Career Options In Govt Sector After Msc Biotech / Life Science
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Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job – Msc Life Science Jobs

At last, career planning in India is slowly and steadily waking up and has started to take notice of the life sciences. Newspapers are dedicating entire sections to the breakthroughs in the biological sphere — from advancements in stem cell technology to GM foods and oil-spill cleaning bacteria, this field is making waves like never before, with a wide variety of career options. So, if you are passionate about biology, a medical college is not the only career option to consider! A career in Life Sciences is a unique blend of knowledge, innovation, discovery, and science. The subject traces all the traits of origin to evolution and development of living beings and discovers theories that aid the human race and the environment in diverse manners. One can opt for Life Science not only as a career opportunity but as a means to serve humanity.

Getting a good job in the Government sector is a dream come true for many. There are numerous Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs available. It all depends on your knowledge & job search strategy. One stands a chance to get a good job by passing the

various exam conducted by – PSC, UPSC and SSC (Staff Selection Commission).

Government jobs are something that not only the citizens need, but also are important for the entire nation. Government jobs are the only option for stable pay to people and stable running of the system. Hence this whole process of selecting people to fill into the job sector doesn’t come easy. That’s what the Public Service Commission does. Public Service Commission Exams are mainly conducted to recruit people for a different governmental job position within the states. Public Service Commission conducts exams for Biology candidates as well like – The Indian Forest Service Exam – (IFS) Exam.

The pattern of PSC exam is almost similar to the Union Public Service Commission, i.e. prelim + mains then interview. However, the syllabus may vary from state to state. The exams are conducted separately and differently for various government job posts, starting from a lower level of posts to high-level posts. Eligible candidates are then shortlisted and then are later made to write the next level of exam. The process goes on according to the priority of the job.

Some of the common govt employment areas for candidates seeking Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job are listed below:

  • Medical laboratories
  • Testing Laboratories
  • Seed and Nursery organizations
  • Biotechnology Firms
  • Government Colleges
  • Agricultural Research Organizations
  • Botanical Survey
  • Hospitals
  • Medical research
  • Food Institutes
  • Wildlife and Fishery Departments
  • Public Schools

Science and Research: SRF/JRF/PA

One sector that will never ever see a latent phase in hiring is Science and Research sector. Presently, India is under a massive need for science and research employees to carry out their experiments/patents/technological researches, etc. This particular sector offers unprecedented growth, financial security and professional growth. There are over 10,000 jobs for science and research students/candidates, with much flexibility offered to especially women job seekers.

With a masters degree in life sciences, one has two academic options:

1. To settle down as an Associate Professor, leading to assistant professor and finally to Professor[depending on the university norms].
2. Pursue Ph.D. as a junior research fellow and senior research fellow – obtain a Doctorate degree in 3+2 years and then Settle down as Scientist.

For both of these, clearing a national level exam NET/SET (SLET) is a must. After which, the candidates can apply for a Government research institute.

Scientific/ Education Officer

They need to work in coordination with the State Director and the Senior Education Officer to effectively and efficiently roll-out the certain science-related programmes at the Government Schools, where they have to liaise with the State Government Dept. of Education in starting the program, manage and coordinate with Principals and Teachers for active implementation, organize training, workshops and EcoFest and also need to monitor the timely and efficient implementation of project activities by the Teachers according to the agreed/ approved work plan.

Govt Organizations Hiring JRF/ SRF Scientific/ Education Officer: DBT, DST, SERB, Several Govt sector Schools like Kendriya Vidyalaya, Navodaya Vidyalaya, NCERT Hire for this post frequently. Candidates with experience in the field. Candidates with PhD degree are preferred.

CSIR NET Qualification is mandatory in order to match the eligibility criteria for Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job. All Govt organizations hire candidates for research job based on CSIR-NET / ICMR JRF / DBT / GATE qualification. 

Laboratory Manager

Job profile includes maintaining lab equipment performance by establishing quality standards, creating operations, quality, and troubleshooting processes. They have to ensure staff compliance, certify instrument performance and arrange for equipment replacement, service, and repair. A lab manager also maintains equipment supplies inventory, checks and determines inventory level, anticipates needed supplies, places orders for supplies and verifies receipt of supplies while coordinating with purchase department.

Govt sector Organizations Hiring Lab Manager:  THSTI, CDSA- THSTI, All Research Labs under CSIR hiring Lab Managers very frequently. Candidates with Masters degree in Life science / Biotech or candidates with a bachelors degree with experience are considered for this post.

Application scientist

They need to create SOPs, train technical staff and manage them for efficient delivery of the technical services. They are also expected to carry out method development and assist the user with data acquisition and interpretation. Provide teaching assistance to students and trainees wherever required.

Govt Organizations Hiring Application scientist: All ICMR & CSIR Institutes Hire Application Scientists. THSTI – CDSA, IBAB, Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), DBT are also among the top hiring Govt Organizations for Application scientist post. Candidates with Masters degree in Life science/biotech are preferred but with 3-5 years of experience. Fresh PhD candidates and Experienced candidates are mostly desired.

Technical officer

This job profile includes validating equipment and methods as per the SOPs for the various technical processes, Carrying out testing of samples as per the SOPs, and maintaining equipment in a qualified state and provide technical services to the consumer scientists.

Jobs in Govt Public health sector

This job profile will demand concurrent monitoring of the Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey, supporting in supervision and monitoring of field monitoring activities in each zone. This is a good employment option for high performing professionals with a desire to serve the public health needs of the country with the requirement of extensive travel to various states for oversight monitoring visits.

Senior Pharma Associate

They are involved in handling DPCO(Drug Price Control Orders) / DPEA / overcharging cases along with other related work assigned in NPPA, The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority, a government regulatory agency involved in controlling the prices of pharmaceutical drugs in India.

Govt Institutes hiring Senior Pharma Associate – Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) is the top hiring institute for this post, along with other institutes that fall under Ministry of science & technology. ICMR institutes also hire for the post of Senior Pharma Associate. Masters with Life science degree / Pharma degree / Chemical Science degree is preferred for this post.

Wildlife Conservationist

Typically employed by governments and NGOs, wildlife conservationists are involved in protecting wild animals and their habitat from destruction. It is a great career opportunity for people who love the outdoors. A degree in Wildlife Conservation and Biology is the definite launchpad for a career in this field. A good grasp over biology and geography is essential.

Marine Biologist

Studying the degradation of ocean environments and offering solutions for sustainable development is what a marine biologist does. They will definitely find employment with governments, NGOs and academic institutions, for specific functions such as product development and formulation of new processes. Core skills required are the appreciation of marine life, scientific temper, curiosity, and data analysis.


Generally employed by government agencies, NGOs and research organizations, the job of an ecologist is to study ecosystems and make a record of the plant and animal life that thrives in the area. Ecologists get a chance to divide their time between working indoors and in the field. Their studies help policymakers devise plans for sustainable development and utilization of natural resources. Ecologists can find careers in conservation and forestry. Foresters oversee and protect forest environments by directing recreational, environmental, economic and conservation activities. Conservation scientists help farmers and government agencies to conserve water, soil, and other natural resources. Ecologists in research positions collect and analyze soil, food, water, and air data. One of the core skills for an ecologist is to have an appreciation of nature and wildlife, love of the outdoors, good presentation and communication skills, observation skills.

For Wildlife Conservationist, Marine Biologist & Ecologist post one must apply @ Various institutes under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – Like Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI) & Wildlife Institute of India (WII).

  • Successful Forensic Science graduates can also find a lot of opportunities in government agencies, hospitals, and laboratories. It depends on one’s area of specialization.

Apart from these, some non-traditional Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs are also available in the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Successful graduates of the course are lucratively hired in both private and government sectors, with an initial average annual salary ranging between INR 2.5 and 7 Lacs, depending upon the candidate’s expertise in the field.

Regulatory affairis a subject that deals with the regulation of medicines that may be devices, active ingredients, biologics, formulations as well as intermediates. It is controlling the aspects of quality, safety, efficacy and manufacturing practices of drugs, by government bodies with the help of acts and legislation. The procedural and scientific guidelines are always routed through the relevant legislation. One also has a prospect in this field.

Patent examinersIn this field, you could work as a patent examiner or patent lawyer (patent attorney). Usually, patent examiners are employed by the Government to review patent applications and decide whether to grant them or not. As a patent examiner, one can be searching for literature and patent databases to determine if the application is innovative and meets the requirements for a new patent

Top Government Organizations / Institutes Hiring Biotech / Life Science Candidates :

  • Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt of India and one of its public sector enterprise – Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
  • DRDO-DEBEL (Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory)
  • The Directorate of Forensic Science Services (DFSS), a nodal organization of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India
  • Various institutes under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – Like Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) & Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
  • Centre for Cellular And Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), an initiative of Dept of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, running cutting edge Life Science Research and Innovation.
  • CLINICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AGENCY (CDSA), a unit of THSTI, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India
  • Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), an academic institution established by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India having regional and global partnerships to synergize with the programs of UNESCO as a Category II Centre.
  • Government of India, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers
  • The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), one of the oldest and largest medical research bodies in India, for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research, funded by the Government of India through the Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), a National Centre of the Government of India, under the umbrella of the Department of Atomic Energy
  • IIFPT – Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur.
  • The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, a system of central government schools that fall under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
  • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  • Govt of Karnataka, EMPRI – Environmental Management & Policy Research Institute
  • Punjab State Council for Science & Technology – PSCST
  • Bharat Immunologicals & Biologicals
  • ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC)
  • NCERT – National Council of Education & Research Training
  • Central Silk Board – Ministry of Textiles – Govt of India
  • Tea Board of India
  • National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS)
  • Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – eg: National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS)

Apply For Govt Sector Msc Biotech Jobs Here

Competition is very tough to get a Government job as lakhs of candidates applies for just a few hundred seats. While hard work definitely is the key to get success, possessing some additional skills may take you the extra mile.

Government research jobs will require the independent ability to carry out secondary research, ability to write proposals and carry out project management where necessary, ability to search data sources to cull relevant information. And very importantly candidates must possess strong analytical skills and be self-initiated and self-driven. A thirst for knowledge is required in order to keep oneself updated; in research, a determination to succeed is certainly a required characteristic. The most important attributes students need to have interests in biological sciences and creative thinking. Computational skills and IT experience can also be helpful

Some Govt sector job recruitments have very specific needs such as certificate courses/lab hands-on training/internships or even desired work experience in the required field.

  • School teaching jobs/ Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) – Biology will require a B.Ed degree or equivalent qualification from a recognized University. Candidates also will be expected to have at least some basic computer skills. While government lecturer jobs may demand comprehension of the education system and teaching methods with classroom teaching experience.
  • Experience in monitoring and/or management of public health program or community-based research project may be a requirement for public health sector jobs.
  • Understanding of the issues faced by specific Life Science sector, and having adequate knowledge of policy and regulatory landscape are also important.
  • Some technical jobs may require the candidate to possess the ability to gauge industry needs and represent them in a cogent form to the relevant stakeholders.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills are always icing on the cake for any job. Along with which, one should also possess good coordination abilities with Industry, Government, multilateral and bilateral agency, consultants, etc.
  • Proficiency in the local language may also be a contributing factor for some of the state-specific jobs.
  • A forward-looking attitude, resourcefulness, and initiative are facets that are always desired in any potential candidates.
  • Analytical, communication and interpersonal skills are valuable skills that every aspirant should cultivate.
About the Author
Ms. Urmimala Ray, one of the finest faculties at BioTecNika, loved and idealized by a lot of students. Her fluent narration, upgraded knowledge, and hardworking nature are most talked about. She has been an ardent follower of all latest innovations in the field of Bioscience.

Keywords: Govt Sector Msc Biotech Job, Govt Sector Msc Life Science Jobs, Career Options In Govt Sector After Msc Biotech / Life Science, Govt Biotech Job list, Govt Life science Job List, Govt sector jobs in Biotech, Govt Sector Jobs in Life Science, To Govt organisations hiring biotech / Life science candidates.

Perfection is her hobby, Reliability is a synonym, Editing is her passion, Excellence is her Goal, Tactfulness is in her genes, Yellow is her Fav color. Preety is the name of the Professional on whom entire BioTecNika relies when it comes to its website. A Gold Medalist in Biotech from SRM University, Chennai with a 9.9 CGPA ( was awarded the Gold Medal by Honorable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi , as seen in the pic ), She decided to join forces with BioTecNika to ensure India's largest BioSciences Portal expands its reach to every city in India. She has redesigned the new avatar of BioTecNika from scratch and heads the most dynamic, vibrant and well informed Online Team at Biotecnika Info Labs Pvt Ltd


  1. Will u pls know us the respective website for above all government gobs……..

  2. I’m pg in biotech .will u plz guide me what to do next for getting good job in govt./ Private sector

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