ICMR-ICRC Cancer Research – Applications Invited
India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC), ICMR-DHR, is inviting applications for a research collaboration. Interested Indian nationals are encouraged to check their eligbility and read through all of the terms and conditions of the scheme, along with the application procedure detailed below:
This call expires in :
India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC)
Indian Council of Medical Research-Department of Health Research
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC) is a research collaboration established Under the aegis of the Indian Council of Medical Research-Department of Health Research (ICMR-DHR) to encourage, articulate and enhance cancer research in our nation. The Consortium will bring together stakeholders working on cancer including investigators, health-care professionals, government and non-government organizations, public health representatives/policymakers, under a single umbrella.
ICRC intends to offer a framework to the research community for planning and implementation of prioritized research via the establishment of a common platform. The target is to improve cancer outcomes for the general public.
The Consortium’s Technical Advisory Group, including leading National and International experts, has identified six key thematic areas to prioritize and articulate research
challenges. Interested applicants are required to submit proposals under these topics:The proposals are expected to adhere to the following general principles:
- The proposals should address a few of the aforementioned thematic areas.
- Aim to produce outcomes which are easily translatable into practice.
- Preferably, in multidisciplinary collaborative mode.
- Be Innovative and encourage the development of indigenous technologies.
- Be feasible and within the constraints of this time and funding available.
- Projects that are ready for implementation/scalability in the form of deliverables and point of care technologies will be given priority.
- Projects should rather concentrate on common cancers such as tobacco-associated, cervical cancer, breast cancer. Thinking about the high prevalence and paucity of data on cancer in the North-East projects from North-East region will be given preference.
- Projects will be assessed by their own potential for research publications, translations patents and value.
Individuals holding permanent positions in the following:
- Medical colleges, research and educational institutes.
- NGOs, companies registered with DSIR. Thematic group members aren’t eligible to apply to avoid conflict of interest.
Duration of the research proposals should be up to three years. The grant provided per proposal will be up to 1.5 crores each centre. All projects involving research on human beings/animals have to be cleared by the Human ethics committee/Animal ethics committee of the respective institute.
Interested applicants are expected to email the concept proposal to [email protected]. The format for preparing the idea proposal is given below and is also available on the ICRC site www.icrc.icmr.org.in. Our advisory panel will review the submitted proposals and shortlisted applicants will be requested to submit the detailed proposal.
The final date for submission of concept proposals is 29th October 2019 until 5.00 pm. The result of the shortlisted applicants will be displayed on ICMR and ICRC site on 15th Nov 2019. The final date for submission of detailed proposals by shortlisted applicants is 30th Dec 2019 until 5.00 pm. The final result of projects chosen for financing will be displayed before or on 3 rd Feb 2019.
Email Id: [email protected]
India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC)
Department of Health Research
First Floor, Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) Building
1, Red Cross Road, New Delhi-110001.
Applicants are required to Mail the concept proposal to [email protected] in pdf format. The applicants must also cite that the name of this thematic area in the subject of the Mail. Concept Proposal must Be Ready under the following sub-headings (compulsory ) and Exceeding the word limit will cause disqualification.
1. Thematic Area: The candidates should mention the thematic area under which they wish to apply.
2. Title of the Proposed research project: Should be informative and concise.
3. Rationale (up to 250 words): Describe the current knowledge available on the Subject, critical gaps in knowledge and the national significance of this research Question which this project intends to address. Also, mention the preliminary work done by the applicant, if any.
4. Novelty/Innovation (up to 100 words): Describe how the proposal challenges and Seeks to shift the current research/knowledge/clinical practice paradigms by utilizing novel theoretical concepts, methodologies, instrumentation or interventions.
5. Project description (up to 600 words): Describe the study setting, study design, Sampling strategy, sample size, research methodology and outcomes measures. Additionally, Mention expected timelines, complete budget, name and designation of co-investigators and intra-and inter-institutional collaborations, if any.
6. Strength of PI: Describe academic qualifications, employment details, previous Experience of handling research projects (past and ongoing) and the scientific Contributions made from these types of projects. Enumerate 10 relevant publications (in Vancouver style).
7. Institutional support (up to 200 words): Mention the institutional support in terms Of basic infrastructure, departments and labs with equipment needed for the Proposed research work.
Deadline: 29th October 2019
View Notification Below
Editor’s Note: ICMR-ICRC Cancer Research – Applications Invited, ICMR call for proposals, India Cancer Research Consortium call for proposals, India Cancer Research Consortium research applications invited. Make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media for the latest in the life sciences industry.