Marie Curie COFUND Junior & Senior Fellowships Program 2020-21
FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP). Indian Nationals are encouraged to check out all of the details on The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) Junior & Senior Fellowships Program 2020-21.
This call expires in :
Call for applications:
FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme (FCFP)
The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) is the University of Freiburg’s Global research college. The Institute supports advanced research projects through individual fellowships. It’s in the centre of a very active research community also has since its Creation in 2008 gained an worldwide reputation for academic excellence.
The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies is offering
Table of Contents
Individual FCFP fellowships for the academic year 2020/21
- Junior fellowships (completed PhD plus one to six years of post-doctoral experience) (12-month fellowships between September 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021)
- Senior fellowships (completed PhD plus a minimum of six years of post-doctoral Expertise or a tenured professorship or equivalent permanent position) (3 to 10-month fellowships between September 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021)
As much as 25 FCFP fellowships are available to researchers regardless of their
nationality and Field of research. *Fellowships of 3 to 10 months in the Senior scheme and of 12 months in the Junior scheme May be applied for. They’ll allow researchers to conduct their own research projects. FRIAS offers the opportunity for FCFP Junior Fellows to prolong the fellowship for up to Three months for secondments in and collaboration with non-academic partner institutions In Freiburg and the region. Junior Fellows need to apply for this option eight months into their fellowship.
Generally, all fellowships will be given to individuals who have challenging and innovative research projects of top academic quality via an Extremely competitive, strictly merit-based Selection process (Expected success rate: ~20 percent of eligible applications). The all-important Selection criteria would be the academic excellence of both the applicant and the project proposal. Personal qualifications with regard to experience and capability to conduct the research project will also be taken into consideration during the evaluation of their applications.
Applications are welcome from all disciplines which can be supported at the University of Freiburg. Applicants are encouraged to learn about the University of Freiburg’s profile of particular research strengths ( According to the EU mobility rule, applicants might not (a) have resided or (b) have carried Out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Germany for over a total of 12 months During the 3-year period before the application deadline. Compulsory national service And/or short stays such as holidays aren’t taken into consideration.
Successful applicants will become FRIAS fellows with the corresponding rights and obligations for the requested funding period. Fellows with no work contract at their home institution will obtain an internationally attractive salary (Junior: ca. 4.600 $ per month pre-tax; Senior: W3-equivalent professorial salary, ca. 7.000 $ per month pre-tax). Senior fellows Who stays on compensated leave of absence from their home institution during the time of this fellowship will receive an additional contract as a guest professor in the the University of Freiburg (ca. 3.050 $ per month pre-tax) to compensate them for the extra costs of the stay in Freiburg. Fellows accompanied by at least one child receive an additional monthly family allowance of 250 $. Each fellow will Get a research cost contribution (theoretical sciences: up to 450 $ per month, experimental sciences: up to 1.050 $ per month). All fellows will have at Their disposal a budget for individual training, a travel allowance to cover the costs of the Inbound and outbound journey along with a mobility allowance to pay for relocation costs.
Career guidance is offered to every Junior Fellow. Since one of the aims of FRIAS would be to foster Cross-disciplinary communicating, fulltime presence at FRIAS is compulsory.
FRIAS unites research in the humanities and social sciences, the most life and natural sciences, engineering, and medicine. The Institute supports academic exchange across present Boundaries: between disciplines, between different cultures and nations, between younger and established researchers. What’s more, FRIAS engages in actions opening the research community to politics and society. Fellows will be part of the community and profit In the lively research environment of the university and its eleven faculties.
The Institute provides its fellows with modern office space along with an up-to-date infrastructure. Experimental scientists have to identify a host lab in Freiburg in which their research project could be carried out before submission of the application. Accommodation is 3 Available through the university guest house along with additional centrally located apartments. Fellows have complete access to library services from one of the leading German university libraries. Special attention is given to fellows who Intend to come to Freiburg together with their families. FRIAS makes every attempt to provide tailor-made solutions with regard to suitable accommodation, child care and educational facilities.
FRIAS lies geographically close to both France and Switzerland and actively takes advantage of their rich intellectual resources of this truly European region, with close research Links to the universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Strasbourg (France), including the”Joint Fellowship Programme Freiburg-Strasbourg”, a joint initiative between FRIAS along with the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS).
The FCFP call for applications is co-financed by the European Union throughout the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme”Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, People, Cofunding of regional, national and international programs (COFUND)” along with the State of BadenWürttemberg. The rules and ethical principles for Horizon 2020 as well as the state regulations apply.
The Marie S. Curie Actions pays special focus on physical accessibility and inclusion And offer financial support by means of a Special Needs Lump Sum Allowance (SNLS) For recruited researchers with disabilities whose long-term physical, mental, intellectual or Sensory impairments are so that their participation in the FCFP wouldn’t be possible Without additional financial aid.
The completed FCFP application form with all the required documents must be Uploaded on the application webpage for Senior Fellowships ( or Junior Fellowships ( and submitted by September 15, 2019; 24.00 h CET.
Info on the programme, the application and the selection process (necessary documents, guidelines on eligibility, evaluation criteria, deadline and phases of the selection procedure ) is provided in:
More information on FRIAS is available at:
For further details please contact us at FRIAS under [email protected]
By telephone: Dr. Katrin Brandt: +49 761 203 97351
Monday – Friday: 10.00 – 12.00 (CET)
Application deadline: 15 September 2019; 24.00 h CET
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Editor’s Note: Marie Curie COFUND, Marie Curie COFUND Junior & Senior Fellowships Program 2020-21, The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), make sure you check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the life science industry.