CIAB Fellowships R&D 2020
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CIAB Fellowships R&D 2020 – Applications Invited

CIAB Fellowships R&D 2020 – Applications Invited. Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB) Mohali is recruiting for govt job vacancies. MSc/MTech/BTech candidates from various backgrounds are encouraged to attend the walk-in as per the details below:

This job expires in :

-1553Days -8Hours -24Minutes -6Seconds


CIAB Vacancy Details

(A National Institute under Dept. of Biotechnology,
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India)
वेबसाइट/Website:; Tel: 0172-5221400

Advertisement No: CIAB/54/2020-Rectt.
Last date of receiving applications: 13th November 2020

Application Procedure for CIAB Vacancy:

The interested candidates may send their filled-in application form (available on institute’s web site) in addition to self-attested photocopies of relevant education, experience, caste (if suitable) certificates by e-mail only to: [email protected] latest by 13th November 2020. Only shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview with video-conferencing mode.

Please note that no hard copy of the application is required at this stage.

The procedure of Engagement for CIAB Vacancy:

The applications received will certainly be screened by a committee for shortlisting the candidates for interview. The eligible applicants would certainly be interviewed by a duly constituted committee with video-conferencing mode The

committee would certainly recommend the applicants, if found suitable, for consideration of the competent authority for engagement on totally on Fellowship/Stipendiary basis. Provisions of registration for PhD exist at Universities/Institutes having MoU with CIAB based on scholar’s tangible performance, promise, academic suitability, etc.

General Conditions for CIAB Vacancy:

  1. Incomplete applications and applications which aren’t in an appropriate format may be rejected.
  2. The above-mentioned search opportunities are available only to Indian Nationals.
  3. Candidates applying for more than one position should submit separate applications for each position.

Important Instructions for CIAB Vacancy:

  • The applications should be submitted in the format which may be downloaded in the CIAB site:
  • Completed applications together with photocopies of all of the applicable educational, experience and caste (is applicable) certificates should be sent by e-mail only to: [email protected] latest by 13th November 2020.
  • Please note that no hard copy of the application is needed at this stage
  • All of the positions are based at Mohali, Punjab but a few functions could be delegated to be performed in outstations also.
  • The number of positions may vary.
  • Relaxation of age for various categories (like woman candidates) will be according to rules of DST and other Government of India agencies.
  • If in almost any area no acceptable candidate is located, no selection would be made in that case.
  • Candidates found eligible after scrutiny of applications shall have to appear before a Selection Committee through video-conferencing mode. Kindly note that if there are a substantial amount of candidates, the Chief Executive Officer, CIAB reserves the right to devise such standards as deemed fit to shortlist the candidates for your interview. The decision of the CEO, CIAB to conduct a written exam shall be binding and final all in this regard.


1. Junior Research Fellow (Chemical/Material/Nano Science) – One position

Age limit for CIAB Vacancy: 28 Years

Tenure: One Year, extendable (post-evaluation) for subsequent years subject to satisfactory progress, institutional needs and financial provisions.

Fellowship for CIAB Vacancy: – Rs. 31,000/- pm plus (HRA as admissible or Hostel facility, if available)

Qualifications for CIAB Vacancy:

(i) M.Sc. in Biochemistry from a recognized University / Institute OR M. Tech. in Biotechnology from a recognized university/institute and

(ii) NET / GATE / GPAT / any other relevant equivalent nature of test qualified.


1. Project Associate – Two positions

Funded By: Department of Biotechnology (Government of India).

Principal Investigator: Dr Sudhir Pratap Singh, Scientist-C

Duration of the project: Three Years

Age limit: 28 Years


(i) M.Sc in Biotechnology / Microbial Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology from a
recognized University / Institute OR M. E. / M.Tech in Biotechnology from a recognized University / Institute
(ii) NET / GATE / any other relevant equivalent nature of test qualified.

Fellowship: Rs. 31,000/- + (HRA as admissible or Hostel Facility, if available)
Rs. 25,000/- + (HRA as admissible or Hostel Facility, if available) for candidates without
qualifications at point (ii) above.

2. Junior Research Fellow – One position

Project Title: “Chemo-Enzymatic Processing of Kinnow Juice Industry for Value Added Nutritional Products”.

Funded By: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under ECRA scheme of DST (Govt. of India).

Principal Investigator: Dr Meena Krishania, Research & Innovation – System Analyst

Tenure of fellowship/Duration of the project: Up to 23rd February 2021

Age limit: 28 Years

Fellowship: Rs. 31,000/- + (HRA as admissible or Hostel Facility, if available)


(i) B.E. / B. Tech. / M.E. / M. Tech. (Food Engineering / Food Technology / Biotechnology /
Biochemical) or M.Sc. (Food Science / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology) from a recognized University/Institute
(ii) NET / GATE / any other relevant equivalent nature of national tests qualified.

Download Application Format (PDF)

Application Format (Word)

See Notification Below

Editor’s Note: CIAB Fellowships R&D 2020 – Applications Invited, ciab recruitment,  Govt CIAB Fellowships 2020. Govt CIAB Fellowships Latest. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!