NHM Microbiology Job
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NHM Microbiology Job With Rs. 60,000 Salary pm

NHM Microbiology Job With Rs. 60,000 Salary pm. National Health Mission Job Openings. MSc & PhD Microbiology applicants can apply. Interested applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:

This Job Expires In :

-1692Days -20Hours -40Minutes -30Seconds


Distt. Health & Family Welfare Society, Rohtak

Advt. No 06/2020

Following posts are to be hired simply temporary on contract basis under NHM initially up 89 Days in DH&FW Society, Rohtak. Qualification, emoluments, age, as well as other requirements for the posts, are mentioned below:

Name of the Post: Microbiologist Post-1

No. of Posts: Gen.-1

Age: 42 Years

How to Apply:

  1. The applicant should apply on prescribed Application Performa available at O/o DH&FW Society, Rohtak on cash payment of Rs. 200/- only.
  2. Filled applications complete in all respects along with photocopies of all relevant certifications (proof of present permanent residence, as well as Caste/Category Certificate issued by appropriate authorities, is need to) need to get to in the office of DH&FW Society (O/o Civil Surgeon, Rohtak).
  3. The number of posts can be increased/ decreased or can be completely withdrawn without any prior info or corrigendum.
  4. Incorrect/ insufficient information will be the disqualification and also will be rejected straightaway.
  5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview as well as tests etc.
  6. Preference will be given to the candidates of District Rohtak.
  7. Age, qualification and other eligibility will be counted up to the closing date/date of walk-in-interview.
  8. Experienced applicants from Govt./ Semi Govt. institutions, worked on a full-time basis will be given weightage.
  9. Reservation of posts will be based on Govt. rules. The candidate seeking selection under Ex-servicemen category will have to deposit eligibility certificate from respective Zila Sainik Board to become eligible, issued/renewed before the last date of this advertisement.
  10. Candidate can be posted/Detailed to work anywhere in the District Rohtak in case of exigencies or according to requirement.
  11. No separate letter will be sent for Test/Interview.
  12. The candidature of the candidate will be purely provisional for all the posts and also will be subjected to fulfil the prescribed eligibility condition. If at any type of stage prior to or after the written test/computer test/Interview/joining duty, it is found that candidate does not fulfil any of the eligibility criteria or information furnished by the applicant is incorrect or false, his/her candidature for the post will stand terminated without any notice and also any kind of reference.
  13. Any type of Degree/Diploma/Certificate required as per education qualification will be valid only if has been obtained from recognized university/board/institution/ council.
  14. Recruitment/Hiring will be done based on the current guidelines/policy, issued by the competent authority during the procedure of recruitment & up to the appointment with no corrigendum.
  15. Candidate needs to reach for the Computer Test and also interview with all original documents/certificates in the office of Civil Surgeon, Rohtak as per following schedule. The procedure of registration/Submission of the form will be done between 09:00 am to 11:00 am followed by Proficiency test, computer test and interview on 25th June 2020. If any of the posts as mentioned left vacant on the first date of the interview the next date of interview will be on every Tuesday in the month of July 2020 till the Fulfilment of all these posts or based on orders from the higher authorities.

Remuneration per month:

  1. Rs 80000/-
  2. Rs 80000/-
  3. Rs 80000/-
  4. Rs 60000/-

Essential Qualifications:

  1. Ph. D (Microbiology)
  2. MBBS with PG Degree/Diploma in Microbiology, Virology, Pathology and other Lab Sciences
  3. M. Sc (Medical Microbiology)
  4. M. Sc (Microbiology)

Desirable Qualification:

  1. Doctorate degree or M.Tech degree in relevant subject or engineering subject from a recognized university for applicants with a first-class relevant degree.
  2. Extra Post Doctoral Research/ Training experience in relevant subjects in recognized institute( s).
  3. Knowledge of Computer Applications or Business Intelligence tools/ Data Management.

Click here to Download Application Form

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Editor’s Note: NHM Microbiology Job With Rs. 60,000 Salary pm. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. I am in need of job but noww a day due to pandemic effect of CORONA Virus, it is very risky to go outside the city for job.as I live in Latur,Maharashtra.so plz inform me about any online jobs in Life sciences/ Microbiology

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