Freshers Job Tips For Biotech & Life Science – How to Apply For Job
A Tag that every college graduate or postgraduate is willing to shed as soon as he or she can. But the problem is no one is ready to give a chance to freshers. So the question is Why are they not being given a chance readily? What is wrong with them? How can a Fresher penetrate through the impenetrable walls of the Industry and how can he or she get a dream Job, Life Style, and designation?
So today I am going to talk about 10 Things every Fresher Must have before applying for a Job in the Biotech & Pharma Industry.
Biotech Freshers Job Tips
Now, remember these are very practical and important tips so take a pen and paper and note it down, investigate what’s missing from your plate and add those So that you can get a dream job, earn better and progress towards a brighter future.
- Number 1: Communication Skills – Now no one can guess about you unless you open your mouth. But if your communication skills are sub-standard, you can never be efficient. Now you see any company is all about efficiency. Every Company is a Small conspiracy in the universe to create a change, create a product which no one has ever built. So if its team members cannot communicate properly then they are no Good. And that is why you will always see Freshers getting rejected if their communication skills are poor or substandard.
- Number 2: Technical Skills – Your degree does not define you in the 21st century. Your Skills do. I know so many people, So many Bio-professionals who dont have a PhD or even msc but they are doing great in the industry. All because they have skills. So Never stop learning new skills. Now when I say Technical skills, I am going to tell you a small list, but there are many more such skillsets which you must know. A good Starting point can be opting for BioTecNika’s Certification Courses which can help you get started with the skills and later on you can acquire more knowledge by opting for Lab Internships.
So here are a few Skills which I feel you should know:
- Tissue Culture
- Gel electrophoresis
- Western Blot
- Gene Cloning
- Flow Cytometry
- Mass Spectrometry
- Microscopy
- Assays
- Statistical Analysis Skills
- Knowing Computer Languages & Skills such as CADD, MATLAB, Bio-Python, Artificial Intelligence, etc
- Number 3: Personal Branding & Networking Skills – Now as a Fresher you are just another name in the crowd, Nobody gives a damn to just a name! So Start working closely on your personal brand, Be careful what you post on social media, become active on Linkedin, Write blogs, submit guest articles to leading websites such as Biotecnika, Connect to well-known Biotech celebrities and personalities on Linkedin and actively participate in online discussion forums. Networking is a Skillset that is not taught in schools, it is acquired through experience and practice. Network more, Make your name googleable and Make sure your Online Personal Branding is strong enough So that whenever someone from the HR department of a BT company searches for you, they find you easily. This not only builds trust in the mind of recruiters but also gives them a good glimpse into your thought process and behavior. Now the moment i say behavior, remember never ever troll anyone online or write rude things about anyone. Show your Maturity Online and that will definitely translate into faster penetration into your dream company.
- Number 4: Opportunity Sorting Skills – In today’s era, opportunities are everywhere. In fact, Biotecnika itself posts 100+ vacancies every day, But this is where you need to know which jobs to apply for, and which one’s to skip. You will never fit in all the jobs which are posted in a Job Portal. Sift through the Job Postings and only apply for a job that suits your Personality. That way you will be able to prepare yourself for the interview better and in a much more targeted way. The Mistake which freshers do is – they apply for every possible job and when they get a Call for an interview, they fare badly and then start blaming the industry saying No one gives Jobs to freshers. But the truth is you are applying to the wrong job and it does not match your personality as well as your technical skillset.
- Number 5: The Stability & Commitment problem – Freshers have this problem in general, However, exceptions are always there! As freshers, we always think Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. So someone says this Job is not good, that Job is good we jump the Ship, we switch Jobs. Now, this is where the problem begins. Companies want reliable people. Not fake Job Switchers. If You are someone who will jump the ship first, the HR department will know it even before they hire you. So keep this in mind, if you join a Company do not change Jobs frequently, try to stay at least for 1 to 3 years. Job Switchers are seen as an opportunist who will not benefit the company in the Long run
- Number 6: Ability to Adapt – As I said earlier, Every company is a Conspiracy to create a dent in the Universe with its product and services, to make that happen companies expect people to be agile and ready to change direction as technology changes or the Business environment transforms. For example today you do things by hand, 5 years later, AI-powered robots will be assisting you. So if you cannot adapt you are going to lose the opportunities. You have to adapt as you progress in your career and you have to be ready to demonstrate your ability during the Interview that you are agile, flexible, and have the ability to adapt.
- Number 7: A Better Understanding of Biotech & Pharma Industry – Now under this heading, I am going to tell you about one of my secrets, Whenever I pick a new book to read, I create a commitment in my mind that I will work as hard as the author of the book so that I have the same understanding of the Book as the Author. In short, I try to climb the ladder of Knowledge and achieve the point of view from the top. You have to approach the same. Unless you have a very very good understanding of the BT industry, you cannot decide which part of this industry you want to work for. A good starting point is subscribing to Biotecnika and reading through all the news, jobs, and Opportunities which is being posted. This will give you a better understanding of the industry and its nuances.
- Number 8: Willing To Work Without Rewards for a Longer time – Now I dont mean work without salary, what I mean to say is you need to postpone the gratification part, you need to be ready to put in years together to first understand the industry, work within it to become an industry leader and then only the rewards will come your way. Now during your Job Interview do start demanding big payouts and/or things which are not offered by the company, Be ready to work at a salary that pays your today’s bills and look for more opportunities where you can learn more within the company.
- Number 9: Ready to Relocate – Companies look for candidates who can readily relocate to the place where the lab or the factory is located so if you are inflexible or you demand 2 months just to relocate then they will never hire you, You need to be willing to relocate within a week or max 2 weeks time.
- Number 10: Salary Negotiation Skills – This is the most important aspect and you need to know how far you can negotiate and where you must stop. Now never accept a salary which does not meet your basic expenses in the city. However, if the opportunity to learn is higher, you are free to do so. Now the moment the recruiter asks what salary you wish to receive as your first Job, Don’t open your big mouth and demand a big salary. The Simple answer can be I am willing to accept a remuneration that supports my living at this juncture and I am looking for an opportunity where I can learn and help my company grow. Thus I feel a salary of <and then mention the Salary amount> will be sufficient to help me get started. Now the trick here is to Keep your expectations simple and aspire to grow with the company. Trust me Recruiters will love you.
- Bonus Point: Enrol in Personality Development courses Online and take them seriously. This will help you develop a magnetic personality which will attract recruiters
Now as I explained above, these pointers are just a good starting point to your career in the Industry, I have right now more than 100+ pointers in my mind, however, I feel these 10 should give you a fair glimpse into what is expected of you when you apply for a job.
Here is another bonus tip
If you really want to succeed in the BT Industry then you have to always be ready to learn new techniques, keep yourself always up to date with the latest from the Biotech & Pharma Industry. You can do so by downloading BiotecNika’s Official App from the Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Remember, Your Success in the Biotech Industry is BioTecNika’s Aim and achievement and we wish to know how can we help you further. So dive down into the comments section and let us know what video/Article you want us to make next. We will do our best to make those as fast as we can.
Editor’s Note: Biotech Freshers Job Tips, Freshers Job Tips For Biotech & Life Science – How to Apply For Job. Freshers Job Tips Biotech. Freshers Job Tips Life Science. Freshers Job Tips Latest. Freshers Job Tips New. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook and Instagram.
Biotech job
That was really beneficial..thanks alot
These are the best tips for the freshers who are looking for a job.. One negative stuff or feeling about the freshers is that they don’t start their career by accepting less salary that was offered to them.. If they are unable to find the best suited job with expected salary, they just need to take that job with less salary, start a career, learn as much technical skills as possible and later jump to higher position in the same company or jump to another company.. And as you mentioned, Yes SKILLS are very very important these days, most of the companies do not care what degree you hold, they care about Technical Skills set, what you said about this is true… And thank you for writing this article, I hope, freshers can read this article again and again, think and decide what they have to do.. Thank you so much.. I am sharing this with a friend.. Hopefully, she will understand this..
Dear Bilal Jamadar
Thank you so much for your kind words, Yes a lower salary can be a demotivating factor and that’s why I said above you need to accept a decent amount as long as it meets your current survival expenses in a new city. I hope that helps!