India Biodiversity Awards 2020 – Cash Prize of Rs. 2 & 5 Lakhs
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, National Biodiversity Authority, United Nations Development Programme, India Biodiversity Awards 2020. Interested and eligible can check out all of the details on the variety of categories and with a cash prize of Rs. 2 Lakh and Rs. 5 Lakhs below:
This call expires in :
The India Biodiversity Awards is a joint initiative by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, National Biodiversity Authority and the United Nations Development Program. It’s an innovative mechanism to identify and recognize the efforts of individuals, communities and institutions working towards biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of biological resources, access and benefit sharing and biodiversity governance. The winners of India Biodiversity Awards 2020 will be given a Memento, a Certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 2 lakhs each for individuals and Rs. 5 lakhs each for institutions.
The first India Biodiversity Awards was jointly announced by the MoEFCC and UNDP in 2012 at the high-level segment of the Eleventh meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. After its success, the
second, the fourth and third India Biodiversity Awards was held in 2014, 2016 and 2018 respectively in partnership with the National Biodiversity Authority. Over 600 good instances of biodiversity conservation, sustainable use, access and benefit sharing and biodiversity governance were documented via the award procedure. The awards had been institutionalized by the National Biodiversity Authority in 2017. UNDP continues to serve as a Knowledge Partner.Attention: Applications such as India Biodiversity Awards 2020 shall be made in the prescribed format given below and sent to NBA either by email to [email protected] or via post to Secretary, National Biodiversity Authority, TICEL Bio Park, Taramani, Chennai — 600113. Applications received through any other means won’t be considered. Applicants can also submit videos and images regarding their work.
Table of Contents
Category 1
The award recognizes the effort of an institution towards conservation of wild species, restoration and management of their habitats for accelerating prevalence of species that are endangered.
Conservation of domesticated species
There will be two awards in this category- one each for an individual and an institution for the efforts in conservation of domesticated species through successful management of habitats stimulating significant reduction in threat level.
Category 2
Sustainable Use of Biological Resources
The endeavours for sustainable utilization of biological resources and efficient all-natural resource management are recognized. 1 award each will be given to individuals and institutions under this category.
Category 3
Replicable Mechanisms for Access and Benefit Sharing
The award aims at honouring individuals/ institutions whose projects augmented noteworthy financial and/or non-monetary equitable sharing of benefits out of the utilization of biological resources with stakeholders and communities concerned.
Category 4
Best Biodiversity Management Committee
Applications under BMC category should be forwarded through State Biodiversity Boards]
There’ll be one award in this category. This award aspires to appreciate Biodiversity Management Committees for the exemplary work in documentation of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge; generating awareness; establishing best practices in biodiversity conservation, sustainable utilization, social and gender equity and empowerment and equitable sharing of benefits.
How to apply
- Download the application form from the site (
- Fill in the necessary information within the prescribed word limit.
- E-mail the completed form to the email identification: [email protected]
- In the event of people who Cannot access the internet, hard copies of these completed forms are also accepted which are to be sent to the following address
Last date to send in the application forms is 15 October 2019.
Applications received through any other means will not be considered.
For further details, please contact:
India Biodiversity Awards 2020 Help Desk
(10 AM to 4 PM on Working Days)
Phone number: Tel: 91-44-2254 1071
E-mail id: [email protected]
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Editor’s Note: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Biodiversity Awards 2020, National Biodiversity Authority Awards 2020, United Nations Development Programme Biodiversity Awards 2020, India Biodiversity Awards 2020. Check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the life sciences industry.