KVPY Program 2019
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KVPY Program 2019

The notification for the National Fellowship For Candidates Interested in Research Career via the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Program 2019. KVPY Program 2019. Interested and eligible Indian Nationals can check out all of the details on the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Program. KVPY Program 2019.

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The KVPY Fellowships have been awarded to Indian Nationals to Study in India (Students planning to pursue/pursing undergrad program below Distance Education scheme/correspondence course of any university aren’t eligible to apply).

Stream SA: Pupils registered in XI Standard (Science Topics ) throughout the academic year 2019-20 and having procured a minimum of 75 percent (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE topics from the X Standard Board Examination.

The fellowship of those pupils chosen under this flow will be activated only if they join an undergraduate course in Basic Sciences (B.Sc. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S.) in the academic year 2021-22 after having procured a minimum of 60 percent (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in Science subjects in the XII standard/(+2) Board Exam. During the period of one year, they’ll be encouraged for the National Science (Vijyoshi) Camp and their travelling expenditures and local hospitality will be fulfilled by KVPY.

Stream SX:

Students enrolled in XII Standard/ (+2) (Science subjects) during the academic year 2019–20 and aspiring to join undergraduate program in Basic Sciences namely Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology leading to B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. for the session 2020–21 provided they have secured a minimum of 75% (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/ Biology) in the X Standard Board Examination during the academic year 2017-18 are eligible to appear for the Aptitude test.

The fellowship of the students selected under this stream will be activated only if they join an undergraduate course in Basic science (B.Sc./B.S./B.Stat./B.Math./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S.) in the academic year 2020-21 after having secured a minimum of 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII standard Board Examination during academic year 2019-20.

Students in their 2nd year of research at Cambridge International Examination Board and aspiring to join an UG program (viz. B.Sc. /B.S./B.Stat. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S.)at Basic Sciences namely Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology at the Academic year 2019-20 are eligible to apply provided they have secured a minimum of 75 percent (65% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) from the X Standard Board Exam. They need to secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) from the XII standard Board Exam prior to taking up the fellowship if granted.

Stream SB: Pupils registered in the 1st year of undergraduate curriculum in Basic Sciences specifically Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics & Biology resulting in B.Sc. /B.S./B.Stat. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S. throughout the academic year 2019–20 and having procured a minimum of 60 percent (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate in MATHEMATICS and SCIENCE subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) in the XII Standard Board Exam. At the 1st year closing evaluation of B.Sc. /B.S./B.Math.  /B.Stat. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S. they have to secure 60% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks prior to taking up the fellowship if granted.

Empowerment initiative at the KVPY Fellowship Program:

  1. A particular number of additional fellowships exclusively for its pupils belonging to SC/ST community below the numerous streams as mentioned previously will be worked.
  2. A definite number of fellowships under different streams as mentioned previously will be operated only for pupils under the class of Persons With Disability (Physically and Visually Challenged).

Students enrolled in an undergraduate class in Basic Sciences, in other words, B.Sc. /B.S./B.Stat.  /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /Int. M.S. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Marine Biology, Geology, Human Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Geophysics, Materials Science or Environmental Science qualify for KVPY fellowship.

Renewal/Continuation of Fellowship:

The Fellow continues to study Basic Science courses in school/junior college/university, and maintains that a minimal level of academic performance of first course or 60 percent (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate or equal grade points along with the pupils must pass all the subjects prescribed for that academic year (2 semesters in the event of session system) and should have got the above specified percentage of marks. In the course work, in every academic year, the marks/grades might need to be certified by the Dean or Head of the Institution. The fellowship will be stopped if the above-mentioned marks/grade isn’t obtained. But when the fellow passes all of the topics and obtains greater than 60 percent ((50 percent for SC/ST/PWD) marks at the following years, the fellowship may be revived only from this year onwards, again using the state that the fellow ought to obtain 60 percent (50% to SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate each year. This can be effective from 2012 awardees onwards. The Student is eligible to get the KVPY fellowship up to Pre-PhD degree or 5 years whichever is sooner.

Along with the above, involvement and satisfactory performance from the Summer Camp at the first Summer and year job each calendar year thereafter is necessary for the renewal of their fellowship.

KVPY Fellows who choose out of their simple science (B.Sc. /B.S./B.Stat. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /M.S.) stream at any point will forfeit the Fellowship and Contingency Grant forthwith.

The fellowship for those students chosen under the stream SA/SX/SB is going to soon be started after the XII Standard/ (+2) / I year UG, just if they pursue an undergraduate class in Basic Sciences, who are, B.Sc. /B.Math. /Int. M.Sc. /M.S. in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Ecology, Molecular Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Biotechnology, Neurosciences, Bioinformatics, Marine Biology, Geology, Human Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Sciences, Applied Physics, Materials Science, Environmental Science or Geophysics.

Summer program:

Participation and decent performance in the summer programme/Project every year in the second year (B.Sc. /B.S./B.Math. /B.Stat /Integrated M.Sc. /Integrated M.S.) admissions in an academic Institution of National or worldwide repute or some DSIR approved research labs (in the event of private laboratory or associations ) is required for renewal of their Fellowship. The report on the summer programme /project along with the evaluation report by the mentor is going to need to be forwarded in addition to the training course performance certification etc. renewal purpose from the second year of B.Sc. /B.S./B.Math. /B.Stat /Integrated M.Sc. /Integrated M.S. program.

Additional Privileges:

Every KVPY Fellow will be issued an Identity Card in order to get access to National Laboratories/ Universities that have consented to extend exceptional privileges such as the library, lab facilities, etc. to KVPY Fellows on the production of their ID card.

Our Goal:

We expect that the award of the Fellowship to a pupil functions as an encouragement and motivation to take up research in a topic in B.S. (Basic Sciences) of the liking that compels the pupil to pick out a research profession.

How to Apply:

Aptitude Test: After evaluation of application forms and fulfilling the eligibility standards for a variety of streams, all qualified students will be called for ability test conducted in Hindi and English at various centres throughout the country on Sunday, the 3rd November 2019.

Admit Card

Pupils may obtain the admit card for the aptitude test out of the site from the second week of October 2019.

Interview: dependent on the performance in the aptitude test, short-listed pupils will be requested to appear for an interview that’s the last phase of the selection process.

Application for KVPY-2019 must be done online only.

  • There are three steps to complete your application successfully.
  • Step 1. Registration
  • Step 2. Filling personal and academic details, choosing test centres and uploading photo, signature and other certificates, as applicable.
  • Step 3. Payment of application fees.  Please note that you must pay the application fee only at the  KVPY application portal. This can be done by using a Credit Card, ATM-Debit Card or Net Banking. No other means of payment will be accepted.  Once the payment is successful and application is submitted, no refund of application fee will be done
  • The application fees for KVPY-2019 are as follows:          For General/OBC Category: Rs. 1000,  For SC/ST/PWD: Rs. 500 (Bank Charges extra)
  •        It is strongly recommended that the candidates carefully read the instructions given on the KVPY website before filling the online application. The steps are described in detail here.

Important Dates:

  • Opening of online application portal: 8th July 2019
  • The date for closing of online application: 20th August 2019 at 5:00 PM
  • Download Admit card: the Second week of October 2019
  • Exam Date: 3rd November 2019

Support Helpdesk Details:


CALL ON 080 – 22932975/76, 080- 23601008 & 080 – 22933536

Email to [email protected]


* Saturday and Sunday are Holidays.

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Editor’s Note: KVPY Program 2019, kvpy 2019 official notification, kishore vaigyanik protsahan yojana (kvpy) notification, KVPY Program 2019, kvpy announcement. Check out all of the details on Biotecnika – subscribe to the Newsletter and also follow us on all of our social media like Twitter and Facebook. And check out the Podcast that we have for free listen on SoundCloud.

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