CSIR NET Expected CutOff For June 2019 Exam + Question Paper Analysis
Another study year has passed and lakhs of students appeared for CSIR-NET Life Science. They had prepared throughout the year carefully examining the important questions and the pattern from past year question papers. Many of the students also went through rigorous training with CSIR coaching centers. The D-day has already passed and they know where they exactly stand in relation to their career growth, as CSIR brings an opportunity to be a part of research labs and fulfill one’s dream to be a lecturer in a reputed institution. Many of the students found this year question paper to quite difficult compared to last years’.
Let us make a quick analysis of this year CSIR question paper with respect to the syllabus, expected cutoff, and level of difficulty.
Part A – which consists of aptitude and reasoning-based questions was mostly easy this time with a little bit of trick. Eight questions could be solved easily with the help of mathematical formulae. One easy question was asked from probability. Rest of the questions needed knowledge of general science, logical reasoning, and deep-thinking approach. Simple physics and geometry-based questions were also witnessed
.UNIT 1 – As expected in CSIR NET June 2019 Exam questions were asked from Enzyme kinetics, pH buffer, thermodynamics, biochemical pathways, proteins, and nucleic acid. Match the following type questions were also in Part C. As always, a lot of weight has been given to this unit. To our surprise, there was no numerical from enzyme kinetics. Level of difficulty was medium to high.
UNIT 2 – Questions from cell division, and organellar structures were easy to medium, while those from chromatin and actin treadmilling were quite difficult, both in part B and C.
UNIT 3 – There were a few questions in the CSIR NET exam asked from this unit in Part B, which were not difficult. However, part C contained a lot of questions from replication, operon, mutations, which were again more towards the easier side, with the exception of 1-2 tricky questions.
UNIT 4 – Receptor-based questions were asked in Part C, which was analytical. The level of difficulty of unit 4 was quite high, both for Part B and C. This paper was mostly based on cellular junctions and matrix, host-parasite, hypersensitivity, virology, and general knowledge related questions. Cancer therapy again had a huge weightage including difficult questions.
UNIT 5 – From unit 5, this time certain questions were asked from previously uncommon topics. Very easy questions were there from animal development, Xenopus, Hox proteins. Among plant development, part B questions were of medium difficulty level, based on anther dehiscence and stigma receptivity. Plant Cell Death and Senescence based questions were also asked.
UNIT 6 – In Part B of CSIR NET June exam, questions were asked about plant structure, hormones, N-fixation, and were quite easy. Part C consisted of difficult questions from hormones, plant respiration, photomorphogenesis, N- fixation, etc.
UNIT 7 – Most of the questions were ranging from medium to difficult in level. Analytical questions were witnessed both in part B and C. Similarly, match the following type questions were also there. Questions were asked from the cardiovascular system, hemoglobin saturation curve, etc.
UNIT 8 – Easy to difficult levels of questions were asked about pedigree analysis, mutations, LOD score, and probability, However, overall this part was easy to attempt.
UNIT 9 – This unit received a lot of attention from examiners this time in CSIR NET exam. Most of the questions were difficult. Questions were direct, based on cladistics, animal and plant classification but required a lot of factual memory.
Unit 10 and 11 – Questions from Unit 10 were mostly of the medium difficulty level. However, q. no. 123, based on the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model was very difficult. Questions from Unit 11 were in a range from easy to medium. Hardy-Weinberg was once again given due importance. New concepts were introduced, especially in Unit 10.
Unit 12 – Part B had quite easy, memory-based questions. Few questions were observed from transgenic plants and T-DNA in Part C, which were quite difficult. This seems like a warning to all those who take unit 12 as an option. A deeper understanding of recent research work is required.
Unit 13 – Fluorescence was given due regard both in Part B and C this time in CSIR NET June 2019 Exam. Questions were difficult and tricky, which also required a basic understanding of the topics from almost all the subunits. Analytical questions were observed from the topics- NMR, microscopy, patch clamp test, electrophoresis. Numerical was observed from Beer-Lambert law. In each exam, patch clamp seems to be an important part with the need to have an only basic understanding. Only 1 easy question related to Normal distribution was there, as far as statistics are concerned.
So, now we know the level of complexity of this year June CSIR-NET-Life Science question paper.
It is assumed that since the level of difficulty was high, the cut-off is going to be lower. The LS cut-off score is expected to be 48%, while the JRF cut-off score is expected to be 55%, for the general category.
Download CSIR NET June 2019 Answer Key Here
Also, the number of fellowships awarded and those qualifying this exam are expected to reduce. However, one thing is sure that the level of difficulty is going to rise year after year. The syllabus is also not restricted to the limits of CSIR, in fact, one has to go through recent updates via research papers and review articles. This also implies that proper guidance is going to be mandatory for upcoming CSIR exams.
Keywords: CSIR NET Expected CutOff, CSIR NET June 2019 Expected Cut off, CSIR NET Cutoff for June 2019 Exam, CSIR NET June 2019 JRF expected Cut off, CSIR NET June 2019 LS Cutoff.
Sir I want paper code B answer key plz provide me
Paper code B plz
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I want csir net code B answer key hold on 16june,2019.. immidiately…
Hlo..sir I want to take pdf file of csir net code C answer key hold on 16 june 019..