DBT Welcome Biomedical Research Fellowships 2020 – Applications Invited
The applications are open for the Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance Senior and Intermediate Fellowships in Biomedical Research. Candidates from any science background with a PhD are encouraged to check out the details and apply for this opportunity, whose details are given below:
This call expires in :
The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance invites applications for the Senior and Intermediate Fellowship scheme. These Fellowships are available across the full spectrum of biomedical research under the remit of India Alliance, which is to support biomedical research that is relevant to human and animal welfare. Interdisciplinary projects are also welcome.
- This competition is open for basic science/veterinary researchers with 4 – 15 years of post-PhD research experience; the applicant can have a PhD in any discipline of science.
- Applicants are advised to choose the most suitable scheme according to their qualification, research experience, track record, and aspirations. They can consult with the guidance notes, mandates and provisions of the schemes. The Office reserves the right to advise on the suitability of this scheme.
- There are no age or nationality restrictions. The applicant does not need to be resident in India while applying but should be ready to relocate and work in India.
- A salaried position or dedication towards a salaried position at the Host Institution isn’t required.
Qualification guidance notes:
Senior Fellowship: For researchers who have demonstrated their ability to lead an independent research programme and want to expand it further to undertake pioneering research.
Intermediate Fellowship: For postdoctoral researchers who have been successful in building a track record of pursuing cutting-edge research and wish to establish their own independent research programme in India.
The 5-year Fellowship supplies:
- Competitive personal salary support
- Generous and flexible funding for research
- Funds to develop global collaborations
Listed below are essential for the application.
- A research proposal that’s based on a hypothesis and seeks to answer an original biomedical research question
- a minimum of one letter of recommendation
- A non-profit Host Institution in India which will administer the Fellowship for the complete duration of this award
- A Sponsor at the Host Institution, that can guarantee resources and space for the duration of the award. If invited to make a complete application, an official support letter from the Sponsor would be required.
How to Apply:
Preliminary Application forms shall be launched at the India Alliance online application System (IASys).
Application launch: 15 June 2020 9 am IST
Submission deadline: 30 July 2020 2 pm IST
Your eligibility and competitiveness will be assessed. If suitable, you will be invited to submit a full application for the subsequent steps of review and interview.
For further information on these Fellowships, please click here. Queries may be addressed to [email protected]
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