Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2020
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Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2020 – Official Notification

Indian nationals are encouraged to apply for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2020. This is a scholarship programme for biological sciences candidates.  Interested and eligible candidates are encouraged to apply online for Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2020 as per the details given below:

This call expires in :

-1903Days -15Hours -46Minutes -55Seconds


The Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme has been created in October 2000 with a contribution of US$210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the University of Cambridge; that is the biggest ever single contribution to a UK university.

For 2020 entry, Gates Cambridge will offer 80 full-cost scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round.

The selection criteria are:

  • outstanding intellectual ability
  • reasons for choice of course
  • a commitment to improving the lives of others
  • leadership potential

There are about 225 Scholars from c. 50 countries studying in Cambridge at any one time who pursue the full range of subjects

available at the University and are spread across its departments and Colleges.

The aim of the Gates Cambridge programme is to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.


You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

  • a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom
  • applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study at the University of Cambridge:
    • PhD
    • MSc/MLitt
    • One year postgraduate course (with some exceptions – see below)

The courses not eligible for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship are listed at the bottom of this page.

You can use the form below to quickly check if you are eligible to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship and, if so, in which of the two application rounds you must apply.

Check Eligibility

In case you’ve got additional questions regarding your eligibility please email [email protected] with particulars of your situation.

Present student at Cambridge?

If you’re studying at Cambridge and desire to submit an application for a new postgraduate course you can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. By way of instance, if you’re presently studying for an MPhil you’ll be able to apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to pursue a PhD. Present Gates Cambridge Scholars can also apply for another scholarship if they’re asking for a new degree. All existing Cambridge pupils will be considered in around two. But when you’ve already begun a class you can’t use for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to finance the rest of it.

Courses That Aren’t qualified for Gates Cambridge Scholarships:

  • Any Undergraduate degree such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA)
  • Master of Business (MBA)
  • Master of Finance (MFin)
  • PGCE
  • MBBChir Clinical Studies
  • MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time)
  • Graduate Course in Medicine (A101)
  • Part-time degrees
  • Non-degree courses

General financing at Cambridge:

Whether you are eligible for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you might qualify for other funding given by the University of Cambridge. Watch for additional information.

Ideal Candidates:

Every Scholar is different and brings something special to the programme. But we’re searching for four important criteria.

Academic excellence

Gates Cambridge Scholars are expected to be academically outstanding with the capability to make a substantial contribution to their subject while at Cambridge. At the beginning of the application procedure, prospective Scholars are rated by the department they’re applying to. Just the most outstanding candidates are considered further.

Reasons for choice of course

You should be able to make a strong case for a particular postgraduate degree at Cambridge. PhD applicants (and most research MPhil applicants) will need to make contact with a potential supervisor with whom they will develop a research project, a summary of which is part of the application. You will need to demonstrate that you have the academic background and the necessary skills and expertise to complete the course. Taught MPhil and other applicants need to make a strong case for how completing the proposed course will facilitate their career plans. Gates Cambridge seeks Scholars who will have an academically transformative experience at Cambridge, so it is important that you fully research and justify the course for which you are applying.

A commitment to enhancing the lives of other people

A defining feature of the Gates Cambridge Scholarships is the dedication of our Scholars to working for the larger good.  Although widely interpreted, this idea is nonetheless fundamental and sets this programme apart from the others of its type.

A note on the ratio of PhD: Masters awards

In order to create and sustain a viable Scholar community in Cambridge University and for Scholars to take full advantage of their time in Cambridge, we aim to select approximately 2/3 PhD scholars each year. Those applying for taught Masters should pay special attention to explaining why this is the optimal course for them and how it is critical to their future academic or professional training plans.

How We Select?

Gates Cambridge uses a three-stage selection process to ensure Scholars meet all of our criteria to the highest degree.

1. Departmental ranking

Gates Cambridge asks academic departments in Cambridge to score and nominate eligible applicants. Those who are put forward by departments (a small proportion of the total applicant pool) are considered the most academically outstanding applicants the department has received that year, who also meet the other Gates Cambridge criteria.

2. Shortlisting

Once Gates Cambridge has a list of nominated candidates from departments, these are divided into broad subject areas and passed to our Shortlisting Committees. These Committees look at the candidates’ entire application pack (including the Gates Cambridge Statement and Reference) and use Gates Cambridge criteria to identify those who should be invited for interview. Everyone who is shortlisted for interview will have gone through an exceptionally competitive process and will show evidence of meeting all criteria to a high level.

3. Interview

All shortlisted candidates are interviewed to assess how they meet all Gates Cambridge criteria and Scholars are selected after interview. More details are available from the interview page.


Please note that the Trust is not able to provide feedback to applicants.

How to Apply:

Ready to make an application?

You may apply for admission to a postgraduate degree, a College place and various sources of funding (including Gates Cambridge) via the University’s Graduate Applicant Portal. Full details can be found at

Important Links:


  1. Application Open: Sept. 2, 2019
  2. Application Deadline: Dependent on your course

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Editor’s Note: Gates Cambridge Scholarship 2020 – Official Notification, gates scholarship 2020, gates scholarship programme, GATES Cambridge Scholarship 2020, GATES Cambridge programme, GATES Cambridge Scholarship 2020, Cambridge Scholarship 2020, Cambridge programme 2020. Follow us on all of our social media like Twitter and Facebook and also subscribe to our Biotecnika Times Newsletter which is a free service.

Diluxi Arya
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    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    Good luck and God bless.

    Best regard

    Motie Borerei

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