncbs.res.in/JGEEBILS.
All participating institutions use the result from this examination as a part of their admission process. Students need to apply separately to each JGEEBILS participating institution.
Participating Institutions:
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer, Mumbai (www.actrec.gov.in)
Ashoka University (www.ashoka.edu.in)
Bose Institute, Kolkata (www.jcbose.ac.in)
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad (www.ccmb.res.in)
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad (www.cdfd.org.in)
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research IISER-K, Kolkata (www.iiserkol.ac.in)
IISER-P, Pune (www.iiserpune.ac.in)
IISER-TVM, Thiruvananthapuram (www.iisertvm.ac.in) IISER-T, Tirupati (www.iisertirupati.ac.in)
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (www.imsc.res.in)
Institute for Stem Cell Science and Regenerative Medicine, Bengaluru (www.instem.res.in)
Manipal School of Life Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal (https://www.manipal.edu/mu.html)
National Brain Research Centre, Manesar (www.nbrc.ac.in)
NCCS: National Centre for Cell Science, Pune (www.nccs.res.in)
NIBMG: National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani (www.nibmg.ac.in)
National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi (www.nii.res.in)
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar (www.niser.ac.in)
RCB: Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad (www.rcb.res.in)
SINP: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (www.saha.ac.in)
TIFR: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
DBS-TIFR: Department of Biological Sciences, Mumbai (www.tifr.res.in/~dbs)
ICTS-TIFR: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru (https://www.icts.res.in)
NCBS-TIFR: National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru (www.ncbs.res.in)
TIFR-H: TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad (www.tifrh.res.in)
Application Procedure:
Students can apply online. Please follow the appropriate link on this web site for filling up the application form. Check out the instructions thoroughly prior to you start filling out the online application form. DO NOT MAKE MULTIPLE REGISTRATIONS FOR THE SAME SUBJECT.
Students may take the online test in multiple subjects provided the timings do not clash. Please submit a different application for each subject.
Application Fee can be paid only with online mode.
Application Fee (Non-Refundable):
- Male Applicants: 1200/-
- Female Candidates: Rs 600/-
- Others: Rs 600/-
Application fee can just be paid online with Internet banking/Debit/Credit Card/UPI or other modes as available on our payment gateway.
Online Payment:
After the on-line payment transaction is successful, please login to your account on our website by using your Application Sequent Number as your user id and check the payment status of your application. Normally, on the internet payments are received within 2 working days and a auto email is sent out by the system acknowledging the payment. If your transaction has been successful and your account has been debited and you do not receive the acknowledgement email within 2 working days, neither your payment status is upgraded in your account, you may write to [email protected].
Please note:
Instructions for downloading/ printing of Hall tickets will be intimated by email, only after receipt of application fee/approval of fee waiver.
Application Fee Waiver:
A waiver of the application fee on grounds of financial distress may be requested by a letter from the Principal or the Head of the Department validating the request. The letter/recommendation from the Principal/HOD must be on the official letterhead duly signed and stamped.
Students applying online might click the fee waiver option in the payment area of the application and upload the scanned copy of the recommendation letter to their registration profile.
Please note that fee waiver requests would be taken into consideration depending on the availability of seats in each Centre and can not be guaranteed.
Apply Online
Before you pick a Ph.D. or Integrated PhD program in the basic enrollment form, please go through the eligibility criteria very carefully. Click here to go to the page.
Make sure that you have typed your email ID correctly in the basic registration form. A SMS is sent on the mobile number and an e-mail is sent out after completion of the basic registration where login credentials are given to finish the form.
After login, please click “Go to Application” link on the right-top corner of the page and complete the full application.
Before you start filling up the full application form ensure the following are ready with you:
- Scanned image/electronic copy of your Passport size photo (preferably a jpg file below 80 kb in size). Applications with personal photos (selfies) or edited photos uploaded will certainly be turned down.
- Scanned copy of signature (preferably a jpg file below 80 kb in size).
- If you are applying under the Fee Waiver category, the scanned copy of the recommendation letter from the Principal/HOD of your college.
- If you are applying under the disability category, you will certainly need to upload the scanned copy of the disability certification.
If you intend to apply for multiple subjects, you will need to provide different e-mail id for every application.
Check all the details before clicking the submit button.
You may take a print of your application after successful registration or save the same as a pdf file.
Applicants paying the application fee online will be directed to the payment gateway. Adhere to the instructions carefully and complete the payment transaction. If the transaction is not finished as a result of technological reasons, you might login to your account and check the application/payment status. After the successful conclusion of the transaction, please login to your account and check the payment status. If the payment is not complete, you might attempt paying online again.
Normally, on the internet payments are received within 2 working days and an auto e-mail is sent by the system acknowledging the payment. If your transaction has been successful and your account has been debited and you do not obtain the acknowledgement email within 2 working days, neither your payment status is updated in your account, you may contact [email protected].
Students will be issued or will be enabled to download the Hall Ticket only if the payment of application fee has been received/ fee waiver request is approved.
Contact Information:
For Biology/Wildlife Biology & Conservation:
Admissions Section
National Centre for Biological Sciences
UAS-GKVK Campus, Bellary Road,
Bangalore 560065.
Tel: 080-23666404
Fax: 080-23636662
Email: [email protected].
For Science Education:
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
V.N. Purav Marg, Mankhurd
Mumbai 400 088.
Te: 022-25580036/25567711/25554712/25555242
Fax: 022-25566803
Working hours:
Monday – Friday 09:00 a.m. – 05:30 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays closed
Important Dates
Nationwide Entrance Examination:
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Online application starts:
January 4, 2021
Last date for application:
January 31, 2021
GATE Scored based applications to Systems Science (including Communications and Machine Learning):
Opens: January 31, 2021
Closes: To be announced
Results of the Nationwide Entrance Examination (shortlist for interviews): To be announced.
GS2021 notification has been updated. Entrance exam date March 7, 2021. The application starts January 4, 2021, Last date for application January 31, 2021.
Editor’s Note: TIFR GS2021 Exam Alert : MSc / Int.PhD / PhD Admissions. TIFR GS2021 Exam Alert. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram.