DST National Award for Young Woman Researcher – Life Sciences
National Award for Women’s Development through Application of Science & Technology. Indian nationals are encouraged to check out all of the details regarding the award below and apply for the same. Cash prizes are also up for grabs. Three categories of awards are available, check them out below:
This call expires in :
Government of India
Ministry of Science & Technology
Department of Science & Technology
National Award for Women’s Development through Application of
Science & Technology
(Category I & II are for the candidates of any gender, who have contributed for Women’s development through the application of Science & Technology; Category III is for young woman applicants only who’ve contributed for societal benefit through application of Tech )
Nominations are invited to recognize the contribution of institutions & individuals who have worked for women’s development through the application of Science and Technology (S&T), in these categories.
A new category of awards has been introduced this year: Nominations are encouraged to recognize the contributions of a young woman who has shown excellence during application of Tech, for societal benefits.
Category III: National Award for Young Woman showing excellence through the application of Tech, for societal benefits:
The Award would carry cash of $ 1.00 Lakh (One Lakh), a Citation, and a Memento.
Category I: For individuals:
The award would carry cash of $5.00 lakh (Five Lakh) along with a memento and a citation
Category II: For institutions:
The award would carry cash of $15.00 lakh (Fifteen Lakh) plus a memento and a citation.
Who can apply?
- For Category III, the candidate ought to be resident Indian young women (between 20-40 years of age) with at least a Postgraduate Degree in Natural Sciences or a Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology/Medicine. She must have developed a technology for societal benefit, that ought to be well established and verified by an Institute of repute. Documentary evidence of this patent status of her technology ought to be provided.
- For Category I, resident Indian citizens of any gender with at least a Postgraduate Degree in Natural Sciences or a Bachelor Degree in Engineering/Technology/Medicine can apply;
- For Category II, S&T established institutions (governmental & non-governmental)– Recognized R&D labs, Universities and Educational Institutions, S&T based voluntary organizations, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable or Religious Act 1920 or under the corresponding State Act, can apply. Voluntary organizations having NGO darpan portal registration number are only eligible to apply.
- Employees of Ministry of Science & Technology and those who’ve already received this award aren’t eligible under any category.
- The candidates applying in Category I & II must have an experience of 10 years and outstanding contribution in research, design, development, adaptation or application of science and technologies for women’s development. But, ten years’ expertise isn’t necessary for implementing under Category III.
- Other conditions given at the departmental site in line with the existing awards will be applicable.
- Applications in all categories are to be submitted through nominations only, self-nomination won’t be considered.
- Nomination for the Awards can be made by Vice-Chancellors of Universities, Directors of IITs, IISERs, NITs, R&D institutions, Heads of Academic Institutions, Heads of science-based voluntary organizations, Secretaries of both S&T Departments along with other Ministries related to Women’s development, Secretaries of State S&T Departments/Councils for S&T; earlier winners of the award.
- For more information, format for nomination and overall terms & conditions please see departmental website: www.dst.gov.in. Complete nominations(three copies) using enclosures (one set only) according to the format ought to be sent to: The Head, Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED) Division, Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110 016 before or on October 30, 2019. And a soft copy of the proposal ought to be sent in the email identification: [email protected]. Ms. Indu Puri, Scientist E, SEED Division, DST, New Delhi Phone: 011-26590341 email: [email protected] could be contacted for any query.
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Editor’s Note: DST National Award for Young Woman Researcher – Life Sciences, National Award for Women’s Development through Application of Science & Technology, Women’s
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