Indo-U.S. Virtual Networks for COVID-19 – Call For Proposals
Indo-U.S. Virtual Networks for COVID-19 – Call For Proposals. Interested and eligible applicants can check out all of the details on the same below:
Indo-U.S. Science & Technology Forum
Call for Proposals
Indo-U.S. Virtual Networks for COVID-19
Across the world, countries are being challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic in ways they have never been before. Science, Engineering, and Technology will play a critical role in finding solutions to this global challenge through the development of new vaccines, devices, diagnostic tools, and information systems, as well as strategies to help communities and nations manage and deploy resources to combat this epidemic. Global challenges call for global collaborations and partnerships, bringing together the best and brightest scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to work together to find solutions, not only to address the current pandemic, but also for the challenges that lie ahead. Collaborations and networks not only help to leverage and share expertise across S&T communities, thereby creating synergy, but can often lead to breakthroughs and generation of innovative and transformative solutions. Collaboration, both national and international, facilitates the development of a diverse, globally-engaged science, engineering, and technology-enabled workforce.
To support the global
efforts of the medical and scientific community, IUSSTF announces a Call for Proposals for COVID-19 Indo-U.S. Virtual Networks. IUSSTF encourages proposals that convincingly demonstrate the benefits and value of the Indo-U.S. partnership to advance research and address critical challenges related to COVID-19. Virtual Networks would allow Indian and U.S. scientists and engineers currently engaged in COVID-related research to carry out joint research activities through a virtual mechanism, leveraging existing infrastructure and funding. These network projects could be oftwo types:
- Knowledge R&D Networks that enable Indian and U.S. scientists from Academia and National Laboratories to conduct joint research and encourage the integration of research and education.
- Public-Private Virtual Networks that enable Indian and U.S. scientists from Academia and Industry to collaborate on pre-commercial R&D activities having potential towards applied research and product development.
- Teams at Indian and U.S. Academic Institutions, Laboratories and/or Industries that are actively engaged in COVID-19 research funded by Federal Agencies and/or Foundations.
- Each proposal must involve at least one Indian and one U.S. Institution.
- All partners should have intellectual and financial stake in the activities by contributing
resources required for project execution.
Type and Extent of Funding by IUSSTF:
- INR 25,00,000/- to INR 50,00,000/- per project [approx.. $33,000/- to $66,000/-].
- Funding would be available for a period of 18 months.
- The Grant-in-Aid would cover:
o Partial support for Personnel (Students/PostDocs);
o Basic Infrastructure (limited supplies), if needed;
o Limited travel (with justification); and,
o Contingencies for dissemination of research, educational materials and reports.
Application Process: Applications will be accepted online from 15 April 2020 onwards with a submission deadline of 15 May 2020. While we wait for the call to open, you may like to take a look at the application format at Annexure I.
View Notification & Download Application Format From Below
Editor’s Note: Indo-U.S. Virtual Networks for COVID-19 – Call For Proposals. Please make sure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of all of the latest in the industry. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.