NIBMG Integrated MS-PhD Admissions August 2019
The National Institute of BioMedical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani has announced Integrated MS-PhD Admissions for August 2019. Interested and eligible candidates with a relevant background. Check out all of the details on the overview, the eligibility, selection procedure and application details below:
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Information for Students Interested to Pursue Integrated MS-PhD at
The National Institute of BioMedical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani
NIBMG is pioneering an Integrated MS-PhD program launching in August 2019. Students Admitted to the program will need to undergo compulsory Master’s coursework during The first two years. Including Master’s projects to be completed in a research laboratory (s) Under the mentorship of NIBMG faculty, during the third and fourth semesters. Following the Completion of coursework, students eligible to continue for the PhD shall undertake thesis Research and may submit her/his thesis not earlier than 5 years from admission and no later, than 7 years from admission.
Research at NIBMG:
Research activities at NIBMG are centred around a common Theme of understanding human health and disease with emphasis laid on gaining Biological insights into disease mechanisms using clinical samples and appropriate Disease model systems.
NIBMG is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies that include Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, genetic engineerings such as CRISPR-Cas DNA editing labs, FACS, low and Higher resolution imaging facility, upcoming Zebrafish, small animal and proteomics facilities.
The broad Regions of research pursued at NIBMG are:
- Biomedical Genomics and the functional implications in the context of:
A. Cancer
B. Infectious disease
C. Chronic disease - Computational Biology and Statistical Genomics
Minimum Eligibility: Indian nationals with a minimum 55% aggregate marks (or an equivalent grade point average) in Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Biological Sciences are eligible to apply for admission. Students from the SC, ST, OBC (non-creamy layer), and PWD categories shall be given a relaxation of 5% marks. Students In the last year of their qualifying degree program will also be eligible to apply, provided They produce proof of having secured the necessary marks in their undergraduate Degree program in the time of interview.
Selection Process: Candidates applying for admission into our Integrated PhD Program would need to qualify one of those 3 examinations (in the present year), based on The screening cutoffs to be determined by NIBMG
- Joint Graduate Entrance Examination for Biology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (JGEEBILS conducted by NCBS/TIFR): Exam held in December 2018
- JAM 2019 (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc., 2019 conducted by IIT Kharagpur) for Biology (BL)
- Joint Admission Test for M.Sc., 2019 conducted by IIT Kharagpur) for Biotechnology (BT).
Candidates who meet the minimum eligibility requirements and have appeared for any of The aforementioned exams may apply online and will be shortlisted for interview if their scores in JGEEBILS or JAM (BL) or JAM (BT) are higher than the cutoffs to be determined by NIBMG. Final selection will be based exclusively on the candidate’s Interview performance.
The number of seats: At most 10 students will be selected for admission yearly. There Will be reservation of seats for students from SC, ST, OBC and PWD classes in accordance with the regulations of Govt. Of course India in this respect. Certificates from Relevant authorities need to be provided as proof prior to the interview.
Curriculum: The course curriculum has a blend of theoretical courses, practical (hands-on), laboratory courses, and projects in research labs. The first semester courses will Focus on basic biology like Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Principles of Genetics etc.. the Second semester will introduce Human Genetics and Genomics, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and the biology and genetic aspects of human diseases Such as cancer, infectious and complex diseases. Each student can undergo”research Rotations” in up to 3 labs of their choice during the first year. The third semester includes few Courses like Research Methods, Scientific Communication, advanced genomics Courses along with some part-time research project under an assigned supervisor. The 4th semester consists completely of a full-time research project under an assigned supervisor. Those eligible to continue into the PhD shall normally continue Thesis Research in precisely the exact same laboratory from the 5th semester.
Fellowships: The students admitted to this program will likely receive a fellowship of Rs. 16000 (rupees sixteen thousand only) per month for the first 2 years of this program. After completion of this course work (first two years of this program), students shall Undergo comprehensive evaluation by a Review Committee. On being recommended For continuation in the PhD program, the student shall be awarded the NIBMG PhD Fellowship JRF/SRF (equal to this doctoral fellowship offered from different financing Agencies according to the applicable Govt. Of India guidelines), for up to five years. Continuation of Fellowships will be contingent upon maintaining satisfactory performance in coursework And study.
Early Exit: If a student wants to discontinue the course after completion of Master’s Coursework at the conclusion of semester 4, they’re able to do this after the successful conclusion of a Master’s Thesis at the conclusion of Semester 5. Students opting from the program will qualify For an MS degree only after securing a CGPA of at least 6.5 (out 10) and satisfying All other Institute needs as stipulated by the competent authority.
Hostel Facilities: On campus, shared accommodation facility can be obtained for all Admitted students on payment of prescribed fees; it’s compulsory for all (unmarried) Students to stay in the Hostel during the entire course of study. For details about the Amenities available at NIBMG hostel please see
Fees: There are no application fees (only online applications are accepted through
An academic administration fee of Rs. 5,000 will be payable by every student at the Start of every semester. For all the first 3 semesters, There’ll be a tuition fee of Rs. 6000 payable at the start of the semester. A monthly fee of Rs. 2500 will be charged For the hostel accommodation. For that continuing from the program with a PhD. Fellowship (JRF/SRF), just House Rent Allowance as applicable will be deducted. Medical fees (currently Rs. 250 a month) can also be deducted from fellowship. A one-time Fee of Rs. 10,000 would be applicable during PhD Thesis submission.
Contact Details: Co-ordinator, Integrated PhD Program, Phone: +91-33-29772151, Email: [email protected]
The last date of submitting the application is 12th of June, 2019 [5 P.M.]
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Editor’s Note: nibmg admission, august 2019 admission nibmg, nibmg kalyani august 2019 admissions, integrated phd admissions 2019, integrated phd admission nibmg 2019, iPhD admissions 2019, iPhD NIBMG August 2019 admissions, admissions 2019, check out the Biotecnika Times Newsletter, Podcast and all of our social media platforms for the latest in the life sciences industry.