Application for PhD Programme
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Application for PhD Programme 2019-20 at ICMR-NIV

Application for PhD Programme 2019-20 at ICMR-NIV. Latest PhD Admissions 2019. ICMR National Institute of Virology Admission Programme 2019-20. Interested and eligible candidates can check out all of the details on the same below:

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20- A, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Post Box No.11,
Next to Marathi Church, Pune 411 001
E- mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 020-26006305/ 390 Fax No.: 25871895

Application for Ph.D. Programme 2019-20


ICMR-National Institute of Virology invites applications for Ph.D. Programme from the candidates who are bonafide Indian citizens and having consistently good academic record. Candidates should have a strong motivation to pursue research in modern biology leading to a Ph.D. degree. Students with a post graduate degree (as per UGC Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of M. Phil and Ph.D. Degrees Regulations, 2009) and having following qualifications as led by the UGC circular Ref. No.: PGS/144, Date: 09/01/2017 i.e. UGC-NET (Including JRF)/UGC-CSIR NET (Including JRF)/SLET/GATE (valid score) or teacher fellowships are eligible to apply. Students with DBT/ICMR/DST­INSPIRE etc. fellowships require a valid GATE score to make them eligible to apply

. All eligible students interested in joining ICMR NIV must submit the applications available at / on or before 06/12/2019.

Total vacancies to be filled are Fourteen. The vacancy subjects are viz- Biotechnology, Microbiology, Basic Medical Science, Biochemistry and Zoology


1. The candidate should have a Postgraduate degree in any branch of Life Sciences/Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Bioinformatics having at least 55% or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA). Students belonging to reserved category of Maharashtra state only will be eligible for 5% relaxation (For more details, please refer Savitribai Phule Pune University guidelines on its website).

2. The candidates should have a valid Junior Research Fellowship from CSIR/UGC­NETSLET/GATE with a valid score, ICMR/DBT-INSPIRE with GATE/SLET with a valid score. Candidates who have qualified only GATE or only Lectureship in CSIR-UGC (NET), DBT Category II or ICMR Fellows selected under ICMR Funded Research Project/Scheme are not eligible to apply. ICMR NIV does not take any responsibility to provide financial assistance.

3. Other terms and conditions of the fellowship will be as per the norms of the respective funding agencies. The upper age limit for JRF shall be 28 years, and for SRF valid age limit will be as prescribed by the respective funding agency. The age would be relaxed up to five years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women/PWD and 3 years in case of OBC candidates.

4. Reservations will be as per the Savitribai Phule Pune University guidelines.

5. There will be no relaxation for unreserved positions as per Govt. of India Order No.36011/1/98.Estt. (Res.) dated 01/07/1998.


Candidates who satisfy the above criteria may submit their applications (mentioning the correspondence & permanent address with Pin Code) in the prescribed format. The completed hard copy of the application form in all respects should reach to the Director, National Institute of Virology, S.No.130/1, Sus Road, Pashan, Pune -411 021 by speed post or by hand. Please super scribe “Application for Ph.D. Programme 2019-20” on the left side of the envelope. Do not attach any original mark lists/certificates to the application. Please attach self attested photocopies of the birth certificate/proof of birth; fellowship award letter and mark lists (Bachelors and Post Graduate) along with the application form. The SC/ST/DT-NT/OBC candidates should attach a self attested copy of the Caste Certificate/Latest non-creamy layer certificate and validity certificate. However, all the original documents must be produced at the time of interview, failing which the said candidate will not be considered for the interview.


Personal interview will be held at ICMR NIV, Pune. The list of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on NIV / ICMR website. Candidates should make their own arrangements for stay at Pune. No TA I DA will be provided for attending the personal interview and the selected candidates may need to stay for two or three days more for finalization of guide.

Mere fulfilling of the minimum requirements stipulated in the advertisement would not automatically entitle a candidate for selection. The decision of the Institute shall be final and binding in this regard. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification.

For other details or enquiry please write to [email protected]. Download the application format from /

Important Dates: 

  1. Last date of receipt of applications at NIV: 06/12/2019
  2. Display of shortlisted candidates called for interview: 23/12/2019
  3. Interview of the shortlisted candidates at NIV: Will be displayed on ICMR NIV website in due course of time
  4. Declaration of results: Will be displayed on ICMR NIV website in due course of time

View Notification & Download Application Format Below

Editor’s Note: Application for PhD Programme 2019-20 at ICMR-NIV, national institute of virology admissions, phd admissions 2019-2020, latest phd admission notification, make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media profiles for the latest in the life sciences industry.

Diluxi Arya
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