NICPR Jobs For Lifesciences – COVID-19 Laboratory Recruitment
NICPR Jobs For Lifesciences – COVID-19 Laboratory Recruitment. MSc/BSc Life Science, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology candidates can apply. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:
This job expires in :
1-7, Sector 39, Noida (U.P)-201301
Tel No: 0120-2446900
Name of the Post: Contract Technical Officer
No. of Posts: 15 (Fifteen) ST-2, SC-3,OBC-5,UR-5
Place of Posting: NICPR, Noida ( for COVID 19 Laboratory)
Duration of Contract: Till 31.12.2020 OR till the COVID-19 exigency, whichever is earlier.
Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 Years
How to Apply:
The Terms & Conditions for the post are as follows: (Read carefully before submission)
- ICMR Guidelines for engagement of Contract Staff – specific for COVID-19 testing dated 27th May 2020 shall apply.
- The Posts are only temporary to the project duration sanctioned by ICMR or till COVID 19 exigency, whichever is earlier.
- The incumbent selected will have no claim for regular appointment at NICPR/ICMR.
- An appointment is terminable without any notice or notice period if the performance is found to be unsatisfactory or conduct found to be prejudicial to good order and Institute/Lab discipline.
- No benefit of Provident Fund, HRA, CTC, Medical Claims etc. is admissible.
- Age relaxation for SC, ST, OBC, PwD as per Govt. rules.
- Age is going to be counted on 01.07.2020.
- No travel fees will be paid to attend the interview.
- Candidates not willing for shift duties need not apply.
- No candidate entry will be allowed after 10.00 am
- The number of positions could be decreased/ increased at the discretion of Director, NICPR.
- The competent authority has the right to screen /reject the candidature or cancel the whole selection process without assigning any reason.
- Any sort of canvassing will be treated as disqualification.
- The candidate will download the attached format and fill the application in all respect. Copy of documents (Age, educational qualification, experience, caste etc.) attachment is necessary. The candidate will bring the completed application and submit the same on the date of walk-in-interview/written. The original documents will be tallied same day i.e. on the date of walk-in-interview/written test before entry to interview.
- Incomplete, without photo pasted, unsigned applications will not be received and the
the candidate will not be allowed to participate in the walk-in-interview. - Copy of Identity proof (Aadhar/Pan CardPassport/Driving License-card type) is to be attached and original should be brought in the right time of examination/interview.
- Reservation certificates (latest) should be according to Govt. of India Rules.
- Applicants should write the name of the Project and Post on the application.
- Persons already in regular/permanent service under any Government Department /Organization are not eligible to participate.
- The selected candidate will work in the project mentioned above or in any other work that may be assigned by the Principal Investigator/Director from time to time.
- Applications must be submitted in the given format only. Applications submitted in any other format will be rejected.
- No additional time will be given to submit any document etc after the interview.
- Candidates who completely full fill the required criteria may come for walk-in-interview/written test.
- Date of Walk-In-Interview: 02.11.2020
Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Life Science subjects ( Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biotechnology or any relevant field ) from a recognized
University/Institute with five years’ work experience in molecular Biology laboratory for nucleic acid isolation, PCR and RT PCR in a recognized University/ Institute.
Master’s degree in Life Science Subjects (Zoology, Botany, microbiology,
Bio-Technology) with a PhD in the relevant subject.
Desirable Qualifications: Work experience in molecular Biology laboratory for nucleic acid isolation, PCR and RT PCR in a recognized University/ Institute.
Emoluments: Rs 32,000/-P.M(FIXED)
See Also:
- PCR Technique Online Certification Program
- Molecular Biology Techniques Certification Course
- Virology & COVID 19 Certification Course
Check Notification & Download Application Format From Below
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