Govt BCIL Biotech
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Govt BCIL Biotech & Life Science Jobs With Rs. 50,000 pm Pay

Govt BCIL Biotech & Life Science Jobs With Rs. 50,000 pm Pay. M.Sc./ M.Tech/ B.Tech/ Life Sciences/Biotechnology candidates can apply. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

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BCIL Invites Applications for the Position of

Project Executive/Senior Project Executive on Contractual Basis

Position level: Project Executive/Senior Project Executive

How to Apply:

Interested applicants may send their detailed Curriculum Vitae together with duly filled up MS Excel format provided latest by December 25, 2020, to the undersigned:

Dr. Suchita Markan
Asst. General Manager
Biotech Consortium India Limited,
New Delhi -110002
(Email: [email protected])

Format for CV.xls

Essential Qualifications:

  • M.Sc./ M.Tech/ B.Tech/ Life Sciences/Biotechnology from a reputed
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in IP analytics, project management
  • Experience in drafting Patent Applications, managing prosecution of Indian and also
    Foreign applications.
  • Experience of working with a law firm or a biotech/ life-science industry in the IP

Desirable Qualifications:

  • Diploma/Degree in Intellectual Property (IP) Rights from a recognized law college/.
  • Expertise and also experience in IP analytics such as prior-art-searches, patentability.
    assessments, Freedom-to-Operate studies, Landscape analysis etc.
  • Good understanding and experience of drafting/reviewing Agreements with 3rd.
    parties such as non-disclosure agreements, collaboration agreements, license.
    agreements, assignments deeds etc.
  • Experience of drafting and also prosecuting patent applications via Indian Patent.
    Office (IPO), PCT route, Conventional Route.
  • Outstanding communication skills (written and verbal).
  • Good understanding/ experience of R&D as well as technical advancements in different.
    areas of life sciences, especially medical devices.
  • Proficiency in use of computers for word processing and also data handling.

Job Description:

The candidate will have the prime responsibility in assisting the management of Medical Device and also Diagnostics Mission Secretariat Program (MDMS). MDMS is a flagship program of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India with the mandate to support as well as catalyze research, development and also indigenous manufacturing of cost-effective medical devices to strengthen the healthcare sector in India and reduce import dependency via a Mission mode consortia approach BCIL is the project management partner with ICMR for this program. Additionally, the candidate will certainly also assist in managing Department of Biotechnology (DBT), GoI supported School of International Biodesign programme (SiB)- a flagship fellowship programme of DBT implemented in partnership with AIIMS as well as IIT, Delhi intended to foster the development of frugal medical device technologies according to unmet needs of India.

BCIL is responsible for its entire project management, Fellowship Management, especially IP, Tech- Transfer as well as Techno-legal management, drafting appropriate scheme documents/Agreements, facilitating strategic collaborations or any other aspects for both these programs.

Responsibilities would include the following:

  1. Project Management: Liasoning with the stakeholders at the Government, IITs, BCIL or any other project beneficiary, organizing meetings with stakeholders, Drafting agenda for the meeting, minutes of the meeting, following-up on action points. Training Fellows in IP/ Technology-Transfer, eliciting periodic reporting from Fellows/ Startups and analyzing the reports for their adequacy/adherence to the Terms of Agreement.
  2. Technical assignments: Technology Evaluation Reports (Prior Searches, Patentability assessments, Commercialization potential, market potential, Technical Assessment), Prep Work of Technology Flyers/Brochures/posters, Licensee Scouting, Assisting in Technology Transfer activities, Drafting/review of patent applications, organizing meetings as well as preparation of Minutes/ Proceedings and Agendas for Meetings, Assisting in project management, Maintaining Records (hard files and also e-records), Technology Transfer Agreements (NDA, MTA, License agreements, collaboration, business plans, term sheets etc.), project monitoring. Drafting funding scheme documents, undertaking Technology landscaping, assisting in website technological content development as well as updations etc.
  3. Administrative assignments: Coordination with clients for the project management, IP assignments, maintaining IP and technology-transfer portfolio of clients, etc.
  4. Any other related responsibilities.

Salary: Rs. 40,000– 50,000/- per month (consolidated, commensurate with qualifications as well as experience). A higher salary may be taken into consideration for exceptional applicants.

Click here to Download Application Format

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Editor’s Note: Govt BCIL Biotech & Life Science Jobs With Rs. 50,000 pm Pay. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!