CSIR-IGIB PhD Admission January
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CSIR-IGIB PhD Admission January 2020 – Apply Online

CSIR-IGIB PhD Admission January. CSIR-IGIB PhD 2020 Admission notification is out. CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) PhD admissions 2020 notification. PhD Admission 2020-2021 CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology. Check out all of the details on the same below:

This call expires in :

-1939Days -14Hours -35Minutes -44Seconds


Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
Near Jubilee Hall Mall Road, Delhi-110 007
Ph. No. 91-11-27666156, 27666157, 27667602, 27667439 Fax:91-11-27667471
Mathura Road, Opp Sukhdev Vihar Bus Depot New Delhi 110025
Ph. No. 91-11-29879487, 29879488


Application portal for CSIR-IGIB will be open from 27 September 2019 9:30 AM to 25 October 2019 6:00 PM

It is mandatory to get AcSIR Form number through the AcSIR admission portal (directions given below) that closes on 24 October 2019.

AcSIR Form number is generated after registering and applying on the AcSIR admission portal (acsir.res.in). The portal is open from 20 September 2019 to 24 October 2019.


The CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB) invites applications from bright young people from varied backgrounds with strong motivation and great academic qualifications to pursue research in the frontier regions

of modern biology resulting in a PhD degree. The wide interdisciplinary research areas are genomics and molecular medicine, genome informatics and structural biology, systems and chemical biology, respiratory disease biology and environmental biotechnology. The selected PhD students will be enrolled in the January 2020 Session of the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) PhD Program.


Masters degree (M.Sc/M.Tech/M.Pharm) with at least 60% (or equal in CGPA) in almost any branch of Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Chemistry/Physics/Mathematics/Computer Science or allied subjects with a particular interest in Biology. B.Tech (in Biological Sciences or other branches with a particular interest in Biology)/B.Pharm/B.E./MBBS applicants with at least 60 percent (or equal in CGPA) can also apply. Along with this, all candidates must also have got at least 60 percent (or equal in CGPA) in their XIIth standard board exam. Both the standards are relaxed for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy) candidates to a minimum of 55 percent in the highest qualifying examination and at the XIIth standard board exam. Candidates that are awaiting results for its top qualifying exams are permitted to appear, but their admission is subject to clearing all of the eligibility criteria at the time of admission.

Please convert CGPA grades to percent .


M.Sc/M.Tech/M.Pharm/B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech/M.Pharm/B.Tech/B.Pharm/B.E/MBBS candidates should hold CSIR-UGC(JRF)/DBT(JRF)/ICMR-JRF/DST-INSPIRE or equivalent (fellowship certificate should be valid at least till December 31, 2019 in all cases).

In case of eligible candidates with already activated JRF fellowships, the consent letter from the appropriate authority for transfer of fellowship is to be submitted to CSIR-IGIB at the time of the interview, otherwise, the candidature is liable to cancellation.

GATE is NOT a valid fellowship to join the program for Masters degree holders. Please note that JGEEBILS/TIFR entrance exam/IISc entrance examination and similar examinations are NOT valid fellowship examinations for CSIR-IGIB. Please do not apply with these examinations as your fellowship source.

Age Limit

Upper age limit is 28 years (as on the closing date of application, October 25, 2019) which is relaxable for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy)/physically handicapped persons as well as women candidates as per Govt. of India rules in this regard.

Application Procedure

    • 1. Before you decide to apply, identify the scientist you would like to work with at CSIR-IGIB and contact them. Below is a list of labs with vacancies
Faculty Vacancy Faculty Vacancy
Hemant Gautam 1 Lipi Thukral 1
Rakesh Sharma 1 Vivek Rao 2
S Ramachandran 1 Bhupesh Taneja 1
Vinod Scaria 1 Sivaprakash Ramalingam 1
  • 2. After interacting with the scientist in person/on email/on phone/ on skype etc. request a recommendation from the scientist (each candidate may submit only ONE letter of recommendation).
  • 3. Now register on the AcSIR admission portal (acsir.res.in). The portal is open from 20th September 2019 to 24th October 2019.
    • a. http://acsir.emli.in/ACSIRAdmissionPortal/online-admission/portal/acsir-…
    • b. Keep the AcSIR Application form number (which should be of the format AcSIRXXXXX) from the AcSIR application portal. This will be essential for applying on the CSIR-IGIB portal. Please note that this is not the same as the registration number.
    • c. In case you face any difficulty with online application form please inform Pratima at [email protected] well in advance of the deadline.
  • 4. Things to keep ready before starting the IGIB application process:
    • a. AcSIR Application Form Number from AcSIR portal (this should be of the format AcSIRXXXXX).
    • b. A digital passport photograph NOT more than 2MB in size.
    • c. Details of your educational qualifications (marks, subjects, university, year of passing, etc). Please convert CGPA grades to percentage.
    • d. Fellowship details
    • e. Candidates will have to submit a non-refundable application fee of Rs 1000/- [Rs 500/- for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy) candidates]. The payment will be made through an online payment portal. Please keep your netbanking details or your card details available with you.
    • f. Recommendation letter from your proposed Guide
    • g. A succinctly written research proposal (this does not have to be related to the work you will actually do in the PhD). This will be used to evaluate your scientific aptitude. The proposal should address these points.
      • i. Title of the proposal
      • ii. Introduction on the problem.
      • iii. What is not known?
      • iv. How do you aim to solve it?
      • o A one page schematic can be hand drawn, or computer made, if needed.
      • o The total proposal can be a maximum of 1500 words (excluding the figure).
      • o The whole proposal (with figure) file should be a single PDF file.
      • o Please prepare and keep this ready before initiating the application process. This needs to be uploaded during the application process.
  • 5. Link to the application form is available the bottom of this page.
    • a. Please fill in your Gender and Category before you proceed to fill up the date of birth or your qualifications.
    • b. In case you have made a mistake please refresh or close the tab. Refreshing the page or pressing back button of browser will reset all the details you entered. You can restart the process again to complete the registration process successfully.
    • c. During the application process you will be required to upload your research proposal and the recommendation letter from the proposed Guide.
    • d. After filling in the first step of the application process, you will be led to a page to confirm the details. Please check the details carefully.
    • e. Once you have confirmed the details, you will be redirected to the payment gateway. Payment amount will be determined as per the criteria given above.
    • f. Once payment is successful you will be redirected back to our site for the transaction and registration details.
    • g. You will get your admit card in your registered email address following this.
    • h. In case the payment is made and you have not obtained your registration details, please DO NOT initiate another payment.
    • i. If you have any difficulty or confusion please email us at [email protected]

Selection Procedure

All candidates fulfilling minimum eligibility criteria will be invited through email for appearing in the interviews at CSIR-IGIB, Delhi, to be held on 23rd November 2019. The interviews will be aimed at evaluating abilities to comprehend, analyse and reason along with the aptitude of the candidate in biological sciences. Candidates will also be evaluated with special focus on their research proposal that they submit at the time of application. The candidates should be ready to make a short 10-minute presentation (no slides, white board only) based on their research interest and research proposal.

Candidates finally selected will have a mandatory interaction session with the scientists of the Institute.

Admission Process

  • 1. The names of the successful candidates eligible to join CSIR-IGIB PhD program will be declared on or before 15th December 2019.
  • 2. The selected candidates are required to join CSIR-IGIB before 26th December 2019.
  • 3. Admission into the CSIR-IGIB PhD Program of AcSIR is subject to the verification of all documents defining eligibility. Non-fulfilment of the eligibility criteria will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of admission process without any refund of the application fees.
  • 4. At the time of joining/admission all selected candidates are required to pay a non-refundable CSIR-IGIB admission fee (Rs 10000 for general category and Rs 5000 for SC/ST/non-creamy OBC candidates).
  • 5. Following this all selected candidates are required to pay the first semester tuition fees to AcSIR through the AcSIR portal (acsir.res.in) before 31st December 2019.


  • 1. No TA/DA will be paid at any stage of the selection process.
  • 2. The decision of the Admission Committee will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Canvassing of any form and/or bringing in any influence will be treated as a disqualification.
  • 3. In case of eligible candidates with already activated JRF fellowships, the consent letter from appropriate authority for transfer of fellowship is to be submitted to CSIR-IGIB at the time of interview, otherwise the candidature is liable to cancellation.

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Editor’s Note: CSIR-IGIB PhD Admission January 2020 – Apply Online, phd 2020 admissions, phd admission, csir-igib phd admission 2020, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology admissions, CSIR-IGIB PhD Admission January, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology phd admission 2020. For more such notifications make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter – which is a free subscription service. And also, check out the Podcast we have on SoundCloud for free listen.

Diluxi Arya
Diligence + Intelligence + Learned +Understanding +Xenial + Idealistic = DILUXI. Girl with the golden hands, She has worked hard and transformed BioTecNika's Alerts section with Latest Notifications and Articles with most profound insights. When we need a reliable hand at work, All eyes turn to her!