POSE Scholarship 2020-21
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POSE Scholarship 2020-21 – Applications Invited

POSE Scholarship 2020-21 – Applications Invited. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details on the same below:

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  1. Introduction:

So as to encourage meritorious students towards science education and to encourage them for the continuation of their science education up to higher level, Haryana State Council for Science & Technology supplies scholarship to the meritorious students of 3-year B.Sc. /4-year BS/5-year integrated M.Sc. /M.S. courses and 2-year M.Sc. Course students opting for natural & basic science topics viz (1) Physics, (2) Chemistry, (3) Mathematics, (4) Biology, (5) Statistics, (6 ) ) Geology (7) Astrophysics, (8 ) ) Astronomy, (9) Electronics, (10) Botany, (11) Zoology, (12) Bio-chemistry, (13) Anthropology, (14) Microbiology, (15) Geophysics, (16) Geochemistry, (17) Atmospheric Sciences & (18) Oceanic Sciences.  The details of the scheme are as under.

2. Admissibility of Scholarship:

The scholarships are restricted simply to the pupils who have obtained admission throughout the calendar year 2020 in some of these courses: –

(i) 3-year B.Sc. / 4-year BS or 5-year integrated M.Sc. /M.S. program in Basic & Natural Sciences in IIT, IISc, IISER, NISER, DAE-CBS or at any

college/university at India.

(ii) 2-year M.Sc. Program in Basic & Natural Sciences.

  • Under basic & natural science, 18 topics Mentioned Previously will be considered.
  • The Scheme in its current format doesn’t include courses in engineering, medicine, technology and other technical or professional courses.

3. Qualification:

1. For 3-year B.Sc. /4-year BS/5-year integrated M.Sc. /M.S. in basic & natural science areas, the pupils should have passed class X and XII Board examination in a school located in Haryana with minimal 85 percent marks for Haryana Board School and 90% marks for different boards such as CBSE/ICSE etc. in 12th class.

2. For 2-year M.Sc. In fundamental & natural science issues, the student should have passed X, XII and B.Sc. /B.A. (B.A. for M.Sc. Mathematics) from school/college/university located in Haryana with minimal 75 percent marks in B.Sc. /B.A. class.

Note:- If a student is presently availing the POSE scholarship in B.Sc class and he or she is studying in the college/institute situated out of Haryana. If he or she applies for a scholarship in M.Sc class then he or she is eligible to apply for the POSE scholarship. In this case, 10th and 12th class should be passed out from the school/college situated in Haryana.

4. Amount of Scholarship:

(i) 3-year B.Sc. /4-year BS/5-year Integrated M.Sc. /M.S. courses – 150

(ii) 2-year M.Sc.  Course – 50

Chairman, EC has the right to pick a pupil from a discipline in the event the said subject isn’t represented.

In the event of tie taste will be given as below:-

(a) Girl pupils will be favoured.
(b) Preference to language score of (English/Hindi) in the 12th class board.
(c) Student younger in age is going to be favoured.

5. Number of Scholarships:

(i) Rs. 4,000/P.M. for 3-year B.Sc. course.
(ii) Rs. 6,000/P.M. for 2-year M.Sc. course.
(iii) In the event, the pupils take admission in 4-year B.S. or 5-year incorporated M.Sc. /M.S. then the amount of scholarship during the 1st, 2nd & 3rd year will probably be Rs. 4,000/- P.M. and through 4 th & 5th year Rs. 6,000/- P.M.

6. Merit List / Selection Criteria:

a) For 3-year B.Sc. Or 4-year BS or 5-year integrated M.Sc. /M.S. Courses

Merit list will be prepared based on average percent score obtained in class 12th board examination in English/Hindi (better of the two) and best of three out of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology (i.e. Total of four topics separated by maximum marks in four different areas %).


(i) First priority will be given to the pupils admitted to national institutes i.e. IIT, IISER, NISER, DAE-CBS and IISc.  Remaining scholarships will be supplied to the other people on merit.

(ii) Pupils who studied 11th & 12th class in a rural area school will receive an additional 3 percent weightage, subject to max 100%. Rural area school is going to be considered as those schools that are within the authority of the Gram Panchayat.

(iii) The students who have passed their 11th & 12th class from rural area elite schools won’t be given added weightage of 3 percent. ‘Elite’ schools have been defined as schools, where tuition fees and other fees payable exceed Rs. 1 lakh each year.

(iv) Added weightage would be added to the average percentage score acquired from the student for discovering inter se merit (such as if a student got 90 percent marks in 12th class board examination and he/she has passed 11th and 12th class from a non-elite rural neighborhood school compared to their marks will be deemed as 93 percent ).

(v) The students claiming the advantage of rural region has to submit the rural region school certification of passing 11th and 12th class from the rural neighborhood school duly signed by the Principal of this school, Sarpanch of the village panchayat from where 11th and 12th class passed and concerned BDPO.

b) For 2-year M.Sc.

The merit list will be prepared on the basis of average percent marks of B.Sc. /B.A. course in 3 years.

7. Research Mentorship:

The chosen students will get a mentorship grant (one time) of Rs. 12,000/in 3-year B.Sc. Program, Rs. 17,000/in 4-year B.S. program, Rs. 22,000/in 5-year integrated M.Sc. Program and Rs. 10,000/in 2-year M.Sc. program.

To avail the mentorship grant, the pupils need to perform project work beneath a Professor/Research Supervisor (Mentor) during the holiday period, in almost any accepted Universities or Institutes or Research Laboratories/ Centres of the choice (rather outside their parent institutions) either in India or overseas. For students doing a project in India, the costs associated with travel, lodging and consumable costs are reimbursed to the student inside the mentorship grant. Please note that no food costs are covered by this grant, as the pupils receive the scholarship in this period. Pupils at 4th or 5th year of the Scholarship are permitted to take our research job in any Institute/ University/ Laboratory overseas by using the Mentorship Grant. If the sponsoring institute accomplishes any stipend or travel grant, just the difference between the service received from sources placed together and real expenditure will be reimbursed from the Mentorship Grant.

The Mentorship Grant shall be refunded directly to the Scholar to execute research work/project. After completion of this job work in the Institute or University or Research Laboratory (either in India or overseas ) beneath a Professor/Research Supervisor (Mentor), the candidate must submit the following records to the HSCST for settlement of their Mentorship Grant.

(i) A letter issued from the Professor/Research Supervisor/Head of Institution at which the scholar is registered for the job indicating the length of the project i.e. date of commencement and date of completion.

(ii) A report outlining the goals and outcomes of their research work/project.

(iii) Brief particulars of this cost i.e. travelling, lodging, consumable etc. ) countersigned by the Head /Principal/ Registrar/ Teacher of this College/University/Institute of the concerned institute.

(iv) Detail of the funds obtained from some other department/Institute for the stated research work/ job.

8. Continuation of Scholarship:

(i) Students are advised to submit their self-attested semester Mark-sheets during their institutions right after the announcement of the result, preferably within 1 month of a statement of semester results to ease the payment of pupil. Provisional or Internet backup of this Mark-sheets won’t be considered.

(ii) The Scholarships are compensated into the pupils on the basis of performance in the semester examination. For continuation of pupil, the chosen students must keep at least 60% marks in each semester. In the event of SGPA/SPI or some other indicator awarded from the university, the conversion could be performed according to college accepted formulation. In the event, such university formula is not available the percentage will be derived by scaling down the SGPA/SPI by 10%. For example, the SGPA/SPI is 6 on 10 point scale, the equivalent percentage would be taken as 54%.

(iii) In the event the institute/university is awarding SGPA/SPI or some other indicator, the pupils are expected to send the institute/university accepted conversion formula from SGPA/SPI to equal%age.

(iv) The scholarship will be paid to the pupils for all the twelve months in a year beginning from the month in which the admission is taken. It’ll be from July (admission year) to June (next year).

(v) The scholarship will be released to the pupils in two half-yearly instalments semester wise. The first instalment is going to be released on selection, the 2nd on the grounds of performance of 1st Semester, 3rd on the grounds of performance of 2nd semester and so forth.

(vi) Candidates having Compartment / Re-appear in semester examination won’t be considered for an additional instalment of scholarship.

(vii) If re-appear or under 60% marks in any of this semester, the near future instalments of scholarships of these pupils will be stopped. Candidates clearing the re-appear in supplemental examinations won’t be considered for continuation of scholarships.

9. POSE Scholarship shall be controlled with these stipulations.

(i) The pupils selected under this scheme won’t be eligible for any other scholarship.

(ii) The applications received through online mode is only going to be entertained. The applications received in another manner won’t be considered.

(iii) Do not submit more than 1 application. Please make sure that each of the columns of this application is correct prior to submission. No claims will be entertained in the event of incomplete or non-submitted application.

(iv) The applications received online is going to be inspected and also a merit list will be prepared according to the standards of the scheme.

(v) All offers made originally will be’Provisional’.  This will be verified depending on the confirmation of original documents by this office or from the concerned institute where the pupil is studying. The chosen students must submit the certification of subjects/courses pursued from the 3-year B.Sc. /4- year BS/5-year integrated M.Sc. /M.S. & 2-year M.Sc. courses. The chosen students must submit a certification that he/she isn’t availing any other scholarship together with POSE scholarship. The certification is to be countersigned by the head/principal/registrar of this college/ university/institute. The student will submit the evidence of enrolment certificate duly accredited by the Head /Principal / Registrar / Director of the College / University / Institute.

(vi) Any change or re-admission to a different College/ University/ Academic Institute within the same academic year is acceptable, provided the scholar pursues subjects out of identified 18 nos.Subject(s).  The Offer would stand invalid if this change or re-admission happens in the upcoming academic year and thereon, or topic (s) pursued is/ are beyond the 18 identified subjects. In this circumstance, there’ll be no scope for the restoration of this deal and no communication could be made individually to Scholar.

(vii) The scholarships will be disbursed directly to the pupils in their bank account through online (NEFT / RTGS).  Each of the pupils while employing shall need to open their account in the banks using Electronic Transfer / ECS facility and furnish the bank details like Name of bank, branch address, IFSC code and account number in the application format for online transfer (RTGS / NEFT) of scholarship. The pupil may make sure their bank account number ought to be linked with Aadhar Number.

(viii) This scholarship will be given to the students analyzing fundamental & natural science in the identified 18 subjects.

(ix) Just regular students will be qualified to apply for this scholarship. The pupils studying privately or via correspondence/distance way or at unrecognized institutions won’t be eligible for this scholarship.

(x) The pupils shouldn’t be involved in any sort of indiscipline or unjust means.

(xi) there isn’t any limitation of household income for availing benefits of the scholarship scheme.

(xii) Self Attested photocopies of all of the certifications from 10th onwards will need to be uploaded together with the application.

(xiii)HSCST will be able to increase or reduce the amount of scholarship.

(xiv) When a pupil is discovered to have acquired a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and also the sum of the student paid will be retrieved, at the discretion of HSCST.

(xv) In the event of any confusion/dispute decision of Secretary, Executive Committee HSCST will be final.

(xvi) Sanction in regard of this shortlisted pupils will be issued by this office following confirmation of original documents, submission of the evidence of enrolment certification along with other relevant papers professionally certified from the Head /Principal /Registrar /Director of the College /University / Institute.

(xvii) All correspondence in regard of POSE scholarship might be made in the name of Secretary, Executive Committee, Haryana State Council for Science & Technology, Bays No. 35-38, Sector 2, Panchkula. Telephone No. 0172-2563439, 2560309, 2560339, Fax No. 0172-2560018, E-mail [email protected].

How to Apply:

For eligibility and other information, interested students can stop by the site http://dstharyana.gov.in/html/whatsnew.htm

The applications can be submitted via the web-portal http://saralharyana.gov.in/.

The web-portal will be available from 31st October 2020 (9:00 am) to 31st December 2020 (5:00 pm) for submission of online applications.

Download Annexures From Below

See Procedure For Submission of Online Applications

See Guidelines of POSE Scholarship Scheme

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Editor’s Note: POSE Scholarship 2020-21 – Applications Invited. POSE Scholarship 2020-21 Notification. POSE Scholarship 2020-21 Official Notification. POSE Scholarship 2020-21 Haryana Government. POSE Scholarship 2020-21. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
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