Lady Tata Memorial
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Lady Tata Memorial Junior Scholarship & Young Researcher Award

Lady Tata Memorial Trust Junior Scholarship. Lady Tata Memorial Trust Young Researcher Award. The application portal has been opened, so make sure you check out all of the details on the awards and scholarships offered and keep this page bookmarked to be informed of all the latest updates on the same:

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Founded 1932
Bombay House, Homi Mody Street
Mumbai 400 001.
Tel : 66658282 / 66657697
e-mail: [email protected]

Indian Awards

The Trust offers one-fifth of its income to scholars doing scientific investigations in Indian Universities and Institutes into diseases of the blood, with special references to leukaemia, and for scientific research towards alleviation of human suffering from disease. The awards offered are the Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2-year term) and Junior Scholarship (5-year term leading up to the Senior Scholarship/PhD studies). The academic year for these awards is August-July.

About Indian Awards:

The Lady Tata Memorial Trust offers awards for research work done in India for any scientific investigation having a bearing, directly or indirectly, on the alleviation of human suffering from diseases.

The Trust also disburses Institutional research

grants related to medical research. In making the awards/grants, the Trustees are advised by an Indian Scientific Advisory Committee.

The Trust offers the following awards in India.

  • Junior Scholarship
  • Young Researcher Award


Applications are invited from Indian Nationals, from select Universities / Institutes / Laboratories, and strictly with first-class academics (60% and above) from
Class X up to date for the award of Junior Research Scholarship for the year 2020-2021 for scientific investigations having a bearing directly or indirectly on the alleviation of human suffering from a disease. The value of the award and contingency grant is as under:

Please note that the age limit will not be relaxed.

Applicants who have completed their M.B.B.S. / M.Sc. graduation in 2018 and 2019 should only apply for the academic year 2020-21 for the JR award.

The Junior Research Scholarship (JRS) is offered to fresh M.B.B.S. / M.Sc.s/M.Pharm/M. Tech and is tenable in the first instance for a period of two years commencing from the date of joining as JR in the institute for PhD work in 2020. On completion of two years and on assessment by the 3-Member Doctoral Committee (DC) of the scholar’s institution about the progress of work done, the awardee, will have to re-appear for a research presentation before the Trust’s Indian Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) in 2022-2023 for promotion to the Senior Research Scholarship (SRS) @ Rs.35,000/- p.m. for a further period of three years (2022-2023 to 2025-2026), as under, subject to satisfactory progress as reflected in the annual progress reports submitted to the Trust.

( I ) The five-year scholarship grant will be governed by the following rules and regulations:

(a) JR Scholar joins in year one and a 3-Member Doctoral Committee (DC) is appointed by the concerned Institute / University within three months of the award of JRS, and this DC has to have the approval of the Indian Scientific Advisory Committee of the Trust. The Doctoral Committee should comprise of a Guide (Convenor), a Professor grade faculty and another faculty working in related areas of science. At the end of the year, the JR Scholar will present the work done to the DC and a summary of the work done along with the approval of the DC members should be submitted online on LTMT website to the Trust for renewal of the fellowship for the second year before 31st July 2021. Further, JR scholar is required to submit an annual progress report every year online on LTMT website before 31st July.

(b) The JR Scholar must complete the formalities for PhD registration within 9 months to 14 months from the date of joining as JR Scholar with the Trust, otherwise, the Trust will terminate the scholarship.

(c) The JR Scholar will be reviewed by the ISAC in a research presentation on the completion of the first term of two years as JR Scholar, for the work done, and subject to the registration for PhD will then be recommended for continuation from the third year as SR Scholar (SRS).

(d) At the end of the third year when the researcher is an SRS, his / her scholarship will be continued into the fourth year based on the recommendations of his / her DC and further on the comments of the ISAC on the progress report submitted. The progress report should summarize the work done in the previous 3 years and the plans for the fourth year.

(e) At the end of the fourth year, he/she will be reviewed by the ISAC of the Trust for the continuation of SRS for the fifth and final year.

(II) On promotion as an SRS in the third year, the scholar will receive an incremented scholarship of Rs.35,000/- p.m. with HRA+ contingency maintained at the same levels.

(III) Applicants for Junior Scholarship must have a post-graduate qualification in M.B.B.S. / Science (M.Sc.). Applicants must have passed their Class X to M.B.B.S. / M.Sc. Examinations with > 60% marks. Applicants with GATE / NET qualifications may be given preference.

2. House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.)

At 25% of the basic value of the scholarship will be offered to scholars doing research work at Universities / Institutes / Laboratories, i.e. strictly in the following Metro Cities – Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad, being locations outside their place of permanent residence. Scholars from other small towns/cities will receive HRA @ 10% of the basic value of their scholarship. A certificate from the Institute verifying the status of accommodation of the scholar should be attached together with the latest original receipt of the rental and rental agreement with the landlord. Scholars residing in accommodation provided by the Institute will not be eligible for drawing HRA.

3. Processing Fee



The subject selected for research work must have a bearing directly or indirectly on the alleviation of human suffering from a disease.

(a) Selected scholars must undertake to work whole time and will be debarred from private practice or taking up any other occupation or accepting any other scholarship award or post of any description during the tenure of the scholarship award of the Trust. The scholar will also not be allowed, except for very exceptional reasons, at the sole discretion of the Trust, to abandon the research work in the middle of the academic year as this defeats the very purpose for which the Trust awards scholarships. The applicant must give an undertaking to this effect in the application itself.

(b) A selected scholar, if after having accepted our Award, abandons the research work before completing it or relinquishes the scholarship in the middle of an academic year on the ground that he/she has been offered an award of a higher value by another funding agency/organisation, or has secured alternate employment, he / she will be called upon to refund the entire scholarship amount, inclusive of house rent allowance / contingency expenditure and the concerned university / institute will not be considered for the Trust awards for the next two academic years. A Bond will have to be executed to this effect by the selected scholar and countersigned by the concerned guide at the time of accepting our scholarship award.

(c) Applicant must pay particular attention to the above requirements as sought in the online submission. As complete information as possible should be given regarding the proposed research under the various heads indicated in the submission and also full reference must be given as sought. The problem must be carefully selected and isolated so that it can be adequately dealt with during the period of the scholarship. The scientific information so presented will help to determine whether or not the applicant should be called for an interview.

(d) In giving the particulars of published papers and articles, the applicant should state references by numbers. In the list of references at the end of the text, full references should be given corresponding to the number quoted in the text as follows :

i) Give names of all the authors when six or less, if seven or more,
give only the first three and add et al.

ii) Full title of the paper.

iii) Name of the Journal from which the reference is quoted.

iv) Year of publication.

v) Volume, and

vi) Page numbers (first and last).

Please note that:-

i) References are not to be quoted if the Applicant has not fully studied the original text of the article, and

ii) If the references are not quoted in the manner described above, the application will not be considered.

The applicant MUST submit/support the application with a letter through the Registrar of the University / Director of a recognised Research Institute or Laboratory where he/she proposes to work. The application will be rejected if this requirement is not met. The application must be supported by:

a) a letter jointly signed by the Registrar / Director and the Head of the Department concerned stating that they have critically examined the details of the proposed research work, that they have approved of the general plan, that the university/institute has adequate laboratory facilities and that they will provide these facilities to the applicant for his / her research work. The letter should give the name and designation of the person who will act as a Guide to the applicant.

b) A letter from the Supervisor / Research Guide, giving his / her consent, to provide necessary guidance to the applicant and to supervise his / her research work.

c) A joint letter from the three Members of the Doctoral Committee agreeing to assess and submit the annual research progress reports of the work done by the Scholar as sought by the Trust

d) Applicant must obtain a separate letter from the Head of the Department or the Research Guide giving comments on past research experience and on the competence of the applicant to carry out the proposed research work.

5. The on-line application should be submitted on between 1 December 2019 to 15th January 2020. WE MAY EXTEND THE DATE, APPLICANT SHOULD CONTACT TRUST OFFICE FOR THE LAST DATE.

6. The interview call letters will be forwarded to short-listed applicants by the end of June/July 2020, personal interview will be held in mid-July/August 2020 and the names of the selected applicants, based on their performance at the interview, will be announced in August/September 2020 and the selected scholars and their Supervisor / Research Guide will be intimated about the same immediately thereafter. Selected scholars will be required to report to the respective Supervisor / Research Guide immediately on announcement of the award.

Applicants must comply with the above instructions strictly. An application will not be considered if the applicant fails to furnish the requisite information and supporting scanned certificates and letters online.

Any misbehaving, argument, canvassing-direct or indirect (including political), will entail disqualification of application without notice.

We may open the online application portal for the applicant who completes their Master degree in 2020 in the month of August 2020.

For any query please contact via email on [email protected].


Applications are invited for the

“Young Researcher Award – 2020”

This Scheme is set up by the Lady Tata Memorial Trust (LTMT) to recognize as well as reward young Indian scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences, a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to significant problems associated with human diseases and also the potential for top-quality research. Candidates must have publications in well recognized peer-reviewed journals of prestige as well as contributed to knowledge generation that has actually developed a significant impact in the field of translational opportunities. The applicant needs to additionally highlight prestigious award( s) and various other recognitions such as Award( s) of major academies/ societies.

Application along with separate summary sheets may duly be submitted online on by the host institute based on pro forma given on Website.


The objective is to reward Young Researchers (< 40 years) that have actually displayed a potential for high-quality research.


All areas of Life Sciences and Biotechnology pertaining to human diseases will be covered by this Award.


1 i) The Award is open to Indian Nationals, residing in India, that are below the age of 40 years as on 31st March 2020.

ii) The applicant ought to have a PhD degree in any Biological Science or a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences, or a comparable degree in Biotechnology related areas. The applicant must have at least 4 years’ professional experience in a particular area after getting the above degree.

iii) The applicant needs to have a regular position in a University/ Organization/ Institute in India. He/she ought to be engaged in research and development and have publications arising from research done as an independent investigator in India. The awardee will be eligible for regular research grants through extramural and various other research schemes of various S & T agencies of the Government of India.


– The amount of the Award will be Rs. 25,000/- each month in addition to regular salary from the host institute.

– In addition, the Young Researcher will receive a contingency grant of Rs.7.00 lakhs per annum for meeting the costs on consumables, minor equipment, worldwide as well as domestic travelling, manpower and also other contingent expenditure to be sustained in connection with the implementation of a research project under the Award. All bills and receipts must be sent to the LTMT office every six months, after the purchase of any items from contingency grant.


The Institution where the applicant is working will supply the required infrastructure as well as administrative support for pursuing research under this Award.


The duration of the Award will be originally for 3 years, extendable further by two years, on a review by the Trust’s Experts’ Committee.


A Demand Draft of Rs.500/- being Processing Fee (non-refundable) should be forwarded in favour of the Lady Tata Memorial Trust, as well as the DD should be scanned and submitted in an online form as well as original to be couriered to trusts office.

Please keep in mind that:-

The candidate has to forward the application through the Director of a recognised Research Institute or Laboratory where he/ she proposes to work.

The application ought to be addressed to The Secretary, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001, as well as submitted online on our web site in between 1 December 2019 to 15th January 2020.

The selected candidates will certainly be called for an interview in the middle/ third week of March/April 2020 and based upon personal interview, one young researcher will certainly be awarded as well as announced by the end of March/April 2020. The selected Researcher will be required to begin research effective 1st April/May 2020.

Candidates have to follow the above instructions strictly. An application will certainly not be taken into consideration if the applicant falls short to furnish the requisite info and supporting documents, certifications and also letters.

Any misbehaving, arguments, canvassing, direct or indirect, will entail disqualification.


Online Application for JRF/YRA will start on 1/Dec/2019.

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Editor’s Note: Lady Tata Memorial Trust India Awards, Lady Tata Memorial Trust Junior Scholarship & Young Researcher Award, Lady Tata Memorial Trust Junior Scholarship, Lady Tata Memorial Trust Young Researcher Award, Lady Tata Memorial Trust Junior Scholarship Award, check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter and also follow us on all of our social media. You can also listen to the Podcast we have for free on SoundCloud.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!