BHU PET 2020
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BHU PET 2020 – Official Notification

BHU PET 2020 – Official Notification – Online Applications. If you are looking to apply for science courses check out all of the details below. It is an online application process, all of the details on the same are below:

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The Banaras Hindu University shall conduct Postgraduate Entrance Test (hereinafter called “PET‟), during 26th April to 29th May 2020 [Refer to Section 22 of the Test Schedule] for admission to various Postgraduate Courses for the Session 2020-21. Admissions will be made according to merit in the PET, subject to fulfilment of eligibility requirements mentioned below and availability of seats in the particular Course for which the candidate has applied. Courses have been divided into “General”, “Professional”, “Special” and “Vocational” and are conducted in the respective Faculties. In addition, some of the Courses are also conducted in Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU (MMV), Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha, (RGSC) Mirzapur and the Colleges admitted to the Privileges of the University in the Varanasi city namely, Arya Mahila Post Graduate College, Chetganj (AMPGC); Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kamachha (VKM); Vasanta College for Women, Rajghat (VCW) and DAV Post Graduate

College, Ausanganj (DAVPGC). The total number of seats in various Courses are indicated in brackets where “M‟ stands for Male only, “F‟ for Female only, and “M&F‟ indicates seats for Male and Female both.

The Postgraduate Examination will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode ONLY. The Computer Based Test (CBT) would be conducted in 200 cities.

Online Application Form for the Applicants of PET -2020:

The Application Form for PET 2020 is available on the BHU‟s entrance test portal ( The online application making process will have the following six stages:
Step 1: Registration on the Portal []- This step involves authentication of Candidate‟s email id and mobile number. As all-important communications related to Entrance Test and Admission will be sent to the registered email id and mobile number, candidates are advised to give their correct email id/ mobile number (in use).

Step 2: Filling up Identification details– Only after successful registration on the Portal [], the candidates would be required to fill up an Identification Form giving particulars of the documents for authentication of their identity. For the purposes, following photo identification documents are allowed: (i) Aadhaar Card; (ii) Passport; (iii) Voter ID issued by the Election Commission of India; (iv) Bank Passbook affixed with the photograph (v) Driving License; (vi) Pan Card; (vii) any other valid Government ID Number and (viii) Admit Card issued by the concerned Boards (students appearing in Class 12). Candidate‟s should carefully write the correct spelling of their names as carried in their Aadhaar/identification document (as applicable). The candidates shall be compulsorily required to carry their identification document (as provided in the application process) to the examination centre, for authentication of their identity, along with the Entrance Test Admit Card, failing which such candidate shall not be allowed in the examination hall.

Step 3: Online Application Form Entry and Course Selection– After successful authentication of identity, candidates would be allowed to fill-up details in the online application form and select the course after ensuring their eligibility for the concerned course in which they are desirous.

Step 4: Uploading of photographs and signature- Candidates have to scan their photo and signature as per instruction given in the portal and upload it.

Step 5: Payment of Application Processing/ Entrance Test Fee- After the candidate has filled up the application form online and clicks on the “CONFIRM” button, he/she will be provided with following options for payment of application processing/test fee:

a) Online payment through credit card/ debit card through the payment gateway available on the Entrance test portal.

b) Payment of Entrance Test Fee in Cash through “Challan” in any branch of HDFC Bank (facility will be available only during banking hours on any banking day): After filling up the application form and its submission, the Challan can be printed from the portal. The printout of challan (in two folds) will contain all necessary details of the candidate and the bank account details of the Banaras Hindu University in which the entrance test fee will be deposited. The candidate will be required to visit any branch of the HDFC Bank of his/her choice (only during banking hours on any banking day) where he/she will be required to deposit the requisite Fee amount to the Bank and the bank will retain one fold of the Challan and its second fold containing the necessary Entrance Test Fee payment details will be given to the candidate. The candidate is required to retain it for his record.


The candidate is required to check the status of fee payment at BHU website  ( and if the status is “OK‟, then only candidate will be able to take printout of Confirmation Page. In case, the fee payment status does not show the payment
id/ OK status, the candidate is advised to act as follows:

(i) If the fee is paid through e-challan by depositing cash in the designated bank, the candidate should immediately contact the concerned bank to update his/her fee status on the website within the last date for submission of the online application form.

(ii) If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will, automatically, be refunded to concerned credit/debit card within 7 – 10 days. Therefore, such a candidate has to pay the fee
once again and ensure the OK status within the last date for submission of the online application form.

Step 6: Printout of Application Form for the record of candidates– After online submission of the application form and successful payment of Application Processing/ Test Fee, candidates are advised to take a printout of the online filled up application form
(containing the details he/she has filled in and the transaction details of payment of application fee) from either the Entrance Test portal for their own record.


  1. The application form is to be filled up and submitted online. Detailed instruction for filling up the application form, online payment of application fee and online submission is provided on the BHU’s entrance test portal.
  2. The PET Application Form shall be treated to have been successfully submitted only after the candidate has paid the Application Processing Fee/ Entrance Test Fee through either of the two modes given above in Step 5.

Important Dates:

  • Availability of PET-2020 ONLINE Form on the Entrance Test Portal: 30.01.2020
  • Last date for ONLINE submission of Application Forms: 29.02.2020

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Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!