NIAS-IISc Bangalore MSc Recruitment in DST-CSRI Project
NIAS-IISc Bangalore MSc Recruitment in DST-CSRI Project. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:
This Job Expires In :
Recruitment for Project Position for a DST funded project.
National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, Bangalore
The Animal Behavior, as well as Cognition Programme, invites applications from eligible candidates for the following post in a DST-CSRI funded project: “Food Object Recognition in Primates” under Prof. Sindhu Radhakrishna, School of Natural Sciences & Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore – 560012.
Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow
Name of the Project: “Food Object Recognition in Primates”
Name of the PI: Prof. Sindhu Radhakrishna, School of Natural Sciences & Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Indian Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore – 560012.
How to Apply:
Interested applicants ought to submit their curriculum vitae electronically together with the following documents:-
- Covering letter.
- Statement of Purpose.
- Copy of degree certification.
The deadline for receiving applications is 31 May 2020. Short-listed candidates will certainly be invited to NIAS for an interview.
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications
as well as experience and also comparable to other premier institutions in the country.The applications should be addressed to:
Sindhu Radhakrishna
National Institute of Advanced Studies
Indian Institute of Science Campus
Bangalore-560, 012, India
E-mail: [email protected]
Qualifications & Experience: Masters degree in Zoology/Biology/Environmental
Science or a related subject. Applicants should have preferably qualified in the National
Eligibility Tests – CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship, and also GATE. Other exceptional applicants that have qualified national level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions such as DST, DBT, IISc IISER etc are likewise encouraged to apply.
Requirement: Familiarity with and also knowledge of animal/primate behavioural sampling techniques. The applicant selected for the post would have the possibility of registering for a PhD degree depending upon satisfactory progress of work and also the fulfilment of the requirements for PhD registration. Such students will work in NIAS and also will be registered for the PhD degree with either with the University of Mysore or Manipal University.
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