Research Scholars Program-II 2019 at CDFD, Hyderabad
Research Scholars Program-II 2019 at CDFD, Hyderabad. Official Notification for Research Scholars Program II 2019 at CDFD, Hyderabad. CDFD – Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Hyderabad has announced the online application for Research Scholars Program II 2019. Interested and eligble candidates check all the details on the same below:
This application closes in :
The CDFD (Centre for DNA Fingerprinting as well as Diagnostics), Hyderabad, is a leading institute in the nation, which offers services in DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics and conducts fundamental research in the frontier areas of modern biology.
The existing research themes consist of:
- Molecular Microbiology
- Computational & Structural Biology
- Cancer and Stem Cell Biology
- Genetics and Epigenetics
- Cell Signalling
- Molecular and also Cellular Biology
- Molecular Pathogenesis
(The details are provided on our web site
We invite applications from very motivated applicants, ready to take up difficulties in modern biology, for admissions to our Research Scholars program. Keeping in view the interdisciplinary nature of modern biology, we especially encourage persons from diverse backgrounds to apply. Those admitted as Research Scholars would certainly be encouraged to apply for the Ph.D. program of Manipal Academy
of Higher Education, University of Hyderabad, Regional Centre for Biotechnology or AcSIR.Eligibility Criteria:
To be qualified all the candidates must have:.
- Master’s degree in any branch of Science, Technology, or Agriculture from a recognized University/ Institute OR MBBS. Applicants who have not completed their final year/ 4th semester examination are not eligible for RSP-II-2019.
- Qualified CSIR/ UGC/ DBT/ ICMR/ INSPIRE NET JRF/ UGC– RGNF (or similar) or have actually qualified BINC examination conducted by the DBT with fellowship or JEST with fellowship. Candidates having qualified for the Project– JRF fellowship under the ICMR funded project Scheme/ [which is only for a duration of two years]/ DBT JRF NET with a B.Tech. [Biotechnology] degree/ DBT JRF NET under DBT– B category list are NOT eligible to apply.
- A valid fellowship is an ABSOLUTE requirement for pursuing Ph.D. at CDFD.
- Applicants with LS-NET certification only in CSIR-UGC (NET) examination need not apply.
Selection Procedure:
Admission to CDFD– Research Scholars Program is based on a Walk-in interview beginning on 3rd February 2020. As there would certainly be more than one round of interviews, the applicants need to plan to stay in Hyderabad till 5th February, 2020. Please note that if the applicants appearing for interview are extra in numbers, written evaluation will certainly be conducted on 03.02.2020 for shortlisting the applicants for interview.
Candidates to CDFD’s Research Scholars program– II– 2019 who clear the interview on 3rd February 2020, and after that get shortlisted for the 2nd round of interviews on 4th February 2020, will be asked to visit CDFD on 5th February 2020, to meet the CDFD faculty to familiarize themselves with the research interests of the numerous faculty. Consequently, candidates are advised to be prepared for stay in Hyderabad from 3rd– 5th February 2020.
Only those candidates will be enabled to appear for the CDFD RSP-II-2019 interview that produce proof of having cleared the CSIR/UGC/DBT/ ICMR/INSPIRE NET/UGC-RGNF (or equivalent)/ or JEST for JRF or have qualified BINC assessment conducted by the DBT with fellowship.
Application Procedure:
Application Procedure.
Interested applicants who meet the above conditions may register their names for RESEARCH SCHOLARS PROGRAM– II– 2019 by applying in the prescribed application form online. Complete the application online at on-line portal and also take the print out of the filled-in application form. The printout of the completed application alongwith the copies of certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, caste and also NET fellowship etc. ought to be sent to:.
The Dean – Academics.
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting & Diagnostics.
Internal Ring Road.
Uppal, Hyderabad– 500 039.
Please note that students that apply after 24.01.2020 need to take the print out of the filled-in application and also bring it with them to CDFD on 03.02.2020 alongwith the copies of the certificates as mentioned below.
The Online facility of application will open on 17.12.2019.
When it comes to candidates who are unable to apply online,” SPOT REGISTRATION” can be done on 03.02.2020. The candidates who wish to register under SPOT REGISTRATION CATEGORY should report at CDFD on 03.02.2020 at 08.00 A.M. with all the required documents (in original) in addition to 2 current passport size photos as well as copies of all the Certificates for completing the formalities/verification of documents.
All the candidates are requested to reach CDFD, Uppal, Hyderabad on 03.02.2020 at 8.15 a.m.
The candidates are also requested to bring the following documents in original for verification alongwith one set of copies for records:.
- Proof of passing the Master’s degree in any branch of Science, Technology, or Agriculture from a recognized University/ Institute or M.B.B.S Post Graduate exam.
- Proof of clearing CSIR/ UGC/ DBT/ ICMR/ INSPIRE NET JRF/ UGC– RGNF (or comparable) or have qualified BINC assessment conducted by the DBT with fellowship or JEST with a legitimate fellowship i.e., the fellowship should be valid to be activated from 01.01.2020. If the NET qualifying certification is not available, Hall ticket should be produced. Applicants having qualified for the Project– JRF fellowship under the ICMR funded project Scheme/ [which is only for a duration of 2 years]/ DBT JRF NET with a B.Tech. [Biotechnology] degree/ DBT JRF NET under DBT– B category list are NOT eligible to apply.
- Proof of your Date of Birth and Reservation category (if applicable).
- Proof of Photo Identity (like Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, etc.).
In case, you have activated your fellowship anywhere else, please bring with you a No Objection Certificate.
No TA/DA will be paid. Director, CDFD reserves the right to approve/ deny any or all applications without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
Important Instructions:
- CDFD’s Research Scholars Program is a totally residential program. The chosen candidates will certainly have to stay on campus.
- Applicants will certainly need to make their own arrangements for travel, stay, etc. in Hyderabad for interviews scheduled to be held during 3– 5 February 2020.
- Mere fulfilment of the minimum requirements specified in the notice would not automatically entitle a person for selection. The decision of CDFD in this regard will be last. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification.
Contact Details:
Selection Procedure:
In case of any query, you may mail us to: [email protected]
CDFD’s Research Scholars Program is a completely residential program. The selected candidates will certainly have to stay on campus.
Important Dates:
- Date of activation of link for submission of online application – 17.12.2019.
- Dates of the interviews – 03.02.2020, 04.02.2020 & 05.02.2020.
* P.S. – Applicants need to prepare to stay for the CDFD interviews on all days from 3rd– 5th February 2020.
Editor’s Note: Research Scholars Program II 2019, research program II 2019, scholars program 2019, cdfd hyderabad jobs, Research Scholars Program-II 2019 at CDFD, Hyderabad. Ensure that you are subscribed to the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and that you are keeping up with us on all of our social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Check out the Podcast we have on SoundCloud for free listen.