ICAR-NBPGR Biotech Jobs – Project Scientist Vacancies
ICAR-NBPGR Biotech Jobs – Project Scientist Vacancies. MSc/PhD Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Genetics/ Food Technology/ Life Sciences/ Plant Genetics Resources Jobs. Interested and eligible candidates can check job details, application procedure and such below:
This job expires in :
ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012, India
Applications are welcomed to attend “Interview (in-person)” for the following posts in various projects under a DBT funded project “National Programme for Quarantine and GM Diagnostics of Genetically Engineered Plant Material” at ICAR- NBPGR, New Delhi as mentioned below.
The eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the enclosed proforma in addition to a scanned copy of the original documents to the e-mail address: [email protected] latest by 14th November 2020. After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be further scrutinized and only shortlisted candidates will be informed for further details concerning interview by e-mail or over the phone. Original documents of the candidates appearing for interview will certainly be verified on the interview date. In case of an application for more than one post, the candidates must submit separate applications for each post
with “Post Applied for” and “Post Code”.Component-1
Post I
Position Title: Project Scientist – III
Positions: (02)
Post Code: DBTPSIII/01
Name of PI: Dr V. Celia Chalam
Project period: 28 September 2020 – 27 September 2025
Upper age limit: 42 years
Post II
Position Title: Project Scientist – III
Positions: (01)
Post Code: DBTPSIII/02
Name of PI: Dr Gurinderjit Randhawa
Project period: 28 September 2020 – 27 September 2025
Upper age limit: 42 years
Post III
Position Title: Project Scientist – II
Positions: (01)
Post Code: DBTPSII/01
Name of PI: Dr Gurinderjit Randhawa
Project period: 28 September 2020 – 27 September 2025
Upper age limit: 40 years
Post IV
Position Title: Project Associate – II
Positions: (01)
Post Code: DBTPAII/02
Name of PI: Dr Gurinderjit Randhawa
Project period: 28 September 2020 – 27 September 2025
Upper age limit: 35 years
How to Apply:
- Applicants are requested to ensure their eligibility like age, qualification etc. before appearing for the interview.
- The applicants must have a minimum of 60% marks in Master Degree
- Applicants having essential qualification will certainly be only be considered for an interview after shortlisting.
- No TA/DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in the interview.
- The post is totally temporary and also co-terminus with the project, selected candidate has no right to claim for regularization or absorption whatsoever in ICAR/NBPGR. Duration of the post will be 1 year extendable approximately 5 years
- The decision of the Director of the institute will certainly be final and also binding in all aspects.
- The Director shall also reserve the right to end the contract of the job as mentioned above, even before the conclusion of the project for which no appeal thereof will be made.
- Candidates are required to submit a copy of the duly attested certificates/ mark sheets from matriculation onwards, experience certification, certifications of NET/GATE/awards, the first page of research papers etc. together with application form affixing a passport size photograph on the top.
- The original certificates will certainly be verified at the time of interview.
- The selected candidate will be required to produce a medical certificate at the time of joining.
- In case of any type of disputes, it will be resolved in the jurisdiction of New Delhi court only.
For Post I
Salary: Rs.78,000/- plus 24 percent HRA
Essential Qualifications:
i) Doctoral Degree in Science (Plant Pathology/ Entomology/ Nematology /Agricultural Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Botany/ Zoology/ Molecular Biology/ Life Sciences from a recognized university or equivalent.
ii) Six years’ relevant experience and in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services in the area.
Desirable Qualification:
i) Experience of molecular detection of pathogens especially plant viruses/fungal and bacterial plant pathogens/ nematodes/ insects.
ii) Experience in the quarantine of germplasm including transgenics.
iii) Experience in the organization of training programmes.
iv) Publications in peer-reviewed high impact journals.
For Post II
Salary: Rs.78,000/- plus 24 percent HRA
Essential Qualifications:
i) Doctoral Degree in Science (Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Genetics/ Food Technology/ Life Sciences/ Plant Genetics Resources or equivalent Degree)
ii) Six years’ relevant experience and in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services in the area.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Experience of Plant Molecular Biology techniques, Molecular Detection of genetically modified (GM) crops, Development of GM/ gene-edited plants, Proficiency in computers and bioinformatics.
(ii) Publications in peer-reviewed high impact journals.
For Post III
Salary: Rs.67,000/- plus 24 percent HRA
Essential Qualifications:
i) Doctoral Degree in Science (Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Genetics/ Food Technology/ Life Sciences/ Plant Genetics Resources or equivalent Degree)
ii) Three years’ relevant experience and in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services in the area.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Experience of Plant Molecular Biology techniques, Molecular Detection of genetically modified (GM) crops, Development of GM/ gene-edited plants, Proficiency in computers and bioinformatics.
(ii) Publications in peer-reviewed high impact journals.
For Post IV
Salary: Rs.35,000/- plus 24 percent HRA
Essential Qualifications:
i) Master’s Degree in Science (Molecular Biology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Botany/ Genetics/ Food Technology/ Life Sciences/ Plant Genetics Resources or equivalent Degree)
ii) Two years’ relevant experience and in Research and Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organizations and Scientific Activities and Services in the area.
Desirable Qualification: Experience of Plant Molecular Biology techniques, Molecular Detection of genetically modified (GM) crops, Proficiency in computers.
See Notification & Download Application Format From Below
Editor’s Note: ICAR-NBPGR Biotech Jobs – Project Scientist Vacancies. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.