Computer-Aided Drug Design CADD
--Must See--

Computer-Aided Drug Design CADD FREE Webinar

FREE MasterClass on CADD For All

Hello there!

The whole world is talking about new drugs, vaccines and now more than ever the Biotech and pharma industry is in the spotlight. The drug discovery process involves millions of dollars, elaborate, and time-consuming. Researchers have been experimenting to make this process more efficient to cut down the time involved and cost involved. 

The recent advances in bioinformatics and cheminformatics have led to some major breakthroughs in drug designing and discovery process. One such technology is Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD).

Biotecnika & Rasayanika brings you an exclusive online webinar on this revolutionary technology which has led to many breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Register for free

Masterclass on Computer-Aided Drug Design(CADD)

Webinar Details:

  • Webinar Agenda: Masterclass on CADD, everything you should know about this trending technology. 
  • Date: 23rd December 2020
  • Time: 7 PM
  • Duration: 90 mins approximately
  • Speakers: Mr. Shekhar Suman, Dr. Urmimala Ray  & Dr. Tanushree Saxena
  • Registration Fee: Free for all Biotecnika & Rasayanika Subcribers. 

Who should attend?

This webinar is for all students pursuing Bsc/ Btech/ Msc/Mtech who are interested to learn about trending tools in the Drug Discovery process. We also invite

research enthusiasts, research scholars, teaching faculty to attend the webinar to gain an insight into the topic.


One time opportunity to interact with the experts and clear your doubts regarding this significant technique.

Knowledge is the new rich, arm yourself with it.

Reach our experts for any queries

Call 1800-1200-1818 / 080-5099-7000 / 080-5099-2444 for more details.

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