IIT Jodhpur Online Applications Invited For Research Associate Job
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IIT Jodhpur Research Job – Applications Invited

IIT Jodhpur Research Job – Applications Invited. PhD Research Associate vacancy at Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IIT Jodhpur). RA vacancy for phd Biology / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology candidates. IIT Jodhpur is hiring as per the details given below:

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IIT Jodhpur Job

Advt. No.: IITJ/R&D/2020-21/05

Name of the Position: Research Associate

No.of Posts: 01

Project No. S/SERB/SUG/20200008

Project Title: Multimodal Approaches to Develop Potential Therapeutic Leads Targeting Molecular Hot Spots of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for Clinical Trial

Name of the Project Investigator: Prof Surajit Ghosh

Duration for initial Appointment: One Year

How to apply:

The applicants possessing the requisite qualification as well as experience must apply with
ON-LINE process up to 28 July 2020. The candidates are advised to send a soft copy of the application with all pertinent documents to [email protected]. No need to send out a hard copy.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. The post( s) is totally short-term as well as contractual for a period of 01 Year, as well as extension based upon satisfactory performance, but co-terminus with the duration of the project.
  2. The application which is incomplete, not in the prescribed format, without a photograph or unsigned will certainly be summarily declined when applying for the IIT Jodhpur Job.
  3. Certificate in support of experience ought to be in proper format i.e. it ought to be on the organizations’ letterhead, bear the date of issue, specific period of work, name and also the designation of the issuing authority in addition to his signature.
  4. The Institute reserves the right to: (a) conduct written/trade tests for such posts wherever if the circumstances so warrant (b) not filling up any of the advertised positions (c) fill consequential openings arising at the time of interview from offered applicants. The variety of positions is hence open to change.
  5. The Institute will verify the antecedents or documents submitted by an applicant at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background as well as has suppressed the stated information, then his/her services shall be terminated.
  6. No TA/DA will be paid to the applicants for attending the interview.
  7. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding interview and factors for not being called for interview.
  8. Canvassing in any kind of form will be a disqualification.
  9. No interim correspondence will certainly be entertained.
  10. Postal delay will certainly not be entertained.

Consolidated Pay: Rs.47,000/- plus HRA (As per institute norms)

Minimum Qualification and also Experience:


a) Postgraduate degree in basic science or Graduate/Postgraduate degree in a professional course in any kind of branch of Life Science, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology,
Microbiology as well as Biochemistry with a minimum first-class or comparable grade.
b) CSIR/UGC-NET consisting of lectureship/Valid GATE score/ICMR-JRF/DBT-BET/ DST-INSPIRE etc. is eligible to apply.

Desirable Qualifications: Candidates with experience in basic cloning, cell culture, protein expression and also fluorescence microscopy technique will certainly be favoured.

Brief description of Project: The objective of the project is to make use of a combination of cell & molecular biology and biochemistry approaches to investigate the role of CEP152 centrosome protein in healthy & disease cell culture model.

Job Description:

  1. Carry out the research work of the proposed research project.
  2. Keep as well as maintain the record of the results in a presentable form (Soft in addition to hard copy).
  3. Keep a track of contingency/consumable needed for the work.
  4. Aid the PI in preparation of various reports related to the research work.
  5. Carry out any other laboratory related work as directed by PI.

Click here to APPLY ONLINE

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Diluxi Arya
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