IIT Roorkee SPARK 2020
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IIT Roorkee SPARK 2020 – Summer Internship With Stipend

IIT Roorkee SPARK 2020 – Summer Internship With Stipend. Check out the notification and all of the details on the IIT Roorkee Summer Internship – SPARK 2020 below. Interested candidates can check out all of the details on the objective, eligibility, application procedure and more below:

This Call Expires In :

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IIT Roorkee welcomes applications for Institute-funded SPARK fellowships for summer internships with a weekly stipend of ₹2500/week and also project-funded summer internships.

Program Objectives:

  • To provide research exposure to interested undergraduate students of IITR.
  • To attract and nurture talented undergraduate students of other institutes. Some of these students might after that choose to make an application for postgraduate or doctoral studies at IITR.

How to Apply?

  • Please login to submit your application as well as view status of your application.
  • Applications require to be sent through an online portal made for the objective where the candidates will upload the last semester marksheet of current degree, photograph, a 500-word research statement, and also a brief 1-2 page resume. For students of other institutes, No Objection Certificate (NOC) will additionally be sought on joining.
  • Candidates need to mention names of 5 faculty members of their choice from the list of faculty members interested in having a summer intern.
  • Deadline to receive applications is 28th February and also results will be announced on or after 15th March. Summer training will be held during the scheduled summer vacation at IITR (12th May-10th July), or a shorter term if the candidate is not available for the entire period. However, the term of the summer training must not be less than 6 weeks. Students of IITR will be enabled to begin their summer internship immediately after the completion of the term-end assessment.
  • Accommodation as well as mess facilities in the Bhawans, subject to payment of necessary charges at par with that paid by students residing in hostels. The average cost of housing would be around Rs.5500/ month (consisting of a mess facility).
  • All interns will certainly be issued a temporary institute ID to get the library, sports, medical, computer centre, internet, as well as other institute and departmental research and also recreation facilities. She/He will be required to abide by the conduct rules of the institute, failing which the internship will certainly be ended and also the intern will be asked to leave.
  • At the successful conclusion of the internship, a certificate from the institute with the name of the intern and also mentor, signed by Dean, SRIC, will be issued to all interns.

For Programme related issues: Email at: [email protected]

Eligibility Criteria:

Students who are currently enrolled and also have actually finished a minimum of two semesters of the undergraduate degree ( B.Arch./ B.E./ B.Tech./ M.Sc) in a pertinent discipline from any institute in India.

Following minimal CGPA criterion will apply:.

  • CGPA > 7.5 for IITs/IISc.
  • CGPA > 8.5 for students of other institutes.

Important Dates:

  • The last date for applying is 29th Feb’20.
  • The results will be declared at the end of the March’2020.

View Notification


Editor’s Note: IIT Roorkee SPARK 2020 – Summer Internship With Stipend, SPARK 2020, Summer Research Internship SPARK 2020. Make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, and also the Podcast that we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!


  1. Good morning sir
    I’m from other institution with
    CGPA >8.0

    I’m I eligible to apply .

    Reply pls

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