ICMR-NIE Scientist Job
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ICMR-NIE Scientist Job With Rs. 48,000 pm Salary

ICMR-NIE Scientist Job With Rs. 48,000 pm Salary. Research vacancies for mac .phdmicrobiology and epidemiology candidates at ICMR National Institute of Epidemiology. ICMR-NIE is hiring msc & phd candidates for a microbiology scientist position. MSc & PhD jobs at ICMR-NIE. Interested and eligible candidates check out all of the details below:

This job expires in :

-1707Days -3Hours -25Minutes -34Seconds


Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Government of India
R-127, Second Main Road, TNHB, Ayapakkam,
Chennai – 600 077
Telephone: 044-26136311 / 26136251

No. NIE/PE/Advt/2020/07

The last date of receipt of application through Email ([email protected]) on or prior to 16.06.2020 by 05:00 p.m. The details of the post and also qualification criteria are given below:

Position: Scientist B (Medical / Non-Medical) [Site Coordinator]

Posts: 01 (UR)

Project Title: Cohorts for Zika Epidemiology in India (COZEI)

Place of posting: SMS Medical College & Hospital, Jaipur

Age Limit: UR: 35 Years

How to Apply:

  1. The application ought to be based on the prescribed format (Annexure– A).
  2. Candidates ought to enclose photocopies of educational qualification and also experience
    and other testimonials duly self– attested together with the filled up application.
  3. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of
  4. Experience certificate should clearly state the nature of work during the duration of
  5. No– Objection Certificate from the current employer (for Govt./ AB/ PSU Servants
  6. All posts are contractual for the duration offered. The appointment might be renewed
    after every specific period of time-based on satisfactory performance and project
  7. The incumbents chosen will have no claim for regular appointments under NIE/ICMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.
  8. The Director, ICMR– NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without assigning any reasons thereof, no additional correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  9. Candidates are advised to check ICMR– NIE web site regularly for better information, changes, which will be updated from time to time.
  10. Date, Time and Place of the interview will certainly be intimated by email separately to the eligible candidates.
  11. Incomplete applications of the application without relevant enclosures will be outrightly rejected.
  12. Candidates shall send their filled application, together with all supporting documents via Email [email protected] on or prior to 16.06.2020 by 05:00 p.m., subject to be mentioned as “Application for the post of Project Scientist– B (Medical/ Non– Medical) (Site Coordinator) under COZEI Project”.

Emoluments: Non-Medical – Rs.48,000/- + HRA per month

Essential Qualification:


1st Class Master’s degree in Microbiology/ Public Health/ Epidemiology from a recognized university with 2 years of research experience in a related field.
2nd Class Master’s degree in Microbiology/ Public Health/ Epidemiology with a Ph.D. from a recognized University.

Desirable Qualifications and Experience:

  1. PhD in a relevant subject.
  2. Experience of health-related research, including supervision and also data collection.
  3. Knowledge of computer applications/data management.
  4. Experience in serology as well as Molecular biology techniques.
  5. Proficient to read, write and speak in Hindi and English.

Nature of Duties:

  1. Provide technological and also administrative support for planning, implementation and also coordination.
  2. Coordinate with the Lead research institute/stakeholders in the implementation of the project.
  3. Supervise data collection/project implementation.
  4. Prepare reports on the status of the project implementation.
  5. Organize meetings/workshops/training programs.
  6. Any other work assigned by the Director/PI/Co-PI/ Superior officer.

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Editor’s Note: ICMR-NIE Scientist Job With Rs. 48,000 pm Salary. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!