University of Delhi Vacancy – MSc & PhD Life Science Apply
University of Delhi Vacancy – MSc & PhD Life Science Apply. University of Delhi is hiring for research positions. Junior Research Fellow & Research Associate jobs for Life Sciences are available for candidates at University of Delhi. Check out all of the details below:
This job expires in :
University of Delhi
Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF) & Research Associate (RA)
Name of the Project: DBT project titled “Sub Project 3: Draft genome sequencing of safflower and its wild relatives” and a DST project entitled “Development of SNP markers and association mapping for agronomic traits on a core collection of the oilseed crop Carthamus tinctorius (Safflower)”
Name of the PI:
- Prof. Arun Jagannath (DBT Project)
- Prof. Shailendra Goel (DST Project)
How to Apply:
Please note that incomes given are indicative and will be fixed following standards of The University of Delhi. Applications (including biodata as well as scanned copies of necessary documents) from interested candidates are to be sent by email to Prof. Arun Jagannath ([email protected] for the DBT project) or Prof. Shailendra Goel ([email protected] for the DST project)
within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. It is essential for candidates to provide their email address and/or mobile number in their biodata for further communication. Separate applications are to be sent for each project. Candidates might also refer to the advertisement published in the National daily, “The Statesman” which will certainly appear in near future.Description of Posts for DBT project:
(i) Junior Research Fellow (One no.);
Eligibility: M.Sc. in any type of branch of Life Sciences with minimum 55% marks and need to have qualified UGC-CSIR NET( LS/JRF);
Desirable: Strong background in crop genetics, molecular techniques and/or bioinformatics.
Emoluments: Rs. 31000 +24% HRA monthly;
(ii) Research Associate (One no.);
Eligibility: PhD in any type of branch of Life Sciences ideally with experience in plant biology;
Desirable: Experience in NGS data generation and also its bioinformatic analysis/ crop
genetics/ development and handling of mapping populations/ linkage map
construction/ QTL mapping/ comparative genomics as evidenced by peer-reviewed publication( s) in International journals of repute.
Emoluments: Rs. 54000 +24% HRA each month.
See Notification Below
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