Banaras Hindu University Genetics & Plant Breeding Research Job
Banaras Hindu University Genetics & Plant Breeding Research Job. BHU, Varanasi is hiring for research position. PhD Plant Breeding and Genetics candidates are eligible for the vacancies. Check out the details on the position that is available at BHU via the details below:
This job expires in :
Multidisciplinary Research Unit (MRU)
Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi
BHU Job Details
Job Name: Research Associate
No. of Posts: 01
Name of the Project: ”Development of superior Haplotype based Near Isogenic
Lines (Haplo-NILs) for enhanced genetic gain in rice”
How to Apply for BHU Job:
Application on Plain paper giving Name, permanent and correspondence address, names of
father and mother, telephone no. and e-mail address (if available), details of educational
career (starting from High School or equivalent) along with attested copies of all mark- sheets & certificates and details of any research or other experience etc., if any, should reach within 21 days of the advertisement, to Prof. Shravan Kumar Singh (P.I., P-07/743), Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221 005. E-mail: [email protected]
No TA/DA will be paid if called for an interview.
Age: The upper Age Limit is 40 Years for the post of Project Scientist-II (relaxable for 5
· years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates; (in case of non-research
positions, the upper age limit may also be relaxed for a duration of earlier work in a
project/scheme in B.H.U. subject to the University rules prevalent at that time). All things
being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules.
Emoluments: Rs.67000 plus 16 percent HRA pm
Essential Qualifications for BHU Job:
The candidates for the post of Project Scientist-II should be PhD in Genetics and Plant
Breeding / Plant Breeding and Genetics / Plant Breeding / Genetics with three years
experience in research and development in industrial and academic institutions or Science
and Technology organizations and scientific activities and services. The candidates for the
post of Field Worker should be Graduate in any discipline.
Desirable Qualifications:
Project Scientist-II; experience on rice breeding and for the post of Field Worker; handling rice crop and basic knowledge of computer.
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