CSIR-NEIST Project Associate Jobs
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CSIR-NEIST Project Associate Jobs With Rs. 42,000 pm Salary

CSIR-NEIST Project Associate Jobs With Rs. 42,000 pm Salary. CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology Job Openings. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

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CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology
(A National R&D Institute of CSIR)

Advertisement No.38/2020-HRD

Post I

Name of the Post: Senior Project Associate

No. of Posts: 02

Project completion date / code:  MLP 0007 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Genome Editing for improvement (GE-Crop)

Max Age: 40 years

Post II

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 01

Project completion date / code: MLP 1017 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Edible biocatalyst for the sensory alteration of essential oils

Max Age: 35 years

Post III

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 01

Project completion date / code: MLP 0007 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Genome Editing for improvement (GE-Crop)

Max Age: 35 years

Post IV

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 04

Project completion date / code

: MLP 1016 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Understanding the Rhizobacteriainduced Resistance in Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinensis Jacq.) against Fungal Diseases.

Max Age: 35 years

Post V

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 06

Project completion date / code: MLP 0041 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Conservation of threatened plant species of India

Max Age: 35 years

Post VI

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 04

Project completion date / code: MLP 0041 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Conservation of threatened plant species of India

Max Age: 35 years

Post VII

Name of the Post: Project Associate-I

No. of Posts: 03

Project completion date / code: MLP 0048 / 31-03-2023

Name of the Project: Deciphering the mechanism(s) of host-endophytes coevolution, enhanced secondary metabolite production and crop productivity.

Max Age: 35 years

Application Instructions:

  1. Applicants who have already applied against Advertisement No. 37/2020-HRD, need to apply afresh.
  2. During selection, due weight-age will be given to the academic performance of the candidates The applicants ought to have knowledge of computer for day to day work.
  3. Interested candidates having the above qualifications are asked to send out the filled-in Application [Proforma given below], together with requisite certificates to substantiate their qualification, experience, caste, etc. through e-mail to [email protected]., before the last date specified above. The application is not in proper Proforma and also
    received after the last date will certainly not be considered.
  4. The Shortlisted applicants and the time slot for the interview will be notified only in the institute web site. Candidates are requested to regularly browse the institute website for all updates.
  5. The interview will be conducted in exclusive online mode and also the link of the interview on MS-Team platform will certainly be shared. Candidates are requested to download MS-Team App in Mobile or MS-Team software in a computer, beforehand.
  6. The selected candidates are expected to join immediately upon selection as well as bring with them all ORIGINAL TESTIMONIALS including Marksheets and Certificates and also a Photo. The discrepancy in the marks and percentage submitted in the application proforma to that of the original mark sheets/ certificates will fail which their engagement can be withdrawn.
  7. Period: The project completion date might be extended depending upon the grant of the financing agency.
  8. Max Age: As on the date of interview will certainly be taken into consideration. (Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt of India orders).
  9. The engagement will be on a totally short-term basis for a specific period. It is co-terminus together with the duration of the project as well as will certainly not confer any kind of right for regularization in the institute.
  10. Some selected Project Workers might be permitted to do his/ her Ph D work based upon CSIR Standards.

For Post I

Essential Qualification: PhD in Agricultural Biotechnology / Plant Biotechnology /
Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Life Science.

Desirable Qualification: Experience in stress biotechnology of crop plants, CRISPR-Cas genome editing plants, plant tissue culture and transformation, plant pathology, analysis and interpretation of RNA Seq transcriptome data preferred.

Date of Interview: 12-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 09-11-2020

For Post II

Essential Qualification: MSc in Microbiology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry or M Tech in

Desirable Qualification: NET(JRF/LS)/GATE

Date of Interview: 16-11-2020 & 17-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 13-11-2020

For Post III

Essential Qualification: MSc in Agricultural Biotechnology/Plant Biotechnology/ Biotechnology/ Life Science.

Desirable Qualification:

  1. Knowledge / Experience CRISPR-Cas genome editing plants, gene expression
    analysis (qRT-PCR), molecular biology, plant pathology, handling basic molecular and cell
    biology tools such as PCR, qRT-PCR and confocal microscopy will be preferred.

Date of Interview: 16-11-2020 & 17-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 13-11-2020

For Post IV

Essential Qualification: M.Sc in Mycology & Plant Pathology / Microbiology / Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Agricultural Plant Pathology.

Desirable Qualification:

  1. Experience in a relevant area.

Date of Interview: 16-11-2020 & 17-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 13-11-2020

For Post V

Essential Qualification: MSc in Botany

Desirable Qualification: Experience in Plant Taxonomy

Date of Interview: 16-11-2020 & 17-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 13-11-2020

For Post VI

Essential Qualification: MSc Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Life Science /
Ecology & Environments.

Desirable Qualification: Research Experience in the relevant area.

Date of Interview: 16-11-2020 & 17-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 13-11-2020

For Post VII

Essential Qualification: MSc in Microbiology / Biotechnology / Microbial Biotechnology / Plant Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Molecular Biology.

Desirable Qualification: Knowledge / Experience in isolation, characterization, and maintenance of different microorganisms including bacteria and fungi, molecular biology experiments including PCR and RT-PCR, Sanger sequencing and NGS analysis.

Date of Interview: 18-11-2020

Last Date of Application: 15-11-2020

Stipend: As per sanction of funding agencies, currently as follows:

Project Assistant Rs.20,000/-per month+ 8% HRA
Project Associate-I Rs. 31000/- per month +HRA for NET/GATE qualified candidate or who have qualified National level examination conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions
Rs. 25000/- per month +HRA for others
Project Associate-II Rs. 35000/- per month +HRA for NET/GATE qualified candidate or who have qualified National level examination conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions
Rs. 28000/- per month +HRA for others
Senior Project Associate Rs. 42000/- per month +HRA


See Notification & Download Application Format From Below

Editor’s Note: CSIR-NEIST Project Associate Jobs With Rs. 42,000 pm Salary. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!