Govt Food Safety
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Govt Food Safety Officer Recruitment – Biotech / Food Tech / Microbiology Apply

Govt Food Safety Officer Recruitment – Biotech / Food Tech / Microbiology Apply. MSc candidates with a degree in Biotechnology, Food Technology and Microbiology are encouraged to apply for a food safety officer vacancy. Interested applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

This Job Expires In :

-1620Days -4Hours -27Minutes -15Seconds


Advertisement No. – 13 of 2020.

Recruitment Examination, 2020 for the post of Food Safety Officer
under Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

Online applications are welcomed through our web site from the Citizens of India for recruitment to the post of Food Safety Officer under Kolkata Municipal Corporation on and from 01.08.2020.

Name of the Post: Food Safety Officer

No. of Posts: 01

Age as on 01.01.2020: 18 – 39 yrs.

Submission of Bond:

Candidates called for Personality Test/ Interview will certainly have to submit a Bond on Rs. 50/- Stamp Paper to the effect that they will certainly arrange for short-term lodging/shelter for doing emergency duties as and when may be required by the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Authority.

Age: Lower and Upper age limit is 18 years and also 39 years

respectively as on 1st January 2020. UPPER AGE RELAXATION UP TO 5 (FIVE) YEARS IS ADMISSIBLE ONLY TO S.C. & S.T. CANDIDATES AND UP TO 3 YEARS TO O.8.C. (A & B) CANDIDATES OF WEST BENGAL. Upper age limit for recruitment of Physically Challenged persons to State Government Services as well as Posts shall be 44 years.


Method of Recruitment & Syllabus: The method of recruitment and Syllabus will certainly be notified later on in our website

Application Fee: (Non-Refundable).

  1. Application fee for U.R. & O.B.C. (A & B) candidates is Rs. 150= 00 (Rupees One hundred and also Fifty) plus Processing Charges Rs. 50= 00 (Rupees Fifty) plus Rs. 20= 00 (Rupees Twenty) towards Bank Charges for Challan deposit.
  2. For S.C., S.T. & P.H. applicants only Processing Charges Rs. 50= 00 (Rupees Fifty) plus Rs. 20= 00 (Rupees Twenty) towards Bank Charges for Challan deposit.
  3. The application fees plus Processing charges as mentioned in Para’s (1) and (2) above shall be collected by all the branches of the United Bank of India and also the same to be deposited to Account No. 0088010367936 via Challan generated after submission of Online Application at our website
  4. Besides above, an applicant may opt. for Online payment of aforesaid fees as well as charges through Limited (Bill Desk).

Miscellaneous: A candidate currently in service under Central or the State Government/ Semi-Government/ Local/ Statutory Body shall have to guarantee that No-Objection Certification (N.O.C.) from his / her present Employer reaches the Office of the West Bengal Municipal Service Commission within 7 (seven) days preceding the date of Personality Test/ Interview. Otherwise, he/ she will certainly be taken into consideration not eligible for the Personality Test/ Interview. If at any stage an applicant is found ineligible for admission in regards to the condition of qualification for this Exam, his/ her candidature will be rejected without more reference to him/ her.

Last Date: Last date for Registration for online application and generation of challan is.
31.08.2020 and application fee in addition to processing charges should be deposited to the Bank by 01.09.2020 and also the procedure of submission of Application need to be completed by 02.09.2020.

NOTE: The West Bengal Municipal Service Commission reserves the right to rectify errors and omissions, if any, in the process of holding the Exam and final declaration of outcome.

Pay Level: Pay Level – 11 of the Pay Matrix of OPA 2019.

Essential Qualification for Direct Recruitment:

  1. A degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or
    Agricultural Science or Vet Services or Bio-Chemistry or Micro-Biology or Master’s Degree Chemistry or a Degree in Medicine from a recognized University.
  2. Qualification required under F.S.S. Rules 2011 as will be amended from time to time.
  3. Has successfully completed training as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized
    Institute or Institution approved for the purpose.

See Notification Below

Editor’s Note: Govt Food Safety Officer Recruitment – Biotech / Food Tech / Microbiology Apply. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. One of the qualifications is completion of a training course specified by Food Authority. Can you please mention what short training courses can be done by a B.Tech Biotech student to be eligible for the post?

    If you can provide any course link that will be helpful

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