National Brain Research Centre
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National Brain Research Centre Recruitment – Life Science JRF Vacancy

National Brain Research Centre Recruitment – Life Science JRF Vacancy. National Brain Research Centre is hiring msc life sciences candidates for a junior research fellow post. MSc Life Sciences research vacancy at NBRC – National Brain Research Centre, as per the details given below:

This job expires in :

-1598Days -2Hours -20Minutes -30Seconds


Advertisement No.: Acad/18/2020

Post Title: Junior Research Fellow (Project)

Vacancy: 01

Project Title: “Hypoxia Induced Changes in Blood Brain Barrier”.

Name of the PI: Prof. Pankaj Seth
For academic question, send email : [email protected]
(please do not send application materials to this e-mail address)

How to Apply:

Candidates interested in cutting-edge molecular neurosciences and also fulfilling the
following requirement can send the filled-in application form along with bio-data as well as self-attested photocopies of certificates in support of their qualifications and also experience through speed-post/ courier by 30th September 2020 to “The Administrative Officer, National Brain Research Centre, Nainwal Mode, Gurgaon-122 052 (Haryana)”.


  1. No TA/ DA will certainly be payable to the candidates for attending the interview.
  2. Only candidates who are shortlisted by the screening committee will be informed and also invited for interview at NBRC.

Fellowship: Rs. 25,000/- pm + HRA (No other allowances are applicable), the fellowship is likely to be enhanced to based on DST standards.

Essential Qualifications: M. Sc. in Life Sciences or Physical Sciences with 60% as well as
above marks from matriculation onwards.

Eligibility Criteria: Candidate qualified any National Eligibility Test (NET). NETs include CSIR-UGC NET including LS category, ICMRJRF, GATE, JEST, Biotechnology Eligibly Test and test conducted in Bioinformatics by Bioinformatics National Consortium and also Joint Grad Entrance Exam for Biology & Interdisciplinary Life Science (JGEEBILS).

Desirable qualification and experiences: Experience in mammalian cell culture methods and also basic molecular biology techniques will certainly be favoured. Candidates should be highly motivated to work in an academic environment and in a team of students and PDFs.

Tenure: The tenure will certainly be up to 11th September 2021 and also might be.
Chosen candidates should follow the guidelines and also guidelines of NBRC.

Accommodation: Accommodation may be provided as per rules of NBRC, subject to availability.

See Notification & Download Application Format From Below

Editor’s Note: National Brain Research Centre Recruitment – Life Science JRF Vacancy. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!