New gene for synthesizing pain killers developed from Kinema, a soybean food product
Scientists from the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Manipur, and Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali identified a new gene that can be utilized to synthesize a high valuable neuroprotective biomolecule, gamma-aminobutyrate.
Scientists identified the gene from a naturally fermented soybean food product called Kinema, which is found in the Sikkim Himalayan region of India.
A new method to synthesize gamma-aminobutyrate from Glutamate molecule was also developed by the scientists. Over the years, gamma-aminobutyrate has become a popular option for pain and stress management, as it is known to produce several neuroprotective effects. Gamma-aminobutyrate is widely used in pharmaceutical and food industries. In the synthesis of polymers like Nylon-4, gamma-aminobutyrate can be used as a precursor molecule.
The research team consisted of Dr. Nitish Sharma, Dr. Sudhir P. Singh, Dr. Dinabandhu Sahoo, and Dr. Amit K. Rai has filed for a patent for their discovery of the new gene for synthesizing pain killers under the patent number 201911030305.
Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, established the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD) at Imphal, Manipur, in the year 2001. The major objective of
the institute is the conservation and sustainable utilization of bio-resources for the socio-economic development of the north-east region of India, which is a genetic treasure house of animals, plants, and microbial resources. The major challenge for the institute is to create new employment opportunities for the people in this region over and above the scientific pursuitsCenter of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing, Mohali is an autonomous institution under the Department of Biotechnology. CIAB is primarily focused on Secondary Agriculture and the development of value-added products from different types of bioresources. Its objectives are in resonance with Govt. of India’s program on “Doubling the Farmer`s Income. ”