DHR-HRD Short Term & Long Term Fellowships 2020-21
The official notification for the DHR-HRF Short Term & Long Term Fellowships Scheme has been released. For more details on the DHR-HRD Short Term/Long Term scheme, the eligibility, funding mechanisms, application procedure, deadlines and more below:
This call expires in :
HRD fellowship program aims to provide advanced training in India to medical and health
research personnel in cutting edge research related to medicine and health for creating trained human resources for carrying out advanced research activities.
Guidelines for Financing of Short Term Fellowship (1-3 months) in Indian institutes
A. Eligibility:
i. Just Indian citizens working in Indian institutes are eligible.
ii. They Ought to hold M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/BDS/ MVSc./ M.Sc. /M.Pharma/M.Tech or equal with a PhD in health / biomedical research
iii. Faculty having at least three experiences in the college/institute as a regular employee.
iv. Person’s up to 55 years old as on the last date of receipt of application will be eligible.
v. They shouldn’t have availed any fellowship of the duration of one month or above duration from any of the agency of Govt. Of India / State Govts for the
same subject of training/research project.vi. The fellowship is for 1-3 months. The fellowship is non- transferrable.
B. Funding mechanism:
i. A consolidated stipend of Rs. 40,000/- per month for a period of stay in the host institute, which will be at a different station from the parent Institute. In the event, the training is at the exact same station, the rate of stipend payable will be Rs.20,000/- a month.
ii. Expenditure on travel will be according to the T.A. rules of the parent organization.
iii. 1-time contingency grant of Rs. 20,000 (max ) to meet the costs of local taxi fees, attending meetings etc
iv. The amount (stipend and contingency) will be placed at the disposal of the parent institute for disbursement to the fellow in accordance with the prescribed norms along with the parent institute will submit the utilization certificate under the GFRs for the expenditure incurred.
v. The amount released under the scheme will be held in another account by the concerned institute along with a separate account of expenditure will be maintained.
vi. The institute will submit the utilization report and audited statement of accounts carried out by the statutory body of this institute.
For Further Details please visit www.dhrschemes.in
Guidelines for Long Term Fellowship (6-12 months) in Indian institutes
A. Eligibility:
i. Only Indian citizens working in Indian institutes are eligible.
ii. Having M.D./ M.S./ M.D.S. or MBBS/BDS/ MVSc. / M.Sc. / M.Pharma/ M.Tech or equal with PhD in the topic linked to health research.
iii. Faculty with at least three experiences in the institute as a regular employee.
iv. Candidate should be below 45 years of age as on the last date of receipt of application
v. They shouldn’t have availed any fellowship of the duration of one month or above duration from any of the agency of Govt. Of India / State Govts for the same subject of training/research project.
vi. The fellowship is non-transferable.
B. Funding mechanism:
I. A consolidated stipend of Rs. 40,000/- per month for a period of stay in the host institute, that will be at a different station from the parent Institute. In the event, the training is at precisely the exact same station, the rate of stipend payable will be Rs.20, 000/- per month.
ii. Expenditure on travel will be according to the T.A. rules of the parent organization.
iii. 1-time contingency grant of Rs. 30,000 (max ) to meet the expenses of local taxi charges, attending meetings etc, and Rs.20,000/- for attending meetings.
iv. The amount (stipend and contingency) will be placed at the disposal of their parent institute for disbursement to the fellow in accordance with the prescribed norms along with also the parent institute will submit the utilization certificate for the expenditure incurred.
v. The amount released under the scheme will be kept in a separate account by the concerned institute along with a separate account of expenditure will be maintained.
vi. The institute will submit the utilization certificate under GFR and audited statement of accounts carried out by the statutory body of this institute.
For Further Details please visit www.dhrschemes.in
How to Apply:
- The full-length proposals may be submitted online on www.dhrschemes.in only and
no proposal in physical/hard copy is to be submitted w.r.t. the advertisements
published in leading newspapers on 16.10.2020 - Details of the qualification, format of application, terms & conditions and guidelines of
the scheme are available on DHR web site at https://dhr.gov.in/schemes/humanresource-development-health-research-hrd - Last-minute request for extension of the due date w.r.t. any kind of technical issue will certainly not be taken into consideration.
- All projects involving research on human beings/animals must be cleared by the
Human Ethics Committee/ Animal Ethics Committee of the respective institute. For
details, please visit www.dhr.gov.in and also www.dhrschemes.in.
Deadline for submission of full-length proposal: 16.11.2020
For scheme/call for proposals related queries:
Contact: Department of Health Research
Telephone No.: 011-23736216
Email Address: [email protected]
For website/online submission related queries:
Contact: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Noida
Email Address: [email protected]
Click here to REGISTER
See Notification Below
See Notification for Long-Term & Short-Term Fellowship Below
Editor’s Note: DHR-HRD Short Term & Long Term Fellowships 2020-21. DHR-HRD Short Term Fellowship Schemes. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.