IoT-based smart face mask
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IoT-Based Smart Face Mask Developed By BITS Pilani Hyderabad

An IoT-based smart face mask has been developed by the Technology Business Incubator of BITS-Pilani Hyderabad for medical conditions like COVID-19 and pulmonary disorders.

A release from Technology Business Incubator of BITS-Pilani Hyderabad said that an individual could be protected from exposure to infection using this Internet of Things (IoT) face mask, and it can also monitor the health parameters remotely. COVID-19 warriors can efficiently monitor patients with the help of smart face masks and smartphones. This could help to reduce the risks of healthcare workers getting infected as it can reduce the time they spend in isolation wards to collect basic parameters.

The body’s essential factors like blood oxygen level, temperature, etc. can be processed and screened by the IoT device attached to the masks. It can also monitor the humidity levels that build up inside the mask over a period.

The mask helps the user to remove moisture and expel heat from the ma

sk with the help of a feature called OBV (oxy-breathe ventilators) so that it can be worn without any discomfort for a long time and reduces the risk of infection due to continuous wearing of a mask.

Mobile applications can remotely activate and control the system through easy touch and play. The mask is made of three layers of replaceable green and eco-friendly filters with washable cotton fabric.

Vital health parameters like blood oxygen levels, fever, and migraine due to pressure and altitude differences can be remotely monitored by the cloud-based BScout Facemask app developed for IOS and Android. Doctors can remotely monitor the patient in home isolation with the instant data the app provides.

The release added that Baiid Auto Technologies is exploring investment and ‘Make in India’ opportunities for scaling up the manufacturing of this 8smart mask with BITS’ support.
