Govt IIFPT Research Recruitment
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Govt IIFPT Research Recruitment 2020 – Online Applications Invited

Govt IIFPT Research Recruitment 2020 – Online Applications Invited. MSc / MTech / PhD / BTech Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Science and Food Technology are encouraged to apply online at IIFPT – Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur. Check details on the same below:

This job expires in :

-1637Days -23Hours -51Minutes -7Seconds


Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India
Pudukkottai Road, Thanjavur – 613 005
Tel: 04362-228155
Email: [email protected] Website:

No. IIFPT/Admin/Projects/2020
Date: 01.08.2020

Online Applications are invited from bright, dynamic and highly motivated candidates with
requisite eligibility criteria as furnished below for the following temporary/time-bound positions on contract basis as detailed below:

How to Apply for IIFPT Job:

  1. Age Limit for as on date of Interview
    SRF/JRF/PA/YP: 35 years for men and 40 years for women
    Application Fee: Rs.500/- (exempted for SC/ST/PWD Candidates)
  2. Period of empanelment for Adjunct Faculty: Initially for 6 months and extendable for every 06 months thereafter based on the performance and requirement.
  3. Tenure of the Project for SRF / JRF / PA / YP: Tenure will be initially for a period of six months or till the completion of the Project Period whichever is earlier and renewable every six months based on satisfactory performance.
  4. All the posts are at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu except the post of “Young Professional” at Sl. No 12 is at Liaison Office-Bathinda, Punjab.
  5. Selected candidates will have to work for six days in a week except for second Saturday and Govt. holidays.
  6. The applicant must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility conditions for the post. It is the responsibility of the candidate to assess his/her eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualification, experience etc.
  7. The candidate must upload soft copies of all certificates and relevant documents in support of their claim in the online application form wherever necessary. In respect of publications, the first page of publications must be uploaded, failing which such publications will not be considered for scorecard calculation.
  8. The Institute reserves the right to Revise / Reschedule / Cancel / Suspend/withdraw the recruitment process without assigning any reason. The decision of the Institute shall be final and no appeal in this regard shall be entertained. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without giving any reason.
  9. The candidates must apply only on the online application form available in the Institute website No off-line application sent directly to the Institute will be entertained.
  10. Short-listed Eligible candidates alone will be called for the online written examination followed by an online interview
  11. Important Dates:
    ♦ Commencement of online application is from 05.08.2020 at 10:00 AM (IST).
    ♦ Last date for submission of online applications is 24th August 2020 at 5.00 PM (IST) in the IIFPT.
  12. Selection process
    SRF/JRF/PA/YP-II Eligible candidates will be called for the online written examination
    followed by an online interview.
  13. Instructions for Online written examination
    ♣ The examination will be taken up by the candidates from their home/locations
    ♣ Mock test will be conducted to familiarize with the software and to verify system requirements
    Syllabus for examination: Related to food processing sector
    Question paper pattern: 40 MCQs (1 mark each) and 2 essay questions 5 marks each); no negative marking.
    ♣ The Recommended Configuration (Minimum) for the Laptop/Desktop Device to be used for Exam is:
    ♣ OS – Windows 8/8.1/10
    ♣ Processor – Pentium i3
    ♣ RAM – 4 GB
    ♣ HDD – 10 GB free space available
    ♣ Camera
    ♣ Microphone
  14. Online interview will be conducted through video conferencing
  15. It is the responsibility of the candidate to make his own arrangement for the system (Desktop/Laptop with the adequate configuration) with internet connections to take up the examination as well as an interview from their locations. IIFPT will not be held responsible for any lapses.

Category II (SRF / JRF)

Position I 

Name of the Job: Senior Research Fellow (Institute projects)

No. of Posts: 08

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 31,000/- (Consolidated) plus 8 percent HRA

Essential Qualifications for IIFPT Job:

M.Tech / M.Sc. /PhD degree (4 yrs of UG + 2 yrs of PG) in Food Technology / Food Process Engineering / Food Science and Technology / Processing and Food Engineering / Post Harvest Technology / Food Technology and Management / Food Process Engineering and Management / Food Plant Operations and Management / Food Safety and Quality Management / Food Supply Chain Management / Food Science / Food & Nutrition / Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Biochemistry / Food Chemistry / Biotechnology / Nanotechnology / Chemical Engineering / Dairy Technology. The desirable qualification is PhD with working experience in a Chemical laboratory and experience in handling high-tech Instruments.
M.Sc. degree (3 yrs of UG + 2 yrs of PG) in the above disciplines with NET and 2 years of
research experience (or) PhD in the above disciplines. The desirable qualification is PhD with working experience in a Chemical laboratory and experience in handling high-tech

Position II

Name of the Job: Senior Research Fellow (Director Technical Assistant)

No. of Posts: 01

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 31,000/- (Consolidated) plus 8 percent HRA

Essential Qualifications for IIFPT Job:

M.Tech / M.Sc. /PhD degree (4 yrs of UG + 2 yrs of PG) in Food Technology / Food Process Engineering / Food Science and Technology / Processing and Food Engineering / Post Harvest Technology / Food Technology and Management / Food Process Engineering and Management / Food Plant Operations and Management / Food Safety and Quality Management / Food Supply Chain Management / Food Science / Food & Nutrition / Chemistry / Analytical Chemistry / Biochemistry / Food Chemistry / Biotechnology / Nanotechnology / Chemical Engineering / Dairy Technology. The preference will be given those who are having an additional MBA Degree along with above-said qualifications
M.Sc. degree (3 yrs of UG + 2 yrs of PG) in the above disciplines with NET and 2 years of
research experience (or) PhD in the above disciplines. The preference will be given those who are having an additional MBA Degree along with above-said qualifications.

Category III (Project Assistant)

Position III

Name of the Job: Project Assistant (PA)

No. of Posts: 01

Name of the Project: Development of process for production of coconut sap (neera)
sugar granules and crystals (GAP-050)

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 12,000/- (Consolidated) plus 8 percent HRA

Essential Qualifications for IIFPT Job: B.Tech. in Food Process Engineering / Food Science & Technology / Food Technology / Chemical Engineering.

Category IV (Young Professional-II)

Position IV

Name of the Job: Young Professional-II (YP-II) – LO, Bathinda (The Posting will be at
IIFPT LO-Batinda, Model Town, Bathinda – 151 001, Punjab)

No. of Posts: 01

Consolidated Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 25,000/- (Consolidated)

Essential Qualifications for IIFPT Job:

  • Master degree in Food Engineering / Food Science & Technology / Food Technology /
    Food Process Engineering / Post Harvest Management / Food Science & Nutrition.
  • Master degree in the above subjects – Candidates having bachelor’s degree in Basic
    Sciences (3 years) + Masters (2 years) in above-mentioned subjects
  • Preference will be given to candidates having proficiency in Punjabi and Hindi language


See Notification Below

Editor’s Note: Govt IIFPT Research Recruitment. Govt IIFPT Research Recruitment 2020 – Online Applications Invited. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!