NBRC Project Assistant Jobs
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NBRC Project Assistant Jobs For Natural Sciences – Applications Invited

NBRC Project Assistant Jobs For Natural Sciences – Applications Invited. National Brain Research Centre is hiring MSc Natural Science candidates for a Project Assistant post. MSc Natural Sciences research vacancy at NBRC – National Brain Research Centre, as per the details given below:

This job expires in :

-1560Days -10
-20Minutes -4Seconds


Advertisement No.: Acad./21/2020

Post Title: Project Assistant (Project)

Vacancy: 01

Project Title: “Role of Ephrins / Eph receptor in HIV mediated neuropathogenesis”.

Name of the PI: Prof Pankaj Seth
For academic question, send email: [email protected]
(please do not send application materials to this e-mail address)

Age Limit: Maximum 30 years (as on the last date of receipt of application).

Tenure: The tenure will be a period of one year originally and may be prolonged for one more year based on efficiency testimonial. The post is co-terminus with the project. Selected candidates ought to abide by the policies and also laws of NBRC.

Accommodation: Accommodation might be given as per guidelines of NBRC, based on.

How to Apply:

Candidate interested in cutting edge molecular neurosciences and fulfilling the following
the requirement can submit duly filled out an application based on attached format and bio-data along with self- attested copies of certifications in support of their qualifications and experience latest by 05th November 2020 to “The Administrative Officer, National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, Gurugram-122 052 (Haryana)”. Because of the existing situation (COVID -19) applicants can apply by post or through email (e-mail ID: [email protected]).

Fellowship: Rs. 31,000/- pm (consolidated) No other allowances are applicable)

Essential Qualification: Master in Natural Science from recognized university or equivalent.

Essential Experience: As the project is based on human cells cultures, and experience
in mammalian cell culture methods and basic molecular biology techniques is required.

Desirable qualification and experiences:

  • Candidate should have secured at least 60% and above marks from matriculation onwards.
  • Experience in primary human cell culture and basic molecular and cell biology techniques will be preferred. Candidates should be highly motivated to work in an academic
    environment and in a team of PhD students and PDFs.

See More: Molecular Biology Techniques Certification Course

See Notification & Download Application Format From Below

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!