MoEFCC Design A Logo Competition for Indian Nationals – APPLY ONLINE
Listen up all you creative geniuses out there, a very unique opportunity has come your way by means of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. Indian nationals are called upon to design a logo and the winner whose design is chosen will receive a cash prize and a certificate. So put your thinking caps on and get started. Check out all of the details below:
This call expires in :
Background material making Logo of Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India
Broadly the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change handles issues related
to Forest, Wildlife, Biodiversity, Wetlands, Climate Change, Pollution (air, water,
river/lakes), Impact Assessment and clearances (Environment, Forest, CRZ) and Waste
- Clean Water
- Clean Air
- Clean Energy
- Clean Environment
- More Green
- Our vision is to have Sustainable Development
- Our Vision is to have Growth and Environment Protection
- Our vision is Development without Destruction
- Our vision is Poverty Eradication and Green Growth.
Role and Mandate of the Ministry
The Ministry of Environment & Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) is the nodal
environment and forest policies and programmes relating to conservation of the
country’s natural resources including lakes and rivers, its biodiversity, forests and
wildlife, and prevention and abatement of pollution. While implementing these policies
and programmes, the Ministry is guided by the principle of sustainable development.
The Ministry is also the nodal agency for the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP), International
Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The Ministry also coordinates
with multilateral bodies such as the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD),
Global Environment Facility (GEF) and regional bodies such as Economic and Social
Council for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) and South Asian Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC) on matters pertaining to the environment. The broad objectives of
the Ministry are:
i. Conservation and survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife
ii. Prevention and control of pollution
iii. Afforestation and regeneration of degraded areas
iv. Protection of environment
These objectives are well supported by a set of legislative and regulatory measures,
aimed at the preservation, conservation and protection of the environment. Besides the
legislative measures, a National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on
Environment and Development, 1992, National Forest Policy, 1988, a Policy Statement on Abatement of Pollution, 1992 and a National Environment Policy, 2006 also guide
the Ministry’s work.
Subjects under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
The following items of work have been allocated to the MoEF&CC:
- Environment and Ecology, including the environment in coastal waters, in mangroves and coral reefs but excluding marine environment on the high seas.
- Environment Research and Development, education, training, information and awareness.
- Green Skill Development Programme
- National Environmental Geodatabase
- Environmental Health.
- Environmental Impact Assessment.
- Forest Development Agency and Joint Forest Management Programme for conservation,
management and afforestation. - Survey and Exploration of Natural Resources particularly of Forest, Flora, Fauna, Ecosystems etc.
- Bio-diversity Conservation including that of Lakes and Wetlands.
- Conservation, development, management and abatement of pollution of rivers excluding the river Ganga and its tributaries.
- National River Conservation Directorate.
- Wildlife conservation, preservation, protection planning, research, education, training and awareness including Project Tiger and Project Elephant.
- International co-operation on Issues concerning Environment, Forestry and Wildlife.
- Botanical Survey of India and Botanical Gardens.
- Zoological Survey of India.
- National Museum of Natural History.
- Biosphere Reserve Programme.
- National Forest Policy and Forestry Development in the country, including Social Forestry.
- All matters relating to Forest and Forest Administration in the Union territories.
- Indian Forest Service.
- Wild Life Preservation and protection of wild birds and animals.
- Fundamental and applied research and training including higher education in forestry.
- Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park.
- National Assistance to Forestry Development Schemes.
- Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute, Bangalore.
- Afforestation and Eco-Development which shall include National Afforestation and EcoDevelopment Board.
- Bio-fuel plantations in forest, wastelands and environmental issues concerning biofuels.
- Desert and Desertification.
- Forest Survey of India.
- Indian Institute of Bio-diversity, Itanagar.
- Central Pollution Control Board.
- G.B.Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development.
- Wildlife Institute of India and Indian Board for Wildlife.
- Indian Institute of Forest Management.
- Central Zoo Authority including National Zoo Park.
- Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education.
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands Forest and Plantation Development Corporation Limited.
- Climate change and all other matters related thereto.
- The National Green Tribunal Act, 1995 (27 of 1995).
- The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
- The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
- The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
- The Indian Forest Act, 1927
- Indian Forest (Amendment) Act, 2017
- The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
- The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
- The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
- The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991
- Planning, overseeing and implementation of the policies and programmes on the management of hazardous substances and chemical emergencies. The mandate of this division is to promote safety in the management and use of hazardous substances including hazardous chemicals and hazardous wastes with the objective of preventing and mitigating damage to health and environment due to hazardous chemicals and wastes. The activities can be grouped under three main thrust areas, viz., Chemical
Safety; Hazardous Wastes Management and Solid Waste Management. - Green Skill Development.
The designer of the finally selected Logo will get a prize of Rs. 50,000/- and a
Certificate from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change,
Government of India.
All Indian citizens are invited to participate in the contest by registering on the MyGov
platform and uploading designed Logo on the creative corner for MoEFCC Logo.
The last date for accepting entries is 06.09.2019 at 5:30 PM.
Click here for terms and conditions.
For any queries, contact to:
Shri Mahendra Yadav
Under Secretary, Media Cell
Tel: 011-24695334
Logo Design Contest for Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change
Terms & Conditions
- The last date for accepting entries is 06-09-2019 at 5:30 PM
- Each entry should be accompanied by a brief written explanation of the Logo and how best it encapsulates its essence.
- All entries must be submitted through the creative corner section of Entries submitted through any other medium/mode would not be considered for evaluation.
- The contest is open to all participants in India. The entry could be an individual project or a team project.
- Each participant/team can submit ONLY one entry. The submission of entry is free.
- Please note that the logo must be original and should not violate any provision of the Indian Copyright Act, 1957 or the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. The logo should not have been previously published in any print and digital media and must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content.
- In case of any copyright issues, the participant/applicant will be responsible to settle any legal proceedings arising out of it at his/her end. MoEF&CC will not be responsible.
- Plagiarism of any nature is not allowed. Anyone found infringing on others’ copyright would be disqualified from the contest.
- All entries are governed by the provisions of Emblems and Names (Prevention of improper use) Act, 1950 and any violation of the said Act will result in disqualification.
- Participants must make sure that their MyGov profile is accurate and updated as we will use the information on the profile for further communication. This includes the name, latest photo, country declaration, complete postal address, email ID and phone number. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
- The onus will be on the participant/applicant to prove that he/she is the only authorized representative to send the entry for the Award Scheme. In case of the selection of the Logo for an award, it will be given to the participant/applicant only. MoEF&CC will, in no way, be responsible for any dispute, legal or otherwise, arising out of it.
- The responsibility to comply with the Submission of entries, Competition Technical Criteria and Selection Process fully lie with the participant(s) and MoEF&CC shall not be answerable to any dispute raised by a third party.
- MoEF&CC or MyGov takes no responsibility for corrupted or late entries.
- The winner will be declared through email or by way of announcing his / her name on the MyGov blog page.
- The winning design of the logo would be the intellectual property of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change (MoEF&CC) and the winner cannot exercise any right over it, after acceptance of the prize. MoEF&CC will have unfettered right to modify the Prize-winning logo/entry or add/delete any info/design feature in any form to it. The winner will not exercise any right over his/her Logo and shall not use it in any way.
- The winning logo is meant to be used by MoEF&CC for promotional and display purposes, information, Education and Communication materials and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate by the MoEF&CC. The participants would be required to surrender copyright of the design to MoEF&CC.
- The Logo should be usable on the website / mobile app / social media such as Twitter / Facebook /Instagram and on Magazines, Commercial Hoardings / Standees, Brochures, Leaflets and Pamphlets, Souvenirs and other Publicity and Marketing materials.
- There will be no notification to participants of rejected entries.
- MoEF&CC reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Contest and/ or the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria. However, any changes to the Terms & Conditions/ Technical Parameters/ Evaluation Criteria, or cancellation of the Contest, will be updated/posted on It would be the responsibility of the participants to keep themselves informed about any changes in the Terms & Conditions /Technical Parameters /Evaluation Criteria stated for this Contest.
- Individuals, agencies, and associates, its employees currently engaged by MoEFCC are allowed to submit their ideas.
- All Government employees participating in this competition should have prior permission from their employer to participate in this competition.
- The winning entry will be considered for a cash award of Rs. 50000/-, (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only), a certificate from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change.
Technical Criteria
- The logo should be submitted in JPEG, PNG or PDF format only.
- The logo should be designed in colour. The designed logo shall be provided in both CMYK and RGB formats. The size of the logo may vary from 5cm*5cm to 60cm*60cm in either portrait or landscape.
- The Logo should be usable on the website / social media such as Twitter / Facebook and on printed materials such as black and white press releases, stationery and signage, labels etc.
- The Logo should be designed on a digital platform. The winner of the competition shall be required to submit the design in open file format (EPS/CDR/PSD). Participants should ensure that original designs are submitted.
- All fonts should be converted to outlines.
- The file should be high resolution – at least 300 pixels per inch at 100% size.
- The file should look clean (not pixilated or bit-mapped) when viewed on-screen at 100%
- Entries should not be submitted in compressed or self-extracting formats.
Selection Process:
- All entries received by the stipulated date and found in order shall be evaluated by a Selection Committee, constituted for the purpose. The Committee will shortlist the entries and will decide the winner if an entry is found suitable.
- Entries would be judged on the basis of elements of creativity, originality, composition, technical excellence, simplicity, artistic merit and visual impact and how well they communicate the theme of MoEFCC.
- The decision of the Selection Committee would be final and binding on all the contestants and no clarifications would be issued to any participants or on any decision of the Selection Committee.
- There will be only one winner of the competition.
- The winner shall be required to provide the original open-source file of the designed logo.
- The Designer of the finally selected Logo will get a prize of Rs 50,000/- and would be required to give the copyright of the design to MoEF&CC. The prize money will be payable after deduction of TDS.
- Any legal proceedings arising out of the competition/ its entries/ winners shall be subject to local jurisdiction of NCT of Delhi only. Expenses incurred for this purpose will be borne by the parties themselves.
- MoEF&CC, if it so decides, reserves the right not to proceed with the competition at any stage.
- To participate visit MyGov portal at
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Editor’s Note: MoEFCC Design A Logo, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, MoEFCC Cash Prize, Latest Indian National Competitions, make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the life sciences industry.
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