NIBMG Integrated MS-PhD Admission August 2020 – Apply Online
The National Institute of BioMedical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani has announced Integrated MS-PhD Admission for August 2020. NIBMG Integrated MS-PhD Admission August 2020 – Apply Online. Interested and eligible candidates with a relevant background. Check out all of the details on the overview, the eligibility, selection procedure and application details below:
This call expires in :
राष्ट्रीय जैबचिकित्सा जीनोमिक्स संस्थान
(An Autonomous Institution of the Government of India)
P.O.: N.S.S., Kalyani 741251, West Bengal, INDIA
Tele: +91-33-29772151
NO: NIBMG/ADMIN/ESTB/2020-21/022
Admission Notice for Integrated MS-PhD (August 2020 session)
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the Integrated MS-PhD
program at National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG, Kalyani, West Bengal).
for the session beginning in August 2020. The broad areas of research pursued at NIBMG.
1. Biomedical Genomics and the functional implications in the context of:
A. Cancer.
B. Infectious disease.
C. Chronic disease.
2. Computational Biology and Statistical Genomics.
To learn more about the program (regarding course structure, curriculum, fellowships,
hostel facility, fees, etc.) please visit
Minimum Eligibility: Indian nationals with minimum 55 % aggregate marks (or an
Sciences are eligible to apply. Students from the SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), and PWD categories shall be given a relaxation of 5% marks. Students in the last year of their Bachelor’s degree is additionally eligible to apply, provided they can produce a proof of having secured the minimum aggregate marks at the time of interview.
Selection procedure: Applicants making an application for admission into our Integrated PhD program (2020) would need to qualify one of these 2 exams (in the current year),
according to the screening cut-offs determined by NIBMG.
- Joint Grad Entrance Examination for Biology as well as Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS conducted by NCBS/TIFR): Exam held in December 2019.
- Joint Admission Test for M.Sc., 2020 conducted by IIT Kanpur) for Biotechnology (BT).
Applicants that fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria and also have appeared for any of the.
above exams may apply on-line. Applicants will certainly be shortlisted for interview if their ratings in JGEEBILS (December 2019) or JAM 2020 (BT) are more than the cut-offs.
determined by NIBMG. Final selection will be based exclusively on the applicant’s interview performance.
As much as 10 students, who meet the desired criteria for selection, might be admitted. There will be reservation of seats for students from the SC, ST, OBC and PWD categories as per the orders of the Govt. of India in this regard.
Application Procedure: Please apply online via web link (no other form of application will be accepted). Please indicate online whether you belong to a reserved category or the general category. The online application will be accepted until 5 PM on 15th June 2020. Short-listed candidates will be called for a formal interview for the final selection (List of Short-listed applicants for interview shall be published on NIBMG website). Interviews will certainly be held in July 2020.
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