J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship
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J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship 2021-22 – Applications Invited

J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship 2021-22 – Applications Invited. J. N. Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2021-2022. Loan scholarship ranges between Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/-. Interested applicants can check out all of the details regarding the award, the eligibility, the selection criteria, application process and more below:

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About Scholarship:

  • The J. N. Tata Endowment awards a one-time loan scholarship to Indian nationals at the beginning of the academic year. Postgraduate/Ph.D./Postdoctoral/Research fellowships studies abroad, in all fields, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or community.
  • The amount to be awarded to each scholar by way of the loan scholarship is determined on the basis of the norms laid down for the purpose and does not cover the full cost of studies.
  • The amount awarded as the loan scholarship ranges between Rs.1,00,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/-.
  • All selected scholars do not necessarily qualify for the maximum amount.
  • The selected scholars may also be recommended for a gift scholarship and partial travel assistance from our allied Trusts as may be decided at the sole discretion of the Trustees of the concerned Trusts. A gift scholarship can be for a maximum amount of Rs.7,50,000/- and the travel grant can be a maximum of Rs.50,000/-.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Candidates should be Indian nationals who are graduates of a recognised Indian University and have secured at least 60% in their last academic examination.
  • Candidates who are at the beginning of the second year of their overseas studies(Fall 2021 – Spring 2022) are also eligible to apply. This is applicable only if the minimum duration of the course is 2 years. Scholars who have already awarded the JN Tata Endowment loan scholarship cannot apply again for the same course.
  • Candidates in the final year of the degree course and those awaiting results are eligible to apply. Candidates may apply even if they do not have the admission/offer letters, at the time of making the application, from the Universities to which they have applied for the academic year 2021-2022. However, they must update the status of their application with the Endowment once they secure admission.
  • Candidates not older than 45 years as on 30th June 2021, with a good academic record and experience in their fields, specialisation or training may also apply.
  • Candidates going abroad for seminars, conferences and undergraduate studies are not eligible for the J. N. Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship.

Selection for the Award:

It is a matter of pride to be called a JN Tata Scholar. Staying true to our founder Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee’s vision of rewarding the brightest and the best, we follow a rigorous selection process. Candidates may note the following points:

  • Apart from consistent academic performance, we give importance to participation in both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • A good GRE/GMAT/TOEFL/IELTS score is extremely important for those applying overseas. If you have received a low GRE score, it may be advisable to improve upon it, to increase your chances of receiving the loan scholarship.
  • The statement of purpose carries considerable weight in the selection process. We have provided some guidance on our web site on how you can construct a good statement of purpose. Please ensure that your statement of purpose is written by you and free from plagiarism.
  • After the initial screening of applications, candidates are shortlisted to undergo an online test which will be based on the lines of Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA), on Sunday, 12th April 2021. Timing and other details will be informed accordingly. Candidates shortlisted based on the online test will be called for an interview. Such candidates should upload scanned copies of the required documents on the application form portal in the upload documents section, before the time of the interview.


Candidates should note that to be shortlisted for an interview is no guarantee of receiving the loan scholarship.

  • The technical interview, conducted in person at Mumbai or through skype by the Director of the Endowment and a subject expert, from April onwards, carries the most weightage in the selection process. ‘Technical’ refers to the evaluation of candidates’ understanding of their subjects – current and future.
  • Candidates should come prepared with knowledge of their subjects and chosen areas of interest with any specialisation, as shown in their application for admission. They will be examined in-depth and detail and greater weight will be given to depth of understanding of the chosen area of study and career path.
  • Candidates at the beginning of the 2nd year would be assessed also on their first year/semester of the overseas studies.

The final selection of scholars’ for the award of the loan scholarship is based on the following criteria:

  • 1. Performance at the interview;
  • 2. Score at the online test;
  • 3. Score based on academic results, GRE/GMAT/IELTS/TOEFL scores, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, research work, statement of purpose and work experience.

All the Awards will be announced together latest by the first week of July by mail. The Trustees’ decision on the award of scholarships is final. Correspondence in this regard will not be entertained.


  • The candidate and the guarantor (preferably a parent or a relative having the capacity to repay the loan) will have to visit the Administrative Office of the Endowment, by prior appointment, to complete the necessary formalities, after obtaining the visa.
  • They will be required to enter into a legal agreement with the Trustees and provide documentary evidence of the capacity of the guarantor to repay the loan.
  • Candidates must repay the loan scholarship in five equal instalments of 20% between third and seventh year. Candidates must begin to repay earlier than year three if they have started earning.

Application Process:

  • Candidates are required to register for the J N Tata Endowment loan scholarship for the year Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 by using their email I.D. All subsequent correspondence will be only through this registered email I.D.
  • After successful registration, candidates will be mailed a one-time password valid for 48 hours. Candidates should remember to change the password within 48 hours.
  • The application process is completely online. Candidates may complete the application form in one or more visits but must remember to save the draft before exiting each time. There is a preview option before final submission after which candidates will not be able to make any changes.
  • Candidates are advised not to leave any field blank: they may write Not applicable wherever necessary.
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP): The most important point to note is that the Statement of Purpose is NOT a Personal Statement, which means that candidates must avoid biographical references. The SoP, specifically addressed to the “Trustees of the J N Tata Endowment”, an academic document and should ideally address the following questions, while written in candidates’ own words, between 500 and 800.
    • What is your course and why you have chosen it?
    • Are you continuing your undergraduate stream or moving to a new stream? If new, what explains the change?
    • What are your expectations from the postgraduate programme?
    • Do you have any experience in the chosen field? How?
    • If you already have the experience, what additional skills do you hope to gain?
    • How does your programme fulfil your needs and interests?
    • What are your career plans?

    Candidates are advised to stay as close as possible to the above structure of SoP. Candidates guilty of plagiarism will be found out and summarily disqualified.

Letter of Recommendation (LOR): Candidates have to arrange only one LoR, specifically addressed to “The Trustees of the J. N. Tata Endowment” from:-

  1. a Professor of the College or University OR
  2. the Employer, in case the applicant is/was working.

Instructions for candidates:-

  1. Candidates must mention the Recommender’s name, designation and department, name of the college/university/organisation, city, contact numbers and their official email ID.
  2. Once the application is validated/submitted, a system-generated email goes to your recommender’s email ID to submit the LoR online.
  3. The LoR will be accepted up to one week’s time period from the date of submission of the application form. Please note that the last date for submission is Monday, 15th March 2021.
  4. Please be aware that when you submit your online application, we will consider it as complete only when we receive your LoR from your recommender.
  5. Do not wait till the last date for submission. If your application is complete before the deadline, please submit it.

Instructions for Recommender:-

  1. Recommenders will receive the system generated email, which will have the link and login credential (Login ID & Password) to submit the recommendation online.
  2. Recommenders are requested to check the Inbox/spam email/Junk email box for the email.
  3. Recommender’s email ID is the login ID. They will be sent a password, which they may change through change password.
  4. After the login, Recommenders can view the list of candidates for LoR by clicking on “Select Candidate”.
  5. The recommender can click on the individual candidate’s name to view the page for LoR.
  6. Recommenders are requested to write/paste the LoR in the space provided. It should be maximum of 800 words. There is no facility to upload a document.
  7. Recommenders may mention the candidate’s academic achievements and potential, projects if any undertaken under their supervision or otherwise, any research paper co-author with the candidate, personality and motivation, professional achievements (for experienced candidates) and contribution to the community.
  8. Recommenders may complete the LoR in one or more visits but must remember to save the draft before exiting each time. There is a preview option before final submission after which recommenders will not be able to make any changes. Hence recommenders are requested to ensure that the LoR is complete before clicking on the “Submit” button.

If these instructions are not followed and information given by candidates on the application form is incomplete or incorrect, the application is liable to be rejected. Registration for the application form will be available between Monday, 7th December 2020 and Monday, 8th March 2021 till 12.00 p.m. (noon). The last date for submission of completed application form is Monday, 15th March 2021 till 12.00 p.m. (noon).

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Editor’s Note: J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship 2021-22 – Applications Invited. J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship 2021. J.N. Tata Endowment Scholarship Notification. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. I m studying m.pharm 2nd yr.in Kashmir unversity.my m.pharm will completed in january.
    I want to do PhD .in pharmaceutical chemistry or pharmacology that is why I need this scholarship…It will be your most kindness.
    Regards Fatimah jan

  2. I am Dr. Benjamin Raj completed my PhD in Chemistry from Central University of Jharkahnd in january 2020. I want to do the post-doc in material chemistry. Kindly let me know the procedure to avail the the fellowship.

    Benjamin Raj

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