DBT & DAE Govt of India Collaborate For Cancer Research Advancement
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DBT & DAE Collaborate For Cancer Research Advancement

MoU for Joint Collaboration on Cancer Research Between DBT & DAE – Govt of India

An MoU has been signed in between the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) Focusing On Cancer Research Advancements. The two Govt bodies under this MoU will be supporting joint collaborative Cancer research programs. While signing the MoU, Dr. Renu Swarup – Secretary DBT and Shri K N Vyas – Secretary DAE will unitedly work hand in hand to tackle Cancer. This MoU will have quite an impact on the current Cancer research scenario in India.

This collaboration is expected to strengthen further the initiatives taken in the field of cancer research & development. Strategizing and prioritizing the development of new technologies to battle cancer & jointly funding clinical trials will be one of its core aims.
Furthermore, the clinicians shall coordinate with the researchers for the development of r&D [programs and public health initiates to educate the mass public.

Also, activities like Joint workshops on clinical research methodologies & Join clinical research fellowships will be in place providing the researchers a common platform to utilize their skills in the best possible way to eradicate cancer from

the society.

Under this DBT & DAE Collaboration, Tata Memorial Centre will represent the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) acting as coordination center on behalf of – The National Cancer Grid of India.

Official Press Release By PIB

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