Rs 2.5 Crore Grant
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Rs 2.5 Crore Grant Under United States – India USISTEF Endowment Fund – Apply Now

United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund call for 2019 has been released. Indian Nationals are encouraged to put on their thinking caps and start applying for a chance to be awarded with up to Rs. 2.5 Crore Grant. More details on the fund, the eligibility, application procedure, timelines and more are given below:


This call expires in :

-1949Days -12Hours -39Minutes -6Seconds


Concerning The Fund

The governments of the United States of America (through the Department of State) and India (through the Department of Science & Technology) have established that the United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) for the promotion of joint activities that would result in entrepreneurship and innovation through the application of science and technology. The goal of this Fund is to support and foster joint applied R&D to generate public good through the commercialization of technologies developed through ongoing partnerships involving U.S. and Indian entrepreneurs and researchers. The U.S.-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund activities are implemented and administered via the binational Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF).

Table of Contents



The fund intends to choose and financially support promising joint U.S.-India entrepreneurial initiatives which address the theme of “Commercializing Technologies for Societal Impact” via a competitive grant program.


Grants size up to INR 2.50 Crores or approx USD 400,000*.

* all grants are given in Indian Rupees (INR) only and subject to existing exchange rate

We Invite

Bi-national teams of entrepreneurs and innovators with:

  • Innovative products or technologies past the idea stage
  • High societal impact
  • Significant potential to commercialize within 2-3 years
  • Proposals must include a minimum of one partner from each country
  • The bi-national teams may comprise:
    (i) Incorporated companies such as start-ups; or
    (ii) non-incorporated entities; or
    (iii) Individuals or consortia from academia, government labs, non-government R&D institutions
Priority Areas

Healthy Individual:

  • Biomedical devices & diagnostics
  • Food and nutrition products
  • Preventive & curative measures to enhance health

Empowering Citizens:

  • Agriculture
  • Education
  • Financial inclusion
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Water

The USISTEF Program is administered through the Bi-national Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)

Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 October 2019
Contact us at: [email protected]

Applicant Handbook


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Editor’s Note: Rs 2.5 Crore Grant Under United States – India USISTEF Endowment Fund – Apply Now, United States-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund 2019, USISTEF Endowment Fund 2019, USISTEF Endowment Fund 2020, make sure you check out the Podcast and Newsletter we have which is a free subscription service. And follow us on all of our socials for the latest in the life science industry.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!